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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Just now, Bob Mahelp said:

Maybe you can articulate. I'm afraid your concise analysis was a bit too much for me. 

There is no danger of Johnson resigning. He could walk into Buck House and murder the Queen while simultaneously nuking every primary school in the UK, and the c**t would still brass neck it to the next election.

While also probably increasing his share of the vote.

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Guest Bob Mahelp
Just now, Mark Connolly said:

There is no danger of Johnson resigning. He could walk into Buck House and murder the Queen while simultaneously nuking every primary school in the UK, and the c**t would still brass neck it to the next election.

While also probably increasing his share of the vote.

I agree 100%. 

I should have re-worded my last sentence to say, 'it should be a resigning issue' (if his gamble fails). 

As you say, there's nothing in a million years....no failure, scandal or humiliation....that will drag Johnson out of power. 


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Just now, Bob Mahelp said:

I agree 100%. 

I should have re-worded my last sentence to say, 'it should be a resigning issue' (if his gamble fails). 

As you say, there's nothing in a million years....no failure, scandal or humiliation....that will drag Johnson out of power. 


In a way, you have to admire him and Patel. The ability to fall in a pile of shit and come out not only smelling of roses, but with a new suit as well, is one we'd all love.

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59 minutes ago, KingswellsRed said:

Gowers said he feared the UK could still be battling Covid waves years from now, particularly if a new ­variant emerges that renders current vaccines ineffective.

He said: “If there is another ­ variant, then all bets are off and, unfortunately, we are not working in a way to minimise that probability.

“If we’re lucky and Delta variant is as bad as it gets, I would have thought the level of vaccinations will get to a point where there will be enough immunity not to support another major wave after this one. The real question is how big is this one going to get. Maybe by the end of the year the worst will be over, maybe not. Maybe we’ll have to live with Covid-related difficulties for years.

“I think the hope that it will be all over by the end of this year is very optimistic.”

The fear porn being worked into hyperdrive as July 19/August 9 approaches.

Obviously the 'world leading' mathematician's 'mibbes aye, mibbes naw' doesn't understand that pandemics do in fact end, or that the probability of a vArIaNt arising that renders the vaccines useless is as 'likely' as an entirely new virus appearing - so not something to base daily life on. Does he understand that delaying into the autumn and winter will make things worse, or is he wanting major restrictions until next spring? Because that is certainly what will happen if they're not gone by August 9.

The view of most scientists seems to be that the pandemic phase will be over in the northern hemisphere no later than spring next year.

Oh yeah, did that Michael Levitt donut not win the nobel prize? Just shows you.

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I think theres a bit of confusion from some about what folk want.

The government should absolutely continue to seek new therapeutics, should deal with sick pay to promote more responsible practices, promote better hand hygeine, help businesses have appropriate ventilation, and above all should secure and futureproof NHS capacity and staffing all in the face of this novel virus.

They should not carry on with ridiculous pantomine restrictions on peoples daily lives a single minute longer than, and this bit is important.... THEY CAN BE SHOWN to be absolutely neccessary.

Covid is a new part of life. Suffering from it is going to be fucking shite for many, of that there is zero doubt. If you think that the lives of everyone should be curbed to try and assist in preventing the various degrees of suffering, you are entitled to your opinion, but its some sort of fucking snobbery I cant really define to come on here and say "anyone going to argue with a mathematician" like his modelling of infection growth supercedes every other interpretation of where the cost/benefit line lies.

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Just add to the above, arguing against the easing of current restrictions because of cases, when current restrictions clearly do nothing to prevent case growth, is just a dishonest way of saying you want more restrictions. People should just come out and say that.

People are still on furlough. We are atill paying a fucking fortune for the current restrictions which demonstrably dont curtail infection, so that needs to be squared aswell in the argument. How long do you keep paying to retain restrictions that dont actually work, when your stated goal is to lower transmission.

A bit more honesty from these types would be appreciated.

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1 minute ago, Bairnardo said:

Just add to the above, arguing against the easing of current restrictions because of cases, when current restrictions clearly do nothing to prevent case growth, is just a dishonest way of saying you want more restrictions. People should just come out and say that.


I’d love to see your data proving that the current restrictions do nothing to prevent case growth.


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18 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

I think theres a bit of confusion from some about what folk want.

Ultimately the Government to recognise that it is not their job to continue to crush the hospitality, events, and travel and tourism sectors whilst simultaneously shovelling money onto a bonfire through furlough payments and emergency business support grants to try and limit the number of people who spend a week in bed feeling like complete and utter shite.

