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1 minute ago, Bairnardo said:
6 minutes ago, 101 said:
I seem to remember from the graph they put out in January that it was coming in March/April
Bit of not so great news, although it was a bonus anyway. The UK have only just started the approval process for the J&J single shot Vax at this stage it's going to be most useful as a follow up dose for the most vulnerable or for sending to countries who have limited resources.

Aye but it could still quite easily be approved by the end of the month. Says it can take as little as 2 weeks there to approve.

Fortnight to clear it and then maybe a fortnight to get delivery takes us nearly to the end of April I guess it cod be useful getting the least vulnerable blitzed.

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46 minutes ago, true_rover said:
1 hour ago, scottsdad said:
Yep - and remember that the 5 year average is going to see a bump for the next 2 months as we factor in the 2020 excess deaths, so we could soon be well below the average.

Not so, the excess is still being measured against 2015-19 and not just in Scotland. The ONS are doing likewise for England and Wales and I would expect the same from most other countries.

Hadn't realised that - cheers.

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3 minutes ago, 101 said:

Fortnight to clear it and then maybe a fortnight to get delivery takes us nearly to the end of April I guess it cod be useful getting the least vulnerable blitzed.

Obviously it depends on supply being there, but if you had the doses, at 400k a week, you are fully vaccinating 2.8 million in a week with no fancying about for second doses. 

Think a one shot dose would be useful in tackling vaccine hesitancy especially for younger adults who might be thinking CBA with this, I dont need it. Dont know how you would ever target that though really. 

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Just now, Bairnardo said:

Obviously it depends on supply being there, but if you had the doses, at 400k a week, you are fully vaccinating 2.8 million in a week with no fancying about for second doses. 

Think a one shot dose would be useful in tackling vaccine hesitancy especially for younger adults who might be thinking CBA with this, I dont need it. Dont know how you would ever target that though really. 

Yeh good idea, depending on side effects you could even have it in places like schools, colleges and unis to young adults don't even have to make arrangements to go to the vaccine centers they can visit a drop in clinic at their leisure.

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23 hours ago, superbigal said:


Daily Cases Update:   All the people are going to be level 3 in 6 weeks time.  Never mind let's keep the stats going to see if they "deserve " it.

Scotland now has 8 LA's above 100 cases per 100K out of the total of 27 in the UK

A resurgent Stirling headed by the deadly Fallin with 44 cases in the village.  It has 35% of Stirling councils total cases.

Some real change and shuffling in Health board order as Forth valley was way out in front and now down to 4th.

Scotland peaked at 301.9 for figures 29th Dec to 4th Jan, (UK was 642.1)    Cases that day were 16,496 and test positivity rate was 11.9%  

Total Cases 7 days from 8th March to 14th March were 3,965 now 3,995 up 0.76%. Positivity was  3.3% and still 3.3%.   Cases per 100k were  72.6 now 73.1

Home Nations Daily update:  UK Average 58.9 to 59.1 up 0.34%, England 58.7 to 58.6 down 0.17% .  Wales 40.3 to 41.1 up 1.99%  , Northern Ireland 67.7 to 68.8 up 1.62%   

NHS Progress  Greater Glasgow  108.6 to 108.8 , North Ayrshire & Arran  96.4 to 102.1,  Lanarkshire 101.5 to 101.2 , Forth Valley 99.8 to 96.5 ,  the rest all under Scottish average.

European (Above 2 Million Population) Shockers: Czech 720, Hungary 517, Serbia 442, Poland 291, Sweden 267, Slovakia 259, Italy 258, France 250 showing how much worse it is in Europe.  The UK only has below it Portugal (Who were top recently !!!) and Russia.   This does seem to support the patterns where new variants hit earlier than in other places.

Council progress in last 24 Hours as follows.

Click cases by neighbourhood to see the spread on the geographical map. 


The Bad boys club Over 100 Cartel

Glasgow City  132.7 to 133.6

Stirling  126.3 to 132.7  Fallin at 1,534 becomes Scotland's no go zone

East Renfrewshire 126.7 to 124.6

North Lanarkshire  123.3 to 123.3  

South Ayrshire  123.4 to 121.7  

Renfrewshire  111.7 to 112.8

North Ayrshire  97.2 to 107.6  Bad day up above 100 with a 10.7% rise 

West Lothian 93.9 to 104.3  Bad day up above 100 with a 11.07% rise     

Under 100 Club

Falkirk  90.7 to 88.3

Midlothian 79.0 to 81.1 

South Lanarkshire  77.7 to 77.1

East Ayrshire  69.7 to 77.0  Bad day above average up 10.47%

Under Scottish Average club 73.1

Fife 66.7 to 70.4  About to kick off as a large outbreak where I am based at St Andrews University. Currently 11 and rising. Not in stats yet.

Dundee City  61.6 to 62.3

Clackmannanshire  79.5 to 56.3 Continues to plunge down 29.18%

East Dunbartonshire 54.3 to 54.3  

East Lothian 57.0 to 52.3

Perth & Kinross 42.8 to 50.7   Large rise over 20%

SUB 50 Good Guys

City Of Edinburgh  44.5 to 42.5

Highlands  45.3 to 41.1 

West Dunbartonshire  43.9 to 43.9

Aberdeen City  42.0 to 42.9     

Aberdeenshire   32.2 to 33.3

Havana & Malt Whisky club Sub 30.0

Inverclyde  28.3 to 24.4  

Moray  24.0 to 24.0  

Angus 22.4 to 18.9  Amazing stuff around Dundee down over 15% at low levels.

