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7 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Just curious. You keep complaining about any suggestion of advantages given to people who are vaccinated, thought that might be why.

no its nothing to do with that. I just think its utterly ridiculous having to show Vaccine status or LFT results to get into events. Having the vaccine does not 100%guarantee you wont catch it or transmit it so what's the point of needing to show your status? Also LFT are highly inaccurate so again its pointless. I've said from the start that I've no qualms in them for international travel. 

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12 minutes ago, invergowrie arab said:

If I tested positive and have done my self isolation and on final day of isolation my wife tests positive am I back to 10 days isolation ?

Yes .

I tested positive and then my wife and youngest did later on so my dates changed for when I come out isolation. 

Edited by Robin.Hood
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7 minutes ago, Robin.Hood said:

Yes .

I tested positive and then my wife and youngest did later on so my dates changed for when I come out isolation. 

Has this changed.  I thought that isolation only changed for close contacts that then tested positive and not for people that were already isolating after testing positive.

Certainly not how I was treated in December.

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3 minutes ago, strichener said:

Has this changed.  I thought that isolation only changed for close contacts that then tested positive and not for people that were already isolating after testing positive.

Certainly not how I was treated in December.

My Mrs and son got tested . Results came back positive and dates of isolation changed from the 10th to the 15th  for me. I presume if his Mrs tells track n trace she has tested positive he would get the text to be told to self isolate furthermore.  

Edited by Robin.Hood
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5 minutes ago, Robin.Hood said:

My Mrs and son got tested . Results came back positive and dates of isolation changed from the 10th to the 15th  for me. I presume if his Mrs tells track n trace she has tested positive he would get the text to be told to self isolate furthermore.  

Did T&P know that you were isolating as a positive?  Seems strange that your isolation period would increase.  It's lunacy.

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4 minutes ago, Robin.Hood said:


I am not sure how this happens tbh.  When someone tests positive then close contacts have to isolate at the point based on the earliest interaction with the positive person.  If this were two work mates and the positive person was isolating and the work mate tested positive 10 days later, the original positive wouldn't have to extend their isolation.  If it's two people in the same household then this should also be the case unless they weren't properly self-isolating in the first place.

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1 minute ago, strichener said:

I am not sure how this happens tbh.  When someone tests positive then close contacts have to isolate at the point based on the earliest interaction with the positive person.  If this were two work mates and the positive person was isolating and the work mate tested positive 10 days later, the original positive wouldn't have to extend their isolation.  If it's two people in the same household then this should also be the case unless they weren't properly self-isolating in the first place.

I'm telling you how it is. I'm telling how I received my texts both before and after the calls with the guy from track and trace. First one saying I tested positive, 3 days later 2 people in the house show symptoms and go for a test. They then test both test positive . After this a phonecall has been had and then straight after this ( more details were given ) and then a text was sent. So the last date I have been sent is what I will stick with  ( also have to send it all to my work to make sure I get paid fine ) 

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6 minutes ago, Robin.Hood said:

I'm telling you how it is. I'm telling how I received my texts both before and after the calls with the guy from track and trace. First one saying I tested positive, 3 days later 2 people in the house show symptoms and go for a test. They then test both test positive . After this a phonecall has been had and then straight after this ( more details were given ) and then a text was sent. So the last date I have been sent is what I will stick with  ( also have to send it all to my work to make sure I get paid fine ) 

I'm not disputing what you have been told.  Rather the process that has let to it.  As I said it was not the case with myself last year.  

ETA if anyone tried to get hold of T&P on Christmas Eve then let me know as I certainly couldn't!

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37 minutes ago, Robin.Hood said:

Yes .

I tested positive and then my wife and youngest did later on so my dates changed for when I come out isolation. 

You have an Xbox or something? Pick a game and become an expert.......

Or learn French and then go to Montreal zoo and club a seal to death, swearing at it in the local tongue.

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2 hours ago, Elixir said:

I'm fairly sure this is a reaction to them pumping too many steroids into patients and not some plague spin-off.

This pandemic is a once in a century level event. 'Living' life because this has happened and it 'might' again happen decades from now, or tomorrow, is not something we have ever done before. We shouldn't start either. We will already be far better prepared for something like this happening again, but it would help by getting places like China to clean up their disgusting wet markets and actually be more open with health matters of potentially global significance.

Man's encroachment on the natural environment is global and it gathers pace and it has still not been established where, how and from what it originated.  

It actually matters little what country from where it emerged, but it matters a lot what we learn from it. The root cause and fix goes much further than just jumping a species and closing a wet market. 

The issues have been laid bare before us the last 18 months and the West in particular turned a crises into a disaster on every level. 

Sadly western anglophile world know best and when it inevitably comes around again in a shorter cycle than before as scientists warn, we will repeat the same shit show, because that's who we are. Arrogant ostriches, busy with hegemony and creating enemies and in Boris the most arrogant of all. He just fails to groom his hair after he pulls his rather large head from out of the ground. 

Western hegemony will ensure it happens again and ensure there is again plenty colleteral damage. 

The Western world moves forward to not a good place. 

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This surge in cases brings with it just further uncertainty at both a personal and economic level. 

Sadly it's Boris's inconsistency, doubke entendre and bullshit and failure to apply effective strategies that have driven the uncertainty.

He's even on the box now re our troop departure from Afghanistan, saying we achieved much and should be proud. After 20 years, between us and the Yanks we achieved  exactly the square root of the centre of a doughnut and needlessly sacrificed brave British troops for no cause other than our hegemon, whilst butchering innocent locals en mass. The fucker is living in cloud cuckoo land and worse, fuckers even vote for him. 

Let's hope we don't have another crises and have to rely on that tit, or we are all fucked. 

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Just back from a few days in Liverpool. No social distancing anywhere and didn’t have to use the NHS App to check into places or do track and trace.  Everyone having a good time. 

Great to see. 

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5 minutes ago, Lyle Lanley said:

Just back from a few days in Liverpool. No social distancing anywhere and didn’t have to use the NHS App to check into places or do track and trace.  Everyone having a good time. 

Great to see. 

TBF that's exactly what it's been like in Dundee and Glasgow when I have been out the past two weeks. 

Pub staff will point you towards QR code but that's it 

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