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3 minutes ago, HibsFan said:

Likewise don't have anything against him personally, but it's been a window into Britain's deeply disturbed national psyche from the second he burst onto the scene.

When you think about it, the county was applauding a centenarian doing laps of his garden to raise money for a collapsing welfare state.

How the f**k does that sit right with people? :lol:


All day fucking long this.

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1 minute ago, Les Cabbage said:


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2 hours ago, Aladdin said:

I think that is a slightly optimistic view of government performance over the last 11 months.

Initial decision making to lockdown in March 2020 - shambles

Discharging of care home residents from hospital - shambles

Managing of borders early in the pandemic - shambles

Messaging over the summer - shambles

Test & Trace - utter, utter shambles given how key it was to avoiding however many versions of lockdown we have had since summer

Allowing in person learning at universities in September - shambles (and probably more of a contribution to the second wave than in person learning in schools)

Circuit breaker lockdown - shambles

Relaxation of rules over Xmas - shambles

"They've just done what they thought was best" implies some fucking serious errors of judgement that were called out at the time.  The above is just a select highlight reel.

But apart from that...

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28 minutes ago, Elric said:

That was what I was discussing with the wife earlier today - without extra time added will schools be able to catch up. Have noticed the difference in my oldest grandchild, she was doing well in class but now seems lost.  Perhaps they should consider this year a complete right off and repeat the year for all. Would prove a heavy impact for P1 with kids coming through from nursery though

Imo there's crucial years and the rest is pretty nebulous. For me, p1, p7, s1 and the certificate years in high school are so important. The rest is kind of treading water to an extent and with kids working at different level and speeds it's not too much of an issue to catch up. 

Once you start hitting exam years though and there's a finite amount of time to cover a certain amount of content, there's definite issues. I suppose this is one of the main considerations in bring back the secondary kids they're planning - meanwhile AFAIK the data still suggests that really young kids aren't at any real risk, so the balance is tipped towards having them in. 

I'm not at all concerned about my p4 son, when it comes down to it they'll all have missed more or less the same amount of school, so it's not like we've been flying round the world for 3 months and he's missed loads that he'll never be taught. Like I say though, my 5 year old has missed a lot of foundation building stuff, and no matter how able he is compared to his peers, that's an issue. If he was to be off for much longer I would be more worried, but (with my limited knowledge) I think it's salvageable. Obvs primary teachers in here might have a different opinion though. 

Of course, none of this considers the potential effect of the virus on the various groups of adults that are required to keep a school running tho. 

As for the logistics of entire year groups re-doing a year, I'm not even sure that would be possible. What would happen with the new p1 like you say? Anything like this would have real knock on consequences for schools for, what, 12 years to come. I reckon they'll try just about anything before considering that. 

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9 minutes ago, HibsFan said:

Likewise don't have anything against him personally, but it's been a window into Britain's deeply disturbed national psyche from the second he burst onto the scene.

When you think about it, the county was applauding a centenarian doing laps of his garden to raise money for a collapsing welfare state.

How the f**k does that sit right with people? :lol:

Excellent post.  The U.K. is truly fucked up.

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28 minutes ago, philpy said:

That's yer captain tom popped his clogs.

Be quite fitting to get his corpse hitched to a dozen drones and do a flyover of the whole nation. Maybe have him flanked by spitfires. State funeral afterwards at the absolute minimum. 

Suspect his daughter will set up a gofundme soon to help "give him the send off he always wanted". In Bali. 

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