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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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1 minute ago, Granny Danger said:

I sincerely hope the c*nts on here never have to go through anything as traumatic as a war.  If they moan about having to wear a face mask Christ only knows how they would survive something like that.

A war? Jeebus, GD, can you imagine if they had to go through rolling power cuts which prevented them watching one of the three available channels? 

*young people today..*

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15 minutes ago, renton said:

Tbf we had rationing for 9 years and national service for 15 years after the war ended. :lol:

I bet some lovejoys still carried their gas masks around after arr boys won the Battle of Britain. :eek:

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10 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

I sincerely hope the c*nts on here never have to go through anything as traumatic as a war.  If they moan about having to wear a face mask Christ only knows how they would survive something like that.

You have a fucking swimming pool in your house!

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28 minutes ago, TheScarf said:

Who are the main players out of interest?

I’d PM @WhiteRoseKillie. Seems to be in the know on this.

23 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

I'm obsessed, to varying degrees, with climate change, government corruption, my kids and grandkids, Neil Young's continuing career, H&S at work, social justice, and the accuracy of my plastic models. 

A bunch of basement-dwelling buffoons desperately seeking self-worth on an Internet forum? Nah, not so much. 

You should maybe post more about those things, and less about ‘the main players’. It’s quite embarrassing.

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25 minutes ago, mathematics said:

You think away fans will be allowed in?

As it stands there will be no restrictions whatsoever on crowd sizes as of 9th August, and the game is in September.

Edited by craigkillie
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9 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

I’d PM @WhiteRoseKillie. Seems to be in the know on this.

You should maybe post more about those things, and less about ‘the main players’. It’s quite embarrassing.

Outside of a couple of guys who have been suppoprtive over issues I've had over the last few years, and others who I've tried to help similarly, do you really think anyone on here matters in the slightest to me?

As you apparently have been checking my input on "multiple threads", you may want to do some reading on the subject of projection before you start banging on about obsession.  Me, I'm just pissing around on a quiet Friday before getting off home to take the dog to the beach for a couple of hours, finish the dangly bits on a 1/48 Sturmovik to a soundtrack of "Young Shakespeare", and clear my bench in preparation for finishing one Mustang and starting another tomorrow. Hopefully done and dusted in time for The Last Leg. 

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1 hour ago, Marshmallo said:

It's another step in their rabble rousing culture war against the SNP and "Krankie". Means they can put out a statement next week when they get refused additional capacity for the Livi game saying they went above & beyond with testing etc which wasn't required for the Euros games at Hampden but were still only limited to 2,000.

They'd have a point if they said that tbf but it won't be made in good faith.

Or, they are taking the steps required that will look favourably on any requests for additional fans? We don't know what guidelines Local Authorities are going to impose on requests for additional fans - maybe LFT's are one such measure they recommend. Very cynical.

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17 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

What makes you think that post was aimed at you?

I'm quite aware it was a hand-grenade, "TWIMC" rant, but when you throw ourt such an unfocussed, incoherent rant, you're going to hit a lot of random targets. Don't fucking whine if one of them snaps back. 

I have been active in fighting for our NHS, I have been active in persuading those eligible to take their flu vaccine, and I have been rattling on for years about the need for resilience within our Healthcare system to help cope with a pandemic. That this was necessary was evident not only from the work I'd been part of when formulating HMPS' contingency plabns, but the Government's own Cygnus exercise in 2016, the findings of which were roundly ignored on the simple grounds of cost. 

You can stick your "virtue signalling" patter up your arse, quite frankly. There are, contrary to your perception, people out here who actually give a fúck about our fellow humans. That's not "virtue signalling", that's caring about others. Being decent, some might say. I'm no fucking paragon of virtue, but given the chance to make someone else's situation a bit better, I'll take it - not buying houses for the homeless, but when there's a lad outside B&M with f**k all but a sleeping bag and a wee dug, is it so hard to pick up some dog food or a wee bag of chews and give him it on the way out? A few pence to you, probably the first bit of kindness he's been shown for hours. Cracking exchange rate, imho.

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25 minutes ago, Snafu said:

Another update today from the FM at 12:15.

Should be about our move to Level 0

A summary again of the incoming rules -

Nicola Sturgeon has confirmed that Scotland will move down to level zero restrictionsfrom Monday 19 July.

The First Minister told the Scottish Parliament the vaccination programme meant restrictions could be eased as planned next week, but with some modifications.

Face masks will remain mandatory in public indoor settings, and the gradual return to office work has been delayed until 9 August.

