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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Just now, RandomGuy. said:

Yeah, this. I've been really lucky through this so won't pretend to know how bad its been for others, and apologise if I'm being selfish/insensitive, but it really feels like we're now at a stage where lives need to be risked again.

I'm not really sure anymore who the restrictions are actually protecting? The "vulnerable", as far as my limited knowledge goes, are all either dead, had their first vaccine, or well aware on how to increase the chances of avoiding the virus at this stage.


Not quite there yet but very close.  That’s assuming you’re talking about JCVI 1-9 where 99% of deaths have occured.

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1 hour ago, virginton said:

Was it? Would opening barbers and gyms cause an uptick in cases? Not a 'reduced fall': an actual uptick

More laughable shite from yourself.

Even you are at it. You liked this pretendy new word so much you typed it twice.

What's wrong with increase?  Note you didn't call the reduced fall a downtick.

You;ll be using the word simps next


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5 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

He's finally painted himself into his own spiteful, bitter wee corner, still concentrating on case numbers when everybody and his dog agree that actually, it's the hospital and ICU numbers that actually matter. Not to worry, I'm sure he'll find a new target for his ire - any bets? My money's on those old fuckers going on their SAGA cruises while he's stuck in his mum's basement.*

Yours, post-Covid and one jag in, WRK.

*Like he ever comes out anyway.

Everybody and their dog... other than the Scottish Government you mean?

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1 minute ago, Left Back said:

Not quite there yet but very close.  That’s assuming you’re talking about JCVI 1-9 where 99% of deaths have occured.

Yeah was what I was getting at. You wonder if something like that shouldve been the "deadline" to begin restrictions being removed nationally. Once the vulnerable have their first jabs done, you begin the process of moving away from restrictions and accept the consequences that'll appear in the first month or whatever. 

People will get it, and get ill, but the majority should be people who recover without serious medical care, if any at all.

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28 minutes ago, madwullie said:

Yeah it been shit for them. Worst thing is they're so innocent and naive. We can rationalise shit, and will be able in some ways to come to terms with stuff, or get our heads down and get on with it understanding its a process and there is an end point. They've had their lives as they know them ripped to shreds and its not even really possible to make them understand why, especially the young ones. My 5 year old has never experienced normal school, and I'm not even sure he remembers what normal life is like. 

Kids are really resilient though, unbelievably so at times, so just have to hope they come out the other side with not too many scars. 

Add in my kids are also young carers in some ways for me and I’ve had roughest 5 months in a long time it’s not been fun. Last three weeks been easier as youngest got extra hub days which settled her.

My younger two can’t just go kick about with pals, we don’t live in school catchment so no one about. They’re at dads at weekend which limits things like park meets. The older one did get to go play outside bone afternoon last week when it was dry and the wee soul was just buzzing after. 

Yes they are resilient and yes all sectors society have had it rough. It’s not one upmanship, it was parents sharing experiences of impact on their kids.


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33 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
58 minutes ago, virginton said:


What the f**k are you wittering on about. I wasn't comparing schools with barbers, you are basically arguing with yourself here. Usual moon howling nonsense.

You still haven't answered my question champ.

Another day, another 6-0, 6-0 shoeing on this thread for Billy Jean.

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19 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

He's finally painted himself into his own spiteful, bitter wee corner, still concentrating on case numbers when everybody and his dog agree that actually, it's the hospital and ICU numbers that actually matter. Not to worry, I'm sure he'll find a new target for his ire - any bets? My money's on those old fuckers going on their SAGA cruises while he's stuck in his mum's basement.*

Yours, post-Covid and one jag in, WRK.

*Like he ever comes out anyway.

^^^ idiot found

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Here's a question: my dog was up getting her haircut at the woman up the road today. Woman was saying her best pal just died of covid through the week there - had been on a ventilator since before Christmas and I think it had been pretty clear for some time she was on her way out. Anyway, will she be counted in the death stats given the 28 day rule? Do they keep testing you on hospital if it's clear you're still fucked with it, or is there another measure that she will be counted in if not the main one that's announced daily? 

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1 hour ago, virginton said:

We have literally chucked overboard the same restrictions that prevent any other group in society gathering indoors safely, to provide schooling until that wishful thinking exercise predictably failed. We've also waived just about every restriction on gatherings 'fur the weans' and just magically pretended that they won't pass it on to family members afterwards. We've also just waved through one utterly useless set of exam results as legit, and are now relying on teacher's best judgment for this year's lot, so that's exam/result stress eased as well. 

Other than toddlers not going to some piss-stained soft play centre and being in school 30 hours per week, it really has not been 'entirely fucked up' at all. That's been specially reserved for the 18 year olds up who have been subject to literally every single restriction while being chucked on the scrapheap. 

I wouldn't disagree with you on the exam fiasco, but primary aged kids missing 6 months off school will have a long-term effect.  I think the balance of risk, certainly with primary children, supports them going back.  I don't know a single person with kids under 12 who doesn't think it's been a fucked up year.


Edited by O_Kahn
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You still haven't answered my question champ.
Another day, another 6-0, 6-0 shoeing on this thread for Billy Jean.
I have zero idea what your "question" was. All I saw was a rant about barbers v schools which you invented then started arguing as if you had adopted a position based on someone else's opinion but hey ho nothing new there then. Anyway you'll be back in attending to the boiler and mopping up the spilt packed lunches again now the kids you love so much are back in your workplace. Enjoy !
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3 hours ago, Snafu said:

Jason Leitch saying the entire adult population will need a booster jag every year.

Ok so going by how long its taking to get through the adult population with this vaccination program will the booster program start in July or August every year?

Not complaining about the current speed, we are very lucky but has this future ambitious plan been thought out?

Can they not just stick to the first 9 groups?

Will there be enough numbers to make up vaccination teams every year to make this booster program work if all adults have to be done?



Leitch: Adults will need Covid booster jab every winter

Jason Leitch said the entire adult population could be given a dose of the vaccine each winter.

Very first line "could" safe to ignore this madness, you could maybe see the need for a booster in the winter of 2022 for those who receive the flu Jag, but once the entire world has been vaccinated why on earth would you vaccinate 4 million people for something they will probably survive? 

The brains looking at this would be far better spending their time looking at ways to improve lifestyle and diet of Scots.

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While I appreciate and understand the need for things like this, I can't wait to see what bogeyman tales come from these types of studies.

Hopefully there are fair comparisons which can be drawn with all other respiratory viruses, and that they receive the same attention and focus in academic research.

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15 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Two thousands retweets, five thousand likes.

Ffs, I could've bought a shitload of stuff including a tank and hovercraft with that £500k


Tory kunts.

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Just now, bennett said:

Ffs, I could've bought a shitload of stuff including a tank and hovercraft with that £500k


Tory kunts.

Even if Tommy had his calculator working you still could have bought Rangers a fair few times ;)

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