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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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3 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

Its come from a report from Chinese scientists.

Its also been reported by Chinese scientists that the virus has been around since November/December, and didnt start in the seafood market, that's simply the furthest back they can trace it without knowing exactly who "patient zero" was.

They published a report 5 years ago on how they created a bat coronavirus capable of infecting humans - https://www.nature.com/articles/nm.3985

Scientists compared that to the current virus, and it's a 96% match.


People can fully believe a coronavirus randomly mutated to spring across to humans from bats, something the report from 2015 says would take hundreds of years to evolve, if they like. I'm more liable to believe a lab with a history of security mistakes leaking viruses, who had a near identical virus held within, is the real cause. WHO and the Chinese Government have both commented this year on the need to improve security and these buildings.

A 96% match means f**k all.

We share 80% of our DNA with cattle.

Well, folk from Perth do.

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9 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

Its come from a report from Chinese scientists.

Its also been reported by Chinese scientists that the virus has been around since November/December, and didnt start in the seafood market, that's simply the furthest back they can trace it without knowing exactly who "patient zero" was.

They published a report 5 years ago on how they created a bat coronavirus capable of infecting humans - https://www.nature.com/articles/nm.3985

Scientists compared that to the current virus, and it's a 96% match.


People can fully believe a coronavirus randomly mutated to spring across to humans from bats, something the report from 2015 says would take hundreds of years to evolve, if they like. I'm more liable to believe a lab with a history of security mistakes leaking viruses, who had a near identical virus held within, is the real cause. WHO and the Chinese Government have both commented this year on the need to improve security and these buildings.

You posted to say we are all going to get HIV. 

I dont think that's helpful is all. 

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1 minute ago, MixuFixit said:

This 'it was leaked from a sekret gubberment bunker' trope comes up every time something like this goes on. When the Skripals were poisoned Craig Murray and that lot were saying it was a false flag and it came from Porton Down.

I know folk need to build links and patterns but that's a specific human failing and sometimes stuff just happens.

Tend to find its like brexit too. People repeat this shit if it suits their agenda either way.

American media journos have been regurgitating Chinese government propaganda because they hate Trump. Its bonkers. 

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37 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

Covid-19 apparently a 96% match to a man made coronavirus from Wuhans Viral Research Facility. The only bats with even close to a match are over 600km from Wuhan, and the facility has a sister branch situated across the road from a seafood market...

I'm not understanding this 600km comment at all. It's pretty simple to transport goods including food these days. 

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10 hours ago, Ludo*1 said:

It's weird living through the biggest world event since WWII. What else comes close in terms of genuine worldwide pieces of history? Spanish Flu, Plague, WWI and possibly this round out the top 5 world events since our calendar was formed?

you've not lived through it yet

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9 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

Richard Ebright is the one who's making all the claims about it.


There’s absolutely nothing in the genome sequence of this virus that indicates the virus was engineered,” Richard Elbright, professor of chemical biology at Rutgers, said to Washington Post.
“The possibility this was a deliberately released bioweapon can be firmly excluded.


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Guest Moomintroll
No, I call drawing sweeping generalisations about the hygiene and diet of a country of over a billion people racist.
I can see both sides here Marshy, wet markets are an absolute disgrace.
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8 minutes ago, Dee Man said:

I'm not understanding this 600km comment at all. It's pretty simple to transport goods including food these days. 

...and they get Pangolins from west Africa 🤷🏾‍♂️

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7 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

This 'it was leaked from a sekret gubberment bunker' trope comes up every time something like this goes on. When the Skripals were poisoned Craig Murray and that lot were saying it was a false flag and it came from Porton Down.

I know folk need to build links and patterns but that's a specific human failing and sometimes stuff just happens.

It used to be easy, just God punishing us for being bad. Some people can't handle the "shit happens" explanation so they twist all the evidence to make it look like a bad man or men did it deliberately.

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2 minutes ago, jagfox99 said:

...and they get Pangolins from west Africa 🤷🏾‍♂️

My missus told me she was going to make baked potatoes for lunch today but I told her to stop being ridiculous as the closest potato growers to here are a few hours drive away.

Silly bitch. 

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1 minute ago, Dee Man said:

My missus told me she was going to make baked potatoes for lunch today but I told her to stop being ridiculous as the closest potato growers to here are a few hours drive away.

Silly bitch. 

Get her to bake a pie, you know the rest of the drill...

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