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42 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

So, based on your sample of, er, one supermarket, this is all blown out of proportion? OK< then..

FWIW, I was in three yesterday in order to get milk, spuds and bread on my way home between half three and five.

First - Sainsbury's. City location, large store, just smaller than the ones that have a clothes/homeware/electricals area. Condition: absolutely raped. No fruit, very little veg*, absolutely no bread of any description.

Second - Tesco. Out of town loction, "Extra" store (two floors, cafe, all the clothing/electrical/homeware stuff). Condition: Moscow, 1975.  Almost completely stripped. Tinned goods - occasional bashed tins rolling around otherwise bare shelves. No bog roll, kitchen towel, nappies. About half a dozen boxes of various cereals in that isle. Empty freezers, no milk at all (even that UHT shite). NO CHEESE- no fucking cheese of any kind, from plastic singles to deli stuff. BUT plenty of ISB bread products (including some reduced - 2 chocolate croissants for 42p? Go on then) and I snaffled what appeared to be the last bag of Maris Pipers in an otherwise bare produce area, otherwise only populated by "baby" potatoes.

Third - Co-Op. Local village, standard small co-op. Obviously carries a more limited stock than the two previously mentioned, but seemed to have plenty of the usual. Short, but not out, of milk. No semi-skimmed, so I had to go for full-fat. That's all I needed, so no idea what the bogroll/pasta situation was. Mission accomplished, and home.

An hour after I got home, Mrs WRK arrived with two four-pinters of semi-skimmed, which she'd got at the same co-op. Seems they are replenishing little and often. Good effort on their part, I think.

*Peas and sprouts.. Badoom, tish!

Is that French for "aisle"?

Asking pour un ami.

Edited by Jacksgranda
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4 hours ago, pandarilla said:

I disagree.

It's f**k all about britishness - it is a humanity thing though. And as much as the blitz spirit is massively overhyped it DID EXIST.

Community is what will see us thrive this and help us out the other end. People supporting each other.

If you want to stick to science alone then good luck finding complete consensus. And just to be clear for those who don't understand nuance I'm not discrediting science. Not even close. I've essentially been self isolated for two months due to chronic illness, and every night i hook up to an iv drip for 12 hours so curfew is already normal for me. I follow the scientific guidance very closely, but even then the medical professionals do not know everything. And they often disagree.

The leadership of this country is currently following the best scientific and medical advice they have and we are not on lock down. When we are people will generally obey it (give it take the numpties).

There's an immaturity in the thinking that anyone who is outside in a non essential location is a selfish old c**t who doesn't give a f**k about anyone else. It's simplistic and childish.

I work in a school and from what i can see people are generally following advice, and getting on with life. Sometimes folk panic and worry but generally with a helpful chat they calm down and we get through it... Together.

Your right that Community and togetherness would help us but the post you replied to is also correct - so far as a nation Britain is showing very little of it - we appear to be a nation of I'm all right Jacks who will trample on the women and kids to get to the lifeboats !

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3 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

Dad cheerfully telling me when HE got his hair cut YESTERDAY the lady doing it was wearing a mask. He's also away off to play golf. Also these restrictions are a lot of nonsense and they should just let it tear through the population and the strong will survive. He's 78.

Drop him back off at the care home m8.

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The video from the hospital in Bergamo is sobering as f**k.
I don't think it's sunk in yet with some people how bad this could be.

Right. I’m beginning to think the UK might have to make lockdown compulsory.
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4 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

Non, c'est Anglais pour, "I'm still not getting 100% from my left hand post-stroke and am less than infallible when proof-reading". :)

Image result for mick mccarthy gif(Apologies if I have misread your post - I know you've had health problems but I didn't think you'd had a stroke.)

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5 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

Dad cheerfully telling me when HE got his hair cut YESTERDAY the lady doing it was wearing a mask. He's also away off to play golf. Also these restrictions are a lot of nonsense and they should just let it tear through the population and the strong will survive. He's 78.

Don't see what's wrong with playing golf as long as he stays out of the club house. Don't really get the advice to stay indoors and not even go for a mooch around in the park if you're high risk.

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Don't see what's wrong with playing golf as long as he stays out of the club house. Don't really get the advice to stay indoors and not even go for a mooch around in the park if you're high risk.

I’d think golf would be very high on the list of exercises (if that’s what it is) folk at risk can do. Walking the dogs and playing golf might be the only two sports at the next Commonwealth Games.
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5 minutes ago, Savage Henry said:


I’d think golf would be very high on the list of exercises (if that’s what it is) folk at risk can do. Walking the dogs and playing golf might be the only two sports at the next Commonwealth Games.


They were talking about that on Radio Scotland this morning. Just advising the auld yins not to bother raking the bunkers or addressing the flag and not to shake hands or go to the bar after. 

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