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1 hour ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

There has been a somewhat sneering attitude from some here regards those in the populace who are over-cautious - that they are just "Helen Lovejoys".

Yes there will be drama queens who overplay things or hypocrites who moan about park parties whilst inviting their Facebook maws round for drinks - it happens - but I don't particularly think that they are the majority of the over-cautious.

We should not be surprised when we have governments and the MSM for the past year constantly pumping out the worst case scenario - it should be no surprise that some people genuinely are afraid. It's only recently that the news agenda seems to have shifted but even then we are still getting the overblown negative stories.

And why the hell is our public broadcaster still indulging the likes independent SAGE?

^^^ Helen Lovejoy

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Social distancing has gone everywhere except offices. We know other work places that find it difficult have just ditched it.
When the pubs are open again you will be sat with your pals, not 1m/2m away and I can't see any enforcement of that.
Drakeford can witter on all he likes the restrictions will be ditched by the summer regardless of what he says and politicians would be wise to follow that.
Just supposing there was a variant that was more serious and evaded the vaccine public compliance for the introduction of new restrictions will be 0 if you haven't released things when it's safe. 
Wish I lived round your neck of the woods, still happening in almost every setting it was meant to be down here !
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I was up speaking to my in-laws yesterday, made a point of explaining to them there was no risk whatsoever in phoning a bloody indian, explained they should start going out for walks again etc. They said "no-one is out and about" - I was like, that's not true, most people are out and about, it's pretty busy out there. "Aye, but no us" 

MiL has actually had it plus she's had one dose, FiL has had one dose 🤦‍♂️ 

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1 hour ago, Michael W said:

The press have been a genuine disgrace throughout this. How many times have they let the 'Independent SAGE' cranks away with their nonsense on social distancing etc without challenge? The only time I've really seen an expert challenged by the media was Ben Kentish challenging Sridhar over her false statement on the AZ vaccine. That this ended up prompting a strop was a huge bonus. 

The preas don't care because it gives them a nice easy headline and that's their content for the day sorted. Sure, they'll get the odd attack in about the government making an arse of something fairly minor and that's them 'held them to account'. No questions on the exit strategy, no probing of experts that stand up and tell us social distancing is here to stay and no questions as to whether the money the Government is spending on testing is actually producing results or represents value for money. 

Study after study shows the vaccines are safe, that they are effective and also that they likely stop people passing on the virus if they do get it. And yet we're still at the behest of agenda-driven soundbites about masks, distancing and above all WE JUST DON'T KNOW!!! 

We know enough from numerous studies. Time to block out the noise from the Zero Covid brigade and bring back the sunshine: no pretending and no need to make it ourselves. 

since the world pretty much ground to a halt last year they have had f**k all to report on, and a watched pot never boils, so they have more or less been inventing gossip to keep their pages ticking over

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48 minutes ago, madwullie said:

I was up speaking to my in-laws yesterday, made a point of explaining to them there was no risk whatsoever in phoning a bloody indian, explained they should start going out for walks again etc. They said "no-one is out and about" - I was like, that's not true, most people are out and about, it's pretty busy out there. "Aye, but no us" 

MiL has actually had it plus she's had one dose, FiL has had one dose 🤦‍♂️ 

If clinically vulnerable people are happy to wait for both doses then that's up to them really. There is a non-zero risk involved in that scenario so I wouldn't push too hard either way tbh. 

The idea that the whole of society must tread water until people with no proven vulnerability also feel okay about social activity resuming is not happening though. Eventually they'll just get tired of their curtain-twitching reality being completely dinghied by the majority who can cope with an insignificant risk and readjust again. 

Edited by vikingTON
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If people want back in the pub/gym/restaurant on normal terms then it's impossible to make any case for continuing to make masks in shops compulsory.

Given the limited impact of wearing proper masks and the complete non impact of wearing cloth and unrated masks I think we will eventually look back on masks as a mass hysteria. 

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6 minutes ago, Detournement said:

If people want back in the pub/gym/restaurant on normal terms then it's impossible to make any case for continuing to make masks in shops compulsory.

Given the limited impact of wearing proper masks and the complete non impact of wearing cloth and unrated masks I think we will eventually look back on masks as a mass hysteria. 

I agree that the compulsion element needs to go soon - normality must be the destination instead - but the only hysteria involved comes from those who treat masks and/or social distancing as a magical force field that will protect them and their entire families from otherwise certain death.

Mitigating behaviour changes to allow society to function at a low level until a treatment is found = no problem.

Permanent change insisted upon now that there's a stack of treatments because what's the problem anyway = get in the sea. 

Edited by vikingTON
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4 minutes ago, virginton said:

If clinically vulnerable people are happy to wait for both doses then that's up to them really. There is a non-zero risk involved in that scenario so I wouldn't push too hard either way tbh. 

The idea that the whole of society must tread water until people with no proven vulnerability also feel okay about social activity resuming is not happening though. Eventually they'll just get tired of their curtain-twitching reality being completely dinghied by the majority who can cope with an insignificant risk and readjust again. 

I do agree kinda, but having seen how permanently fucked my dad is because of lockdown, I'd rather try to encourage the in-laws (who are a fair bit younger) to get out and about, at least on walks, and especially try to calm their fears about stuff like phoning a takeaway. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if they were bleaching the life out of their shopping when they unpack it etc. Medium term they're going to have to rejoin society or rot, and I don't fancy watching them unnecessarily do the latter. 

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1 minute ago, virginton said:

I agree that the compulsion element needs to go soon - normality must be the destination instead - but the only hysteria involved comes from those who treat masks and/or social distancing as a magical force field that will protect them and their entire families from otherwise certain death.

