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3 hours ago, scottsdad said:

Did anyone do the minute's silence thing? I didn't, and probably won't stand on my doorstep tonight waving a torch through my neighbour's window, or whatever the latest wheeze is. 

That for me is one of the narratives of the pandemic that the Tories, the BBC and the rest will always push. Clapping on doorsteps, Captain Tom, rainbows in windows, all coming together - whilst ignoring the other face of this coin, increased domestic violence, deteriorating mental health, impact on education, the economy, other forms of healthcare. You just know that for the next 20 years talking heads will be popping up talking about the spirit of the Covid pandemic as if it's something to aspire to.

Nope I didnt, for many of the reasons you listed. What about the deaths that's happened in the last year that weren't due to covid? Gestures like this makes me feel those "dont matter" as they werent caused by covid.

We're all in this together has been one of my most hated phrases from this year, along with the stay at home, save lives, protect the NHS one

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Nope I didnt, for many of the reasons you listed. What about the deaths that's happened in the last year that weren't due to covid? Gestures like this makes me feel those "dont matter" as they werent caused by covid.
We're all in this together has been one of my most hated phrases from this year, along with the stay at home, save lives, protect the NHS one

All lives matter, amirite?
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Whitty as he deletes another Sridhar #ZeroCovid mewl unread

What’s really interesting is the comments underneath the tweet, where it would appear that our English cousins have a very similar view of Whitty as some on here have of Leitch and Devi.

A prophet in their own land, and all that...
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1 minute ago, Wee Bully said:

What’s really interesting is the comments underneath the tweet, where it would appear that our English cousins have a very similar view of Whitty as some on here have of Leitch and Devi.

A prophet in their own land, and all that...

You aren't totally off the mark with this tbf.

But the main difference between Whitty and the likes of Leitch & Devi is the recent tone.

Since struggling to see through cigar smoke, Whitty has played down the issue of cases etc, and generally been quite positive about the road ahead.

Leitch, on the other hand, is as slow to update his views as always. He'll get there, but in the interim period he'll continue to say things that will turn out to be nonsense, and that everyone bar apparantly him already knows it. It's as if he forgets we have access to news from outwith Scotland.

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6 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

You aren't totally off the mark with this tbf.

But the main difference between Whitty and the likes of Leitch & Devi is the recent tone.

Since struggling to see through cigar smoke, Whitty has played down the issue of cases etc, and generally been quite positive about the road ahead.

Leitch, on the other hand, is as slow to update his views as always. He'll get there, but in the interim period he'll continue to say things that will turn out to be nonsense, and that everyone bar apparantly him already knows it. It's as if he forgets we have access to news from outwith Scotland.

While Whitty, Vallance, Van Tam, etc, still say some things that are a bit irritating, on the whole they have been pretty good ever since the news of the vaccine trials were published. Also the fact that they have always known elimination is a total nonsense has kept them a level above most of the clowns advising the Scottish Government throughout.

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Is this the same Christina Pagel that said that the lack of Flu cases over winter means we don't have to accept it as an inevitability, totally ignoring the fact we mothballed a large part of our economy for the last four months? 

P. S. Johnson's still an arse. 

Edited by Michael W
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3 minutes ago, Michael W said:

Is this the same Christina Pagel that said that the lack of Flu cases over winter means we don't have to accept it as an inevitability, totally ignoring the fact we mothballed a large part of our economy for the last four months? 

P. S. Johnson's still an arse. 

Yes, she is an independent SAGE psycho, whose views can always be filed straight through the shredder where they belong.

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59 minutes ago, Wee Bully said:

What’s really interesting is the comments underneath the tweet, where it would appear that our English cousins have a very similar view of Whitty as some on here have of Leitch and Devi.

A prophet in their own land, and all that...

Glad someone else noticed this. I've mentioned it a few times now. It's pretty standard across the continent tbh - advisors / scientists have became public personas (ae?) during this, and every man and his dog with a twitter account thinks they know more about public health than time served degree educated professionals. So when the deaths mount up, someone is to blame - then when they start to push for unpopular measures to be continued, the hounds are released. 

Literally the only criticism I haven't seen directed at whitty that Leitch and Sridhar have had (on here) is the panning of their qualifications. In fact, when speaking about his qualifications, it's more likely that they'll say he's shit at his job and his career/qualies are not worth the paper they're written on as evidenced by death rate / infections etc etc etc. Everything else is carbon copy - ideas beyond station, loves sound of their own voice, only want restrictions to continue he so the money / fame / exposure keeps coming in / constant listing of anything they've said that turned out to be BS/ magnification of mistakes and playing down of successes. 

Something else I've noticed is that people tend to deify advisors from other countries instead and gloss over their shortcomings/mistakes. If I'm being kind it's because they don't know about them, but sometimes I think it's their tunnel vision hatred for their own nation's cohort behind it. Believe it or not there's people down south (from reading twitter) who would walk over hot coals to have whitty sacked and replaced with Sridhar. 

Edited by madwullie
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Disappointing to see Gregor Smith joining forces with Sridhar to pen an article for CNN promoting a Zero Covid approach. Out of all the SG government briefing regulars, Smith is the one that's had the least to say on the matter in recent months and he often discussed his love of live music and sport on social media so I was under the impression that behind the scenes in Edinburgh, he'd be the one championing a move away from Zero Covid, especially given the views of his counterpart Chris Whitty.


It is particularly noticeable that the CMO of England and the CMO of Scotland are now openly championing different approaches.



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