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Talksport is the same. You'd think Auld Lizzie herself had croaked.

Some people will almost certainly be viewing this as a dry run for the next member of the royal family.
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15 minutes ago, HibsFan said:

Likewise don't have anything against him personally, but it's been a window into Britain's deeply disturbed national psyche from the second he burst onto the scene.

When you think about it, the country was applauding a centenarian doing laps of his garden to raise money for a collapsing welfare state.

How the f**k does that sit right with people? :lol:

Yup. Very well put. 

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3 minutes ago, madwullie said:

Imo there's crucial years and the rest is pretty nebulous. For me, p1, p7, s1 and the certificate years in high school are so important. The rest is kind of treading water to an extent and with kids working at different level and speeds it's not too much of an issue to catch up. 

Once you start hitting exam years though and there's a finite amount of time to cover a certain amount of content, there's definite issues. I suppose this is one of the main considerations in bring back the secondary kids they're planning - meanwhile AFAIK the data still suggests that really young kids aren't at any real risk, so the balance is tipped towards having them in. 

I'm not at all concerned about my p4 son, when it comes down to it they'll all have missed more or less the same amount of school, so it's not like we've been flying round the world for 3 months and he's missed loads that he'll never be taught. Like I say though, my 5 year old has missed a lot of foundation building stuff, and no matter how able he is compared to his peers, that's an issue. If he was to be off for much longer I would be more worried, but (with my limited knowledge) I think it's salvageable. Obvs primary teachers in here might have a different opinion though. 

Of course, none of this considers the potential effect of the virus on the various groups of adults that are required to keep a school running tho. 

As for the logistics of entire year groups re-doing a year, I'm not even sure that would be possible. What would happen with the new p1 like you say? Anything like this would have real knock on consequences for schools for, what, 12 years to come. I reckon they'll try just about anything before considering that. 

I actually enquired about if it would be possible my youngest to repeat P4. She’s a feb baby but at the time she needed school. P1 teachers all knew her as we collected from class, her sister was in P1 and nursery had nothing left to offer her.

Her concentration is shot to bits. Had I known global pandemic etc etc

My son is 12.5 and in P7 (deferred September birthday) he’s had no transition at all but he’s doing the core tasks fine. His dyslexia is becoming more pronounced but that’s more to do with complex and longer written work rather not being in school. 

The middle ones great (p5), work done, learning new concepts.

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2 minutes ago, madwullie said:

Be quite fitting to get his corpse hitched to a dozen drones and do a flyover of the whole nation. Maybe have him flanked by spitfires. State funeral afterwards at the absolute minimum. 

Suspect his daughter will set up a gofundme soon to help "give him the send off he always wanted". In Bali. 

Some excellent posts but THIS has to be the best so far, I've literally got tears running down my face in utter hysterics.

Keep up the good work, although I do find it rather ironic that this has cheered us all up much more than any walk around a garden ever could !!

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4 minutes ago, John Lambies Doos said:

I find it quite sad tbh. Despite all the media frenzy and bravado on here, a 100 yr old man who spent his last yr giving his time to charity has died.

He's had a good innings, no sadness from me about anyone dying at that age. 

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"Captain Tom Moore defended by Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby over Barbados trip as he fights Covid in hospital – Metro" https://metro.co.uk/2021/02/01/captain-tom-moore-barbados-trip-defended-after-trolls-attack-14001571/amp/


You are all vile trolls. 🙄

Not sure a 25+ degree change in temperature is a good shock for a frail 100 year old respiratory system. 

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