  • You can meet socially in groups:
    • of up to eight people from three households in your home or theirs – and can stay overnight
    • of up to 10 people from four households in an indoor public place like a cafe, pub or restaurant
    • of up to 15 people from 15 households outdoors
    • under-12s do not count towards the total number of people or households meeting outside, but count towards the household numbers indoors
  • You do not need to physically distance from family and friends in a private home
  • Social distancing reduced to one metre in public indoor settings
  • You can travel anywhere in Scotland without restrictions
  • You can travel anywhere in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man or the Channel Islands – before you travel you must check the travel rules in those countries
  • You can provide informal childcare, for example to look after a grandchild
  • Up to 200 people can attend weddings and funerals
  • Tradespeople can carry out any work in your home such as painting, decorating or repairing
  • You should continue work from home where possible

What can open in level 0?

  • Cafes, pubs and restaurants – with pubs closing at midnight
  • All shops and stores
  • All close-contact services including hairdressers, barbers and beauty salons
  • All sport and exercise
  • Tourist accommodation
  • All visitor attractions
  • All public buildings such as libraries and community centres
  • All entertainment (apart from nightclubs and adult entertainment)
  • Stadiums and events – with capacity limits of 2,000 seated or 1,000 standing

Modified restrictions

Ms Sturgeon said “for the next three weeks at least, there will be a requirement for one-metre distancing between different groups of 15” outdoors – despite original plans to scrap the restriction entirely.

Scotland plans to drop the requirement to self-isolate for a close contact of a Covid-19 case when the country moves beyond level zero, the First Minister also said.

She said ministers intended to remove the requirement as long as the contact has received both vaccines and had a negative PCR test.

Ms Sturgeon added that she has instructed education advisers to investigate if the self-isolation requirement for school pupils can be removed and what has to be done to do so.

On keeping home working advice, she said: “I know this will be disappointing for many businesses – and also some employees who are finding home working hard.

“But this will reduce the extent to which people are meeting up in enclosed environments or travelling together, and so will help to contain transmission during this phase.”

There's no briefing on the TV guide or notified by the Scottish Government Twitter today - is it confirmed anywhere? Normally a Friday but usually by now they've mentioned it.


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1 hour ago, Marshmallo said:

Last time it was hidden was around that time the list of The Main Players that was doing the rounds on PM, and got posted in this thread. Ridiculous thing for someone to get their knickers in a twist about really.


1 hour ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

You are absolutely obsessed with ‘the main players’ whoever they are. Posting on multiple threads about them now. Getting a tad worrying.


1 hour ago, TheScarf said:

Who are the main players out of interest?

Right someone needs to explain this like I'm 5. 

What are the main players? Who are the main players? Why is this such a touchy subject? 

If it's a list of all the people that have gradually lost their heads throughout this thread then it's obvious anyway, unless it's in numerical order, that would be brilliant. 

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8 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

I'm quite aware it was a hand-grenade, "TWIMC" rant, but when you throw ourt such an unfocussed, incoherent rant, you're going to hit a lot of random targets. Don't fucking whine if one of them snaps back. 

I have been active in fighting for our NHS, I have been active in persuading those eligible to take their flu vaccine, and I have been rattling on for years about the need for resilience within our Healthcare system to help cope with a pandemic. That this was necessary was evident not only from the work I'd been part of when formulating HMPS' contingency plabns, but the Government's own Cygnus exercise in 2016, the findings of which were roundly ignored on the simple grounds of cost. 

You can stick your "virtue signalling" patter up your arse, quite frankly. There are, contrary to your perception, people out here who actually give a fúck about our fellow humans. That's not "virtue signalling", that's caring about others. Being decent, some might say. I'm no fucking paragon of virtue, but given the chance to make someone else's situation a bit better, I'll take it - not buying houses for the homeless, but when there's a lad outside B&M with f**k all but a sleeping bag and a wee dug, is it so hard to pick up some dog food or a wee bag of chews and give him it on the way out? A few pence to you, probably the first bit of kindness he's been shown for hours. Cracking exchange rate, imho.

This begs the question, if you're such a nice guy offline why are you always such a miserable, bitter, passive aggressive b*****d on here. Especially in the politics section or anything involving Rangers? I actually liked this post and I've liked quite a few of yours, I think you're an interesting person but I must say you say a lot of nice things whilst also acting like a complete arsehole a lot of the time. 

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1 hour ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

I'm obsessed, to varying degrees, with climate change, government corruption, my kids and grandkids, Neil Young's continuing career, H&S at work, social justice, and the accuracy of my plastic models. 

A bunch of basement-dwelling buffoons desperately seeking self-worth on an Internet forum? Nah, not so much. 

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6 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

Love that we're at the stage of calling Covid sufferers crisis actors, having multiple pages devoted to a guy with 126 followers on Twitter, and the boomer contingent talking about how easy everyone else has it. 

Chances are the pandemic and some level of impact and/or restrictions will continue for a long time. If this is where we are now it is going to be a wild, wild journey.

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1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

I sincerely hope the c*nts on here never have to go through anything as traumatic as a war.  If they moan about having to wear a face mask Christ only knows how they would survive something like that.


50 minutes ago, Detournement said:

You have a fucking swimming pool in your house!


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