Mitigating behaviour changes to allow society to function at a low level until a treatment is found = no problem.

Permanent change insisted upon now that there's a stack of treatments because what's the problem anyway = get in the sea. 

There was less real social distancing in shops after masks became compulsory than in the period from April to July. If they served any purpose it was simply to let supermarkets be absolutely rammed throughout this extended ongoing lockdown.

The government and the media obviously know this because they have not made any attempt to study impacts. When the German government studied masks they had to ban cloth masks from public transport because they have no effect at all.  

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Noticed Edinburgh Zoo are opening. They said they are checking postcodes and you are only allowed to visit if from Edinburgh City Council area. If the police aren't enforcing,, the zoo will.
A few places are like that. I know Blair Drummond were only letting folk with a Stirling postcode buy tickets. Knockhill racing circuit are also doing track days but only for Fifers.
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25 minutes ago, Detournement said:

If people want back in the pub/gym/restaurant on normal terms then it's impossible to make any case for continuing to make masks in shops compulsory.

Given the limited impact of wearing proper masks and the complete non impact of wearing cloth and unrated masks I think we will eventually look back on masks as a mass hysteria. 

Said it yesterday, non medical masks are at best a visual reminder, seeing everyone masked up stops people temporarily forgetting that there's a pandemic going on and allowing their behaviour to revert to type ,  other than that they appear to make little to no difference when it comes to spreading the virus , perhaps surgical masks would protect patients against many other less contagious diseases that a surgeon may have without realising, or normally harmless bacteria that would be exhaled through the nose and mouth that could be much more harmfull to a patient getting operated on.

But if your surgeon had covid I doubt the wee mask they wear would help much

Edited by effeffsee_the2nd
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23 minutes ago, Ron Aldo said:
32 minutes ago, Ekhibee88 said:
Noticed Edinburgh Zoo are opening. They said they are checking postcodes and you are only allowed to visit if from Edinburgh City Council area. If the police aren't enforcing,, the zoo will.

A few places are like that. I know Blair Drummond were only letting folk with a Stirling postcode buy tickets. Knockhill racing circuit are also doing track days but only for Fifers.

That's for the best.

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All for people starting to take personal responsibility now.  We can't have lockdown and restrictions being normalised because some people are anxious about going out and about.   If people feel they are fit and healthy enough, they should be free to go and enjoy the things that make life worth living.  If you are still concerned about being vulnerable, even after the vaccination, then that is your prerogative but it cannot be an excuse for restrictions to carry on for the rest of us.  

Undoubtedly there are hypochondriacs, but a lot of people have been subjected to fear-inducing messages from MSM and governments alike, and we are now reaping what they have sown.  This is the problem with the constant bombardment of bad news, and the media lining up scientists with increasing dour forecasts for the future.    It will take a pretty hefty shift in messaging from governments to encourage people to get back out there, and I don't think that's something governments want to do for fear for being seen to make a mistake. 


Edited by super_carson
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I only read this thread now for updates feom the guy that does the daily hits and the other guy that post the hospital numbers. apart from that. I'd like to say the the more jaks everyday not just stop deaths, but olso we come to the end of posts from fruiylups, arsehole, duown right nobodies in life from this forum.

As I always like to play tune, many will never now, some will. this is the tune of the thread. @HalfCutNinja


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When will testing and self-isolation stop being a thing? Who is going to bother their arse when 90% of the UK population is vaccinated? I get the Government and their pals need to make the most of the money they have spunked away, but surely it will only be hypochondriacs/attention seekers continuing to seek out tests come that point.

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2 minutes ago, super_carson said:

All for people starting to take personal responsibility now.  We can't have lockdown and restrictions being normalised because some people are anxious about going out and about.   If people feel they are fit and healthy enough, they should be free to go and enjoy the things that make live worth living.  If you are still concerned about being vulnerable, even after the vaccination, then that is your prerogative but it cannot be an excuse for restrictions to carry on for the rest of us.  

Undoubtedly there are hypochondriacs, but a lot of people have been subjected to fear-inducing messages from MSM and governments alike, and we are now reaping what they have sown.  It will take a pretty hefty shift in messaging from governments to encourage people to get back out there, and I don't think that's something governments want to do for fear for being seen to make a mistake. 

The thing is, from non oddballs who haven't been petrified, the pent up demand to get out and do things is huge. There will be a considerable amount of money saved up and ready to be spent by the middle classes. Sunak and co want this to happen, so just get the fucking restrictions in the bin and it will. The money I will be frittering away in bars, restaurants, and on travel in the coming months/years will be unholy. heh.png

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4 minutes ago, Elixir said:

When will testing and self-isolation stop being a thing? Who is going to bother their arse when 90% of the UK population is vaccinated? I get the Government and their pals need to make the most of the money they have spunked away, but surely it will only be hypochondriacs/attention seekers continuing to seek out tests come that point.

I think this is the first time Ive responded to you. So, take a seat a listen.

You post twitter everyday on here, where there is around 3% of the population following, less if if you include the rest of the world. 

Sure you can post, however, you extra comments have been childish to say the least.  I'm sure the guy that ways to go out and live free, I'm the same. I'm also  guy that does post shite everyday and expect everyone to agree. 

I know for one think after this shiteshow, you will move on to one or another to post your fury....good luck in life fighting the internet.

You would shite yourself if you ever out with my me.  Don't worry I'll wipe yer arse qnd we get on it again.

Take care of the people you love and love the people you don't know more. 

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