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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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It's the tone as much as anything else for me Clive. Many people will be incorrect and I wouldn't expect him to deviate from the WHO in fairness, but the arrogance/aggression combo is something else. Just makes it even more annoying when he's wrong since he's such an egomaniac.

Do you ever wonder how much of it was just subtle ploys to get people to change their behaviour? Remember how blase many people in the uk were at the beginning, untill they went full on lord of the flys obviously
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1 minute ago, effeffsee_the2nd said:

Do you ever wonder how much of it was just subtle ploys to get people to change their behaviour? Remember how blase many people in the uk were at the beginning, untill they went full on lord of the flys obviously

We were told by the likes of Jason Leitch that we didn't need to lockdown and mass events could keep going ahead. The UK approach was very much an outlier in European terms and it is safe to say that it went very badly.

Given that this was from our "experts", people were entitled to take it at face value and carry on as they were. 

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42 minutes ago, Michael W said:


That inquiry is warming up nicely, isn't it? Genuinely painful seeing this sort of thing from experts that are still in their positions having gotten it so badly wrong. 

Leitch is another example of an "expert" acting like a voice of authority on things they do not fully understand.

As much as I loathe the likes of Sridhar and Leitch, the enquiry should focus on why "experts" were allowed to publicly air and present their opinions on topics far outwith their areas of expertise whilst passing them off as qualified facts.

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This couldn't possibly be linked to 'long Covid', could it? 😲

Posted at 9:18

The fear of illness making people quit jobs and move home

People who obsessively worry about their health have often been dismissed at hypochondriacs. But for some, coronavirus has fuelled a rise in a debilitating mental health condition known as health anxiety.

In March 2020, Ben quit his job as a bus driver. Whenever he was off shift he couldn't stop thinking about how one of his passengers must have had Covid-19 and infected him.

Within a fortnight, Ben had moved out of his family home in Birmingham and into in an empty student house that his friends had left. "I kept thinking about being in a place where no-one was going in or out," he says.

Despite leaving home and quitting his job, his anxiety about getting infected still dominated his thoughts. Ben was experiencing health anxiety.

'Health anxiety took all logic away from me', says Cherelle FarrugiaImage.

"When people say it's just light anxiety - it almost took my life," says Cherelle Farrugia, from Cardiff, who runs a YouTube channel about living with health anxiety.

"When we first got told about this virus, it was just my worst nightmare," the 28-year-old says.

"I know everybody was inside but I couldn't even open my window. My partner would do the food shopping and I would sit there on the floor for an hour washing it. There was a real ritual over it."

Read more about Cherelle and Ben's stories here.


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13 hours ago, bennett said:

I had similar symptoms after the AZ jag for around half a day,  was completely fine the next day.

Much the same as you I feel noticeably better this morning. Still a bit sore and tired but nothing compared to last night, the shakes and shivers are away.  Was in my bed for 9. Woke up about 4 in the morning pishing of sweat like I never have before and was starting to feel a bit better I noticed at that point. I also wear a fitbit and last night noticed my bpm was about double what it normally was. It's now down to about only 20-25 more.

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1 minute ago, Arch Stanton said:

Would seem strange then that a billboard in Paisley, containing the word "Scotland" twice wouldn't have FACTS on it.

When did "UK Government Scotland" (with Scotland BELOW the UK Government for anyone looking for hidden messages) become a thing?

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Just now, realmadrid said:

Should it not have Celtic Football Club on it if its in Paisley 😀

At Perth Sheriff Court a Saintees fan has been found guilty of a bestiality charge.

Upon passing sentence the Sheriff comments "I accept that bestiality is rife in this part of the country but tell me, why did you use the missionary position?"

"I like to make eye contact when I cum" replied the Saintee.

See, I can do stereotypes too, dead easy.

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9 minutes ago, Arch Stanton said:

At Perth Sheriff Court a Saintees fan has been found guilty of a bestiality charge.

Upon passing sentence the Sheriff comments "I accept that bestiality is rife in this part of the country but tell me, why did you use the missionary position?"

"I like to make eye contact when I cum" replied the Saintee.

See, I can do stereotypes too, dead easy.

Supporters are furious that Celtic FC branding was put up at St Mirren Park  ahead of the Glasgow club's friendlies - Daily Record


Don't think it's about stereotypes,  more slagging the Middens for hanging off Celtics Boaby.

Edited by dirty dingus
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31 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

Professor of Psychological Medicine suggests that Long Covid may, in part, be psychological. George Monbiot throws toys out the pram. 


I would suggest that it is more than "in part"

If the UK Gov say "1 in 3 suffer from long covid" then you are many times more likely to believe that your lethargy is "long covid" and not a lack of exercise, poor diet, and just the effect of continued isolation in general.

Give people something to look forward to, give them back the ability to do the things they enjoy, and see how quickly "long covid" disappears.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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