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It is abundantly clear we need to lift the restrictions on outdoor gatherings immediately.

This legislation is now being used to silence legitimately peaceful acts that carry no risk of infection. That a fucking vigil for a dead woman was not permitted to take place is absolutely crazy. 

At some point, we need to accept that outdoor gatherings are not risky activities, and treat them appropriately. This has gone way too far now.

Edited by G51
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2 minutes ago, G51 said:

It is abundantly clear we need to lift the restrictions on outdoor gatherings immediately.

This legislation is now being used to silence legitimately peaceful acts that carry no risk of infection. That a fucking vigil for a dead woman was not permitted to take place is absolutely crazy. 

At some point, we need to accept that restrictions on outdoor gatherings are not risky activities, and treat them appropriately. This has gone way too far now.

^^^ wants Old Firm game to go ahead and fans to be able to show their loyalty. 😉

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2 hours ago, craigkillie said:

Maybe I was being a bit unfair in singling you out just because you defended some fairly obnoxious police behaviour earlier in the thread - I appreciate that doesn't mean you'd necessarily defend this too.

I'm just incredibly pissed off to see the police in this country yet again behave reprehensibly, particularly because deep down we all know they'll get away with it yet again.

I personally dont think ive defended anything outrageous. Im not here to defend any organisation if i dont think theyre right. I think that theres some situations the police find themselves in where whatever happens someone will be unhappy or they have to do the least harmful thing but some harm will occur. Ive said that I was a PC and been open and honest about my experiences, ive had to do things that people objected to and I understand why people get upset, but i’ve understood why i’ve had to do them and conducted myself in a way that i’ve tried to be professional and cause as little upset as possible. I dont agree with what the Met did tonight, I do agree that what happened up here although subject to criticism here was the best way to prevent mass disorder (and no i dont mean drinking in george square and the mess), I believe the Met should have allowed the vigil and asked the crowd to do their best to spread out. I feel genuinely uncomfortable discussing the case as previously stated because of the likely defence tactics but hope to offer an opinion after its concluded. 

There are some bad people in the police, its not for me to defend them or their actions unless I agree with them (ill offer my own opinion), I find (and people may disagree) that these people get found out quickly and dealt with, people have bad experiences with the police, i’ve had bad experiences with the police, but I dont generalise. 

Theres a lot of strong feeling about things which have happened and ultimately a lot of frustration going around over lockdown and everyone’s having a shit year, so I understand frustration. I’ve never hidden away on this website and taken a bit of stick from people who were mistreated by people i’ve never met or probably havent been in that job for decades. Im not going to make excuses for Derek Chauvin or whatever because its inexcusable, I support the general view point of the BLM movement (with the exception that I dont believe every police officer is racist or that funding should be cut), i’ve worked my adult life trying to make women feel safe, promoted welfare and equality and empowerment and dealt professionally with people who have committed unspeakably evil acts. There will be people who whatever you do or say will not be swayed from their viewpoint and thats fine and if having a go helps them vent then fair play to them. Ive kept off the other thread in terms of posting because of the reasons stated above and will probably continue to do so because its maybe better i do given folks are angry, so excuse me for maybe discussing some things out of context on here. 

Edited by Inanimate Carbon Rod
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21 minutes ago, G51 said:

It is abundantly clear we need to lift the restrictions on outdoor gatherings immediately.

This legislation is now being used to silence legitimately peaceful acts that carry no risk of infection. That a fucking vigil for a dead woman was not permitted to take place is absolutely crazy. 

At some point, we need to accept that outdoor gatherings are not risky activities, and treat them appropriately. This has gone way too far now.

Meanwhile in Normal Island Johnson is going to lift outdoor restrictions and Patel is going to ban any sort of public dissent. 

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5 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

Meanwhile in Normal Island Johnson is going to lift outdoor restrictions and Patel is going to ban any sort of public dissent. 

It's going to be a hell of a fight to get the government to give up some of the emergency powers they've become accustomed to.

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It is abundantly clear we need to lift the restrictions on outdoor gatherings immediately.
This legislation is now being used to silence legitimately peaceful acts that carry no risk of infection. That a fucking vigil for a dead woman was not permitted to take place is absolutely crazy. 
At some point, we need to accept that outdoor gatherings are not risky activities, and treat them appropriately. This has gone way too far now.

It didn't last week.
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10 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

I strongly feel that this would not be constitutional and a legal challenge would be successful. 

Even if it's watered down I think we'll be continuing on a trend of making any sorta vaguely threatening public dissent liable to face the full force of the law and the carceral state. The public already fucking hate any sort of disruption no matter how peaceful it is. 

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9 hours ago, Binos said:

General commentary on this thread is

Bauld bad

Srivdar bad

Leitch bad

Van tam good

Whitty good

Scottish cringe in full effect

It's nothing to do with that. 

Whitty takes part in the same kind of adverts in England Leitch does up here. Down there, people view him the same way people do Leitch up here. 

Scientist says things people disagree with. People dislike the scientists message. Scientist is a shit scientist. That's ll that's happening here. 

