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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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2 hours ago, Scosha said:

There is no way the public will comply with these rules where possible after 21st June when hospitals are empty and a HUGE amount of the population are vaccinated. These restrictions were to “protect the NHS” and “save lives” well, the NHS is now protected and less people are dying (and this will only reduce even more), due to the impact of a highly successful vaccine. 
I still take comfort from the likes of Whitty etc saying we’ll need to live with this going forward. We’ll get there! 

The sad thing is plenty will comply. You only need to look at social media pages to see the reactions from Helen Lovejoy types about people having fun at the beaches at the weekend, or folk saying "here comes the 3rd wave" because a bunch of women queued for Primark reopening. The media have made a large percentage of folk scared of their own shadow

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Someone else might’ve picked it up better, but I’m sure on BBC Scotland this morning they stated that an unvaccinated person in a house with a vaccinated person has only a 30% chance of being infected.

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3 minutes ago, mizfit said:

Someone else might’ve picked it up better, but I’m sure on BBC Scotland this morning they stated that an unvaccinated person in a house with a vaccinated person has only a 30% chance of being infected.

Yeah there was a study on transmission that's just come out:


I believe, in P&B parlance, a big photo of a cigar is required?


All joking aside, while there is still plenty doom and gloom coming out from certain scientists and media outlets it's pretty evident that the vaccines are working above and beyond what was hoped.  This *should* be reflected in even bigger drops case numbers in addition to the tiny numbers of hospitalisations and deaths.  If/when that happens, surely the pressure to bin all restrictions will become insurmountable?  


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14 hours ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:
17 hours ago, 101 said:
What do you do when your cash cow died before his 100th birthday when you already have the t-shirts printed?
Naturally you still flog them.

I assume it's the leech of a daughter that's running all this?

I think it was her running it all along yes and presumably she takes the lion share

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1 hour ago, Detournement said:


Why is he dragging his heals unless it's the line the pockets of his pals? 

He is effectively the only government left that could massively deviate from the schedule and you would imagine the data allows him to just go for it, funny they still can't get scran indoors.

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1 hour ago, Detournement said:


Anyone who actually believed that June 21 would be back to normal obviously hasn't been paying attention. '10 weeks to beat coronavirus', 'back to normal by Christmas', 'all restrictions ended by Easter'. 

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Anyone who actually believed that June 21 would be back to normal obviously hasn't been paying attention. '10 weeks to beat coronavirus', 'back to normal by Christmas', 'all restrictions ended by Easter'. 
Except none of the previous promises had a vaccine utterly smoking the virus though?

That transmission thing is knocking over the last few excuses for keeping restrictions. Shove them up their arse now for me.
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35 minutes ago, 101 said:

Why is he dragging his heals unless it's the line the pockets of his pals? 

He is effectively the only government left that could massively deviate from the schedule and you would imagine the data allows him to just go for it, funny they still can't get scran indoors.

Because he is incapable of making a decision. He always has been and this is no exception - he was bounced into lockdown as well. 

I suspect he also knows he fucked up previously and is now terrified of letting go of the restrictions. 

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10 minutes ago, Michael W said:

Because he is incapable of making a decision. He always has been and this is no exception - he was bounced into lockdown as well. 

I suspect he also knows he fucked up previously and is now terrified of letting go of the restrictions. 

The stuff about him being willing to let the dead pile up in their thousands, and the absolutely correct backlash to that, aren’t going to encourage him to move any faster

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18 minutes ago, Wee Bully said:

The stuff about him being willing to let the dead pile up in their thousands, and the absolutely correct backlash to that, aren’t going to encourage him to move any faster

I am not convinced his attitude would be too much different if he hadn't been exposed tbh. Make an upbeat statement and then make another one when what was said doesn't happen seems to be his routine. I am hoping that the 21st of June will indeed see restrictions gone (except foreign travel) but I don't expect it. 

Quite the contrast, though, between him prepared to see people die en mass and now possibly backsliding on restrictions incase a few more people die, but not at piles in the streets levels. 

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13 minutes ago, Gaz said:

The most common side-effect of getting the Coronavirus vaccine by having a two-inch needle jammed into your arm is, er, a sore arm.


Whilst this  news will be no surprise to anyone, I can confirm it to be true, got my vaccine on Saturday and arm is still pretty sore 

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1 hour ago, super_carson said:

Yeah there was a study on transmission that's just come out:


I believe, in P&B parlance, a big photo of a cigar is required?


All joking aside, while there is still plenty doom and gloom coming out from certain scientists and media outlets it's pretty evident that the vaccines are working above and beyond what was hoped.  This *should* be reflected in even bigger drops case numbers in addition to the tiny numbers of hospitalisations and deaths.  If/when that happens, surely the pressure to bin all restrictions will become insurmountable?  


I’ve thought the same a few times before now, but going by the numbers currently we only have 1.8% of ICU beds & 0.006% of hospital beds utilised for Covid currently. We are well passed the days of it being about protecting the NHS, and it’s now about ‘nobody should die of covid’, so fear restrictions will be kept for a fair bit longer and well after they were actually required.

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I am not convinced his attitude would be too much different if he hadn't been exposed tbh. Make an upbeat statement and then make another one when what was said doesn't happen seems to be his routine. I am hoping that the 21st of June will indeed see restrictions gone (except foreign travel) but I don't expect it. 
Quite the contrast, though, between him prepared to see people die en mass and now possibly backsliding on restrictions incase a few more people die, but not at piles in the streets levels. 

It was already known that scientists want to keep masks and SD in place until end of Q1 2022 but politicians want it gone in the 2nd half of this year. Boris is just reacting to being grassed on for his comment about the bodies
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