Dumfries & Galloway  20.2 to 17.5  Another sustaining progress at low levels down over 13%

Scottish  Borders 7.5 to 14.7       

Argyll & Bute 9.3  to 10.5

Western Isles  7.5 to 7.5  

Shetland Islands 0.0 to 4.4

Orkney Island  0.0 to 0.0 

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Regarding Five a Sides.  they are certainly currently running in Dundee at Soccerworld.
No tackling and social distancing must be stretching the bounds of reality.

I was up at the trampoline place next to there with my two in October/November time and it was still open. Are all they pitches indoors?
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Daily Cases Update:   All the people are going to be level 3 in 6 weeks time.  Never mind let's keep the stats going to see if they "deserve " it.

Scotland now has 8 LA's above 100 cases per 100K out of the total of 27 in the UK

A resurgent Stirling headed by the deadly Fallin with 44 cases in the village.  It has 35% of Stirling councils total cases.

Some real change and shuffling in Health board order as Forth valley was way out in front and now down to 4th.

Scotland peaked at 301.9 for figures 29th Dec to 4th Jan, (UK was 642.1)    Cases that day were 16,496 and test positivity rate was 11.9%  

Total Cases 7 days from 8th March to 14th March were 3,965 now 3,995 up 0.76%. Positivity was  3.3% and still 3.3%.   Cases per 100k were  72.6 now 73.1

Home Nations Daily update:  UK Average 58.9 to 59.1 up 0.34%, England 58.7 to 58.6 down 0.17% .  Wales 40.3 to 41.1 up 1.99%  , Northern Ireland 67.7 to 68.8 up 1.62%   

NHS Progress  Greater Glasgow  108.6 to 108.8 , North Ayrshire & Arran  96.4 to 102.1,  Lanarkshire 101.5 to 101.2 , Forth Valley 99.8 to 96.5 ,  the rest all under Scottish average.

European (Above 2 Million Population) Shockers: Czech 720, Hungary 517, Serbia 442, Poland 291, Sweden 267, Slovakia 259, Italy 258, France 250 showing how much worse it is in Europe.  The UK only has below it Portugal (Who were top recently !!!) and Russia.   This does seem to support the patterns where new variants hit earlier than in other places.

Council progress in last 24 Hours as follows.

Click cases by neighbourhood to see the spread on the geographical map. 
The Bad boys club Over 100 Cartel
Glasgow City  132.7 to 133.6
Stirling  126.3 to 132.7  Fallin at 1,534 becomes Scotland's no go zone
East Renfrewshire 126.7 to 124.6
North Lanarkshire  123.3 to 123.3  
South Ayrshire  123.4 to 121.7  
Renfrewshire  111.7 to 112.8
North Ayrshire  97.2 to 107.6  Bad day up above 100 with a 10.7% rise 
West Lothian 93.9 to 104.3  Bad day up above 100 with a 11.07% rise     
Under 100 Club
Falkirk  90.7 to 88.3
Midlothian 79.0 to 81.1 
South Lanarkshire  77.7 to 77.1
East Ayrshire  69.7 to 77.0  Bad day above average up 10.47%
Under Scottish Average club 73.1
Fife 66.7 to 70.4  About to kick off as a large outbreak where I am based at St Andrews University. Currently 11 and rising. Not in stats yet.
Dundee City  61.6 to 62.3
Clackmannanshire  79.5 to 56.3 Continues to plunge down 29.18%
East Dunbartonshire 54.3 to 54.3  
East Lothian 57.0 to 52.3
Perth & Kinross 42.8 to 50.7   Large rise over 20%
SUB 50 Good Guys
City Of Edinburgh  44.5 to 42.5
Highlands  45.3 to 41.1 
West Dunbartonshire  43.9 to 43.9
Aberdeen City  42.0 to 42.9     
Aberdeenshire   32.2 to 33.3
Havana & Malt Whisky club Sub 30.0
Inverclyde  28.3 to 24.4  
Moray  24.0 to 24.0  
Angus 22.4 to 18.9  Amazing stuff around Dundee down over 15% at low levels.
Dumfries & Galloway  20.2 to 17.5  Another sustaining progress at low levels down over 13%
Scottish  Borders 7.5 to 14.7       
Argyll & Bute 9.3  to 10.5
Western Isles  7.5 to 7.5  
Shetland Islands 0.0 to 4.4
Orkney Island  0.0 to 0.0 
Fog warnings abound in Angus as thick cigar smoke reduces visibility to #absolutescenes levels
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10 minutes ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

I'm not accusing anyone of anything here, but isn't Magee from Fallin?

That's a bit harsh. No-one should be accused of being from Fallin.

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1 hour ago, superbigal said:

A resurgent Stirling headed by the deadly Fallin with 44 cases in the village.  It has 35% of Stirling councils total cases.

Union Jacks fly in Fallin 24/7, 365. 

I think some staunch gatherings and celebrations might’ve been had last weekend.

Edited by 8MileBU
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Isn't Fallin a cesspool of social dystopia largely populated by Rangers fans?
Fallin is quite literally the epicentre of staunch. A horrible shitehole of pure bigotry that should be fired out a cannon capable of breaking the time barrier and sending it back to the 17th century where it could be happy
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Heard a guy on GMS this morning, a social psychologist. Forget his name. Anyway, he was giving it the stuff that we need to go really slowly because "cases" are 50 times higher than at the lowest levels last summer. 
1. We are testing much more.
2. We have a vaccine that is cutting hospitalisations and deaths. This was always the point of lockdown.
Honestly feel like some folk are moving the goalposts. Expect many stories on the Phillipines Variant today and how this means we might have to delay exiting lockdown. 
A social psychologist eh? The actual experts are having a hard enough time, so I'll file this one in the bin where it belongs.
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