If we were as exposed to him as they were, and he was behind the ear of those making decsions here, we'd see the same attitude towards him that we see towards Leitch and sridhar 

You just need to search sackchriswhitty on twitter to see for yourself. This isn't some mad speculation or niche social investigation I've done here. 

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It's nothing to do with that. 
Whitty takes part in the same kind of adverts in England Leitch does up here. Down there, people view him the same way people do Leitch up here. 
Scientist says things people disagree with. People dislike the scientists message. Scientist is a shit scientist. That's ll that's happening here. 
If we were as exposed to him as they were, and he was behind the ear of those making decsions here, we'd see the same attitude towards him that we see towards Leitch and sridhar 
You just need to search sackchriswhitty on twitter to see for yourself. This isn't some mad speculation or niche social investigation I've done here. 
Leitch isn't a scientist or the CMO.

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2 hours ago, Bob Mahelp said:

Thanks Rod. I was aware of that, but my parents are not in such bad health (well, my dad is, but my mum cares for him)  that I could legally call myself their carers.

They're about 90 mins away, and I've seen them once in the last 4 months. 

I'm not man who wants to break laws, but my dad won't be around for ever and I'm at the point when I'm weighing up the balance between what is legally and morally right. 

I'm afraid that if the SG insists, against all facts, figures and reason, that we have to stay locked in for another 2 moinths or whatever...I'm simply going to ignore it. 

You can definitely do what Icr suggested. I've done it for my dad. He's a shell of his former self but I don't think he'd be here now without twice weekly visits from me, and your mum could probably do with a bit of respite too (not that it's any of my fucking business) 

Edited by madwullie
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5 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Leitch isn't a scientist or the CMO.

You know what I meant. 

He's a public face of our pandemic response - whitty serves the same function, amongst others, down south. 

I mean, have you ever seen this and his other adverts

People say he's only in it for public exposure, that he is loving being on the telly and wants the restrictions to continue so he can stay in the spotlight. He's been wrong so many times but he's still on our TV telling us what we can't do - it's all in that hastag from last week when he reported the 30k projected deaths

It's not even just here - public facing scientists/advisors across Europe are massively unpopular in certain places, for broadly similar reasons, as most places have had similar f**k ups and most people are tired of restrictions and bad news


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20 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

Even if it's watered down I think we'll be continuing on a trend of making any sorta vaguely threatening public dissent liable to face the full force of the law and the carceral state. The public already fucking hate any sort of disruption no matter how peaceful it is. 

Theres already sufficient legislation in sec 11/12 public order act to put conditions on processions and gatherings, its quite a clear piece of legislation so im at a loss as to the need for new legislation. I genuinely think argued on the basis that its overreach and that sufficient legislation is in place a challenge would be successful.

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2 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Theres already sufficient legislation in sec 11/12 public order act to put conditions on processions and gatherings, its quite a clear piece of legislation so im at a loss as to the need for new legislation. I genuinely think argued on the basis that its overreach and that sufficient legislation is in place a challenge would be successful.

Yup. The legislation is already draconian but I think Patel just really wants to be even tougher on crime if she can.

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2 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

Yup. The legislation is already draconian but I think Patel just really wants to be even tougher on crime if she can.

You say draconian but i’ve seen it work and genuinely prevent massive problems, particularly when applied to marches which happen in the west of Scotland. 
Patel would introduce summary executions if she thought she could get away with it.

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1 minute ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

You say draconian but i’ve seen it work and genuinely prevent massive problems, particularly when applied to marches which happen in the west of Scotland. 

I'm going to go to sleep instead of saying something rude. Have a good weekend ma man.


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Out for a walk today and we met a neighbour who comes from San Francisco. She showed us videos her family had sent her yesterday from California, all out for dinner and drinks because they have limited restrictions there....despite the fact that they have higher infection rates and lower vaccination rates than Scotland. 
I'm also at this moment watching the golf from Florida, with full crowds. Despite having higher infection rates and lower vaccination rates than Scotland. 
We, in the meanwhile, are locked down in caves while our government is simply too terrified....too paralysed by fear..... to make a decision to lift restrictions and allow us even a semblence of normality. 
My mum and dad are in their late 80's, vaccinated,  in bad health, but live in another LA where legally I can't travel. If the government try to extend this restriction beyond the end of the month I'll be e-mailing them to tell them that I'm travelling to see my parents as often as possible and as much as I want. I'll also be adding that they can forget about my vote in May, and oh aye, they can f**k right off. 
Just for the record, the golf is miles away from having full crowds.
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2 hours ago, Wile E Coyote said:

The new baseball season starts in about 3 weeks. Texas Rangers have announced they will be at full crowd capacity from the first game. Stadium holds about 47,000

Wrestlemania is expected to have 75% capacity for both nights in a few weeks time in Tampa Bay. 

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16 minutes ago, Lyle Lanley said:

Wrestlemania is expected to have 75% capacity for both nights in a few weeks time in Tampa Bay. 

A particularly bad decision given the average BMI of the losers who actually watch wrestling. 

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