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As of Friday I open the Church of Moonster and we will be having our first service in my fucking living room, this Friday night. Applications for membership are now being received. Requirement of membership is the ability to afford and transport a crate of Tennents from your home to the place of worship. PMs now open. 
I think "Moonies" is taken though...
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32 minutes ago, Detournement said:

Football clubs can't get their fans that attend matches to sit down, not let off pyro, not bring drink in and not smoke and take gear in the bogs. But they are meant to stand down thousands of young guys who have been bored out their tits for a year and planning a title celebration for months with a fucking tweet. 


The thing is if Rangers had sent one tweet urging fans to go home, in amongst their plethora of Champion55!1!1!1 pish then the government couldn’t have criticised them anything like as harshly as they have. It likely wouldn’t have made a difference, correct, but they would have escaped a lot of criticism. Simple PR smoke and mirror exercise. 

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The thing is if Rangers had sent one tweet urging fans to go home, in amongst their plethora of Champion55!1!1!1 pish then the government couldn’t have criticised them anything like as harshly as they have. It likely wouldn’t have made a difference, correct, but they would have escaped a lot of criticism. Simple PR smoke and mirror exercise. 

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Do we think we'll get a full roadmap this time? Or another "that's May covered, come back in a month and we'll discuss June" type job?
Given that they said that it's data not dates then that won't happen either way.

You'd assume that next Tuesday will be a clear description of what each tier will look at and possibly an announcement of when tiers will be announced.

The announcement on what tier people are in will include the date it happens from - with 3 week reviews for changing tiers thereafter.

The only thing on dates that I think is guaranteed is that things will happen a lot earlier than they initially stated.

That's not just due to the vaccine and hospital numbers but the political reality of an election in May.
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1 hour ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:
2 hours ago, super_carson said:
Trying to avoid a full heads-gone at the places of worship one.  I get the religion is important to a lot of people, I get that churches, mosques, synagogues etc. all do good work in their local community and I also understand that there are religious festivals coming up. 
But at the same time, is it not wrong for the government to start cherry-picking what indoor socialising is acceptable, while preaching to us about the science?  It either is or isn't "safe" for 50 people to meet indoors with social distancing/masks, so why allow it for certain reasons but not others if this is a purely scientific decision? All of the arguments made for places of worship could be be applied to any number of clubs or organisations who will continue to be closed for some time.  
Just to balance the frustration at that policy, I am pleased for there at least to be acknowledgement that further easing can happen should the data continue to go the way it is currently going and that vaccines appear to be reducing not only hesitations and deaths, but transmission too.  Will be interesting to see what the route-map looks like next Tuesday.  

The road map next Tuesday is what matters - having a heads gone over today really is pointless.

In the grand scheme of things you’re right that what matters is the announcement next week. However I disagree that we should just accept that mass gatherings of 50 people at a time, daily, in places of worship being put ahead of things that actually contribute significantly to larger numbers of people’s lives and livelihoods. It’s really quite a disgraceful decision.

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Did enjoy Sturgeon getting stuck in to the Govan knuckledraggers. Rather than tell us she has no interest in Celtic I'd have loved her to say "You're no voting c***s anyway so I don't care if I offend you!". Reckon she'd have gained a few more votes tbh.

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38 minutes ago, Detournement said:

I think that all the Holy Willies that are greeting about the police doing nothing are missing that the police probably wanted them all in George Square where they have tactics for dealing with protests rather than celebrations popping up all over the city which would have had more potential for violence. 

People power always wins when they go onto the streets in large numbers.

You do realise that was happening as well, don't you? The police didn't bother dealing with that either.

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It is quite nonsensical that in the 21st fucking century a bunch of weirdos who probably think earth was thrown together in a week and gloss over stuff like the Dinosaurs are getting to gather in public first. Having said that, they'll be gathering with 49 other utterly boring b*****ds.

I'm more interested in next week, the detail on the Tiers (or Tears). I'll reserve my potential for volcanic seethe at that point. If, for example, I cannot f**k off from a local authority with low infections rates (Angus) to another one with low infection rates (Highland) for a week in May to basically undertake an activity which is largely about getting the f**k away from other people (Hillwalking) on hills which most other casual walkers won't touch with a 10 foot fucking bargepole, I'll probably have a massive headsgone. 

I don't give a shiny shite how politically motivated or expedient it is with the election in mind, I fully expect a considerable re-opening of stuff in mid-to late April. On the plus side if they don't open things up to any great degree and keep listening to that god-bothering fucking dentist then I won't have to bother my arse visiting the Independence thread for a few years.

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24 minutes ago, Rugster said:

The thing is if Rangers had sent one tweet urging fans to go home, in amongst their plethora of Champion55!1!1!1 pish then the government couldn’t have criticised them anything like as harshly as they have. It likely wouldn’t have made a difference, correct, but they would have escaped a lot of criticism. Simple PR smoke and mirror exercise. 

For me and this might be unpopular given the website, but id bring in strict liability for football clubs, they should be responsible for the actions of their fans in the immediate environs of their ground etc. Celtic and Rangers have pandered to the arsehole element of their support giving them wee special areas of the ground to sing their bile from, emboldening them and their behaviour. Bring in proper procedures with independent oversight (ie clear evidence of sectarian singing or racism , crowd disorder etc and the stand gets shut) if it continues its behind closed doors or some other measures. Have the sfa or spfl lead it in conjunction with the authorities. If something like that was brought in and properly implemented without pandering to these types then it would almost solve the problems overnight. 

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The thing is if Rangers had sent one tweet urging fans to go home, in amongst their plethora of Champion55!1!1!1 pish then the government couldn’t have criticised them anything like as harshly as they have. It likely wouldn’t have made a difference, correct, but they would have escaped a lot of criticism. Simple PR smoke and mirror exercise. 
They are so deeply entrenched in their bitter paranoia, and tear stained siege mentality from board down to armchair fan, that they pathologically cannot act in a rational way even in the face of clear, open and shut mass law breaking by their fans.

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2 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

For me and this might be unpopular given the website, but id bring in strict liability for football clubs, they should be responsible for the actions of their fans in the immediate environs of their ground etc. Celtic and Rangers have pandered to the arsehole element of their support giving them wee special areas of the ground to sing their bile from, emboldening them and their behaviour. Bring in proper procedures with independent oversight (ie clear evidence of sectarian singing or racism , crowd disorder etc and the stand gets shut) if it continues its behind closed doors or some other measures. Have the sfa or spfl lead it in conjunction with the authorities. If something like that was brought in and properly implemented without pandering to these types then it would almost solve the problems overnight. 

Works for me. 

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I see we're at that surreal point again where the Government/weirdo advisers believed they could actually control someone not taking a shite in their friend or family's house if needing while in their garden. Just remarkable.

Granted, there will be some oddballs out there who would actually let the state micromanage their every move. Anyway, enough about that, who's for evening prayer?

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Kids being back at nursery = me having a cold for over a week now. [emoji24] One of the only good things about lockdown is how well I've been for a year. 
When my son started back at school in August he (and eventually myself) developed a cold almost immediately.

It was the first time I had felt remotely unwell since before lockdown.
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2 minutes ago, Rugster said:

Works for me. 

We all know that besides a couple of very small isolated incidents most clubs would have absolutely no issues and do have no issues with crowd control. Im not proposing shutting down stadiums cos one guy was pishing in a garden or something, the serious crap that the old firm essentially get away with in their grounds and around about and almost enable could be effectively called out and if they dont like it they can f**k off. 

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