They've done their bit with the vaccine roll out. Finish that job ASAP and stop continuing to put (clearly not that effective) restrictions on our lives.

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4 minutes ago, Wee Bully said:

I’d love to see your data proving that the current restrictions do nothing to prevent case growth.

We've just had a recent rise, peak, and start to falling of cases with no change in restrictions.

Based on that I think you'd be doing well to prove that they have any effect on growth.

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3 minutes ago, Mark Connolly said:

There is no danger of Johnson resigning. He could walk into Buck House and murder the Queen while simultaneously nuking every primary school in the UK, and the c**t would still brass neck it to the next election.

While also probably increasing his share of the vote.

The toxin that is politics has never been at such a low bar in the UK. 

Boris is the good news guy. The poor man's Trump in the UK 

You know things are bad, when in spite of the evidence the deniars will vote en mass for the clown with the good news and hollow promises. Substance no longer a prerequisite. 

I would hazard to guess that those screaming for freedom are the ones with the big mortgages and a lifestyle to protect at all costs. Prepared to sacrifice zilch and are seen to be the selfish b*****ds that they are and have no desire to think anything through, other than the size of their wallet. 

We saw it from them early in the pandemic last March. I understand their concern, albeit their moral compass is questionable. 150k deaths later!!!! They got it wrong then and are still getting it wrong now. God help their Grannies! 

Covid 19 and all the pills, potions and vaccines remain novel in the response to it. There remains too many unknowns that the medicos and scientists attest, but some do insist on knowing better. Discretion is the better part of valor in Covid. 

Yes people do die, but to needlessly die through wanton greed and ignorance is another matter entirely. 

According to the polls, public opinion is now against freedom days, which of course is another contradiction by the PM when he swore blind he would follow the data and not the dates. 

To add, there remains no road map or transparent contingency if this worsens. No recovery plan for long Covid or the millions who remain undiagnosed or untreated for life threatening illness, the 5 million backlog, but hey, let's have freedom day. Sorted, right?!! 

You dont know what you don't know, as ignorance is weaponised by the selfish minions. 


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3 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

We've just had a recent rise, peak, and start to falling of cases with no change in restrictions.

Based on that I think you'd be doing well to prove that they have any effect on growth.

Yeah, that was my thinking. "Wee Bully" will have to forgive my lowly layman status, but as this is a covid thread on a football discussion board, I wont lose too much sleep about being less educated than those who advise the govt, not that their performance is likely to be seen as a yardstick for success in years to come right enough. 

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Guest Bob Mahelp

The UK government are already backtracking on their 'freedom day' announcement of less than a week ago. 

They're pretending that they aren't, but in the face of public of apparent public opposition to binning all restrictions, they're starting to perform their normal U-turn. 

Within a week, Johnson will be effectively echoing Sturgeon's words and will be pretending that he never, ever made last week's pronouncement. 

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2 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:

Ultimately the Government to recognise that it is not their job to continue to crush the hospitality, events, and travel and tourism sectors whilst simultaneously shovelling money onto a bonfire through furlough payments and emergency business support grants to try and limit the number of people who spend a week in bed feeling like complete and utter shite.

They've done their bit with the vaccine roll out. Finish that job ASAP and stop continuing to put (clearly not that effective) restrictions on our lives.

Government is not about doing their bit and moving on ffs!  The most basic duty of a government is to protect its people from both internal and external forces at all levels in all aspects and that includes public health. 

There is no prosperity in a sick society and even Boris reinforced that line at the first lockdown. 

Informed decision making and balance in that is all that is needed. What price on human life? A holiday to some shitehole in Turkey, because well I need one?! 

Ignoring the evidence is suicide as much as it is criminal. Freedom dates are only but targets and not because I'll do it because I said I would. That would be the act of a moron, so I give you Boris. 

In the space of 24 hours we had Pfizer saying we need boosters in winter and the US President saying no we don't. Uncertainty just doesn't come greater than this. 

I'm not against opening up, but only with mitigation in place and the data showing we have a chance of things improving. There is far too little being said or planned for the future and that should set alarm bells ringing. 


Edited by BlueBear
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27 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Yeah, that was my thinking. "Wee Bully" will have to forgive my lowly layman status, but as this is a covid thread on a football discussion board, I wont lose too much sleep about being less educated than those who advise the govt, not that their performance is likely to be seen as a yardstick for success in years to come right enough. 

So in other words, just made up shit.  Good to know.

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