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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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2 hours ago, Lyle Lanley said:

Asking the UK for financial support so they can go ahead with closing certain industries. 


Asking ourselves for financial support? 🤔

Do people forget we contribute to the UK coffers or has everyone lost their marbles here 😂.

Fair enough folk hate Sturgeon on here, i get that. Lets not forget who controls the purse strings in this 'equal partnership'. Why shouldn't she ask for more money? 



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Very slight misunderstanding here about being clear and definitive. 
I'd have loved her to have given absolute assurances and told you tonights lottery numbers but that would have been wrong and dishonest.
You are welcome to have your own opinion but I thought she explained everything very well, including the points around severity, transmissibility and vaccine escape. 
I wish she would have explained clearly how many people are in hospital as a result of this new variant but we all know why she chose not do that.
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26 minutes ago, williemillersmoustache said:

Well none. If you want to argue she has had to make a choice between business and public health because there's no funding, and she chose public health then fine. I support the choices she is making. Doesn't mean I like it, it's a fucking horrible decision to make and a terrible place for business owners and employees. I hope she and the UK government find ways to adequately support business and do it fast, doesn't mean I don't give a shit I just think it is the right choice with the information, means and advice available.  

Choosing public health when there is currently 0.000007% of the population seriously ill due to the virus (actually being generous here as it’s not that high, that’s including people with Covid, rather than due to Covid).

That bootleather must taste good as you keep going back for more.

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Asking ourselves for financial support? [emoji848]
Do people forget we contribute to the UK coffers or has everyone lost their marbles here [emoji23].
Fair enough folk hate Sturgeon on here, i get that. Lets not forget who controls the purse strings in this 'equal partnership'. Why shouldn't she ask for more money? 
She's within her rights to ask for financial support. It's what she then intends to do with it that makes her an arsehole.
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Asking ourselves for financial support? [emoji848]
Do people forget we contribute to the UK coffers or has everyone lost their marbles here [emoji23].
Fair enough folk hate Sturgeon on here, i get that. Lets not forget who controls the purse strings in this 'equal partnership'. Why shouldn't she ask for more money? 
Because she cant be trusted not to use it for some pearl clutching agenda that involves totally nonsensical restrictions aimed at industries she deems less neccessary than others, rather than there being any evidence led basis for them.

Im as uncomfortable as everyone else at relying on the tories to keep this lunacy in check, but this gesture politics bullshit over hospitality is, all the way through, bullshit.
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13 minutes ago, sergie's no1 fan said:

Why shouldn't she ask for more money? 



She can ask, but as she knows with 100% certainty, 'ask'  'get'. And to shovel damaging hysteria onto an industry that is largely serviced by low-wage staff with poor job security without first being able to guarantee financial support is pure political posturing and out of order. 



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It doesn't need to be enforceable.
There are reports all over the media from hospitality businesses across the country who have spent the last 24 hours doing little else but cancelling group bookings.
It;'s not good enough to say that people should file this in the bin - even if I agree with that comment itself.
The people making these announcements are sitting in comfortable, secure and in many cases 6-figured salary jobs. They have no idea or care about the consequences of their words on others.
You can see from the rest of my post my views on today's statement.

A lot of it was just hot air with this restriction (and it is a restriction) almost under the radar.
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37 minutes ago, williemillersmoustache said:

Well none. If you want to argue she has had to make a choice between business and public health because there's no funding, and she chose public health then fine. I support the choices she is making. Doesn't mean I like it, it's a fucking horrible decision to make and a terrible place for business owners and employees. I hope she and the UK government find ways to adequately support business and do it fast, doesn't mean I don't give a shit I just think it is the right choice with the information, means and advice available.  

It has to be more nuanced than “public health reasons” though - remember the Tories are effectively banning protest and could similarly just call that “public order reasons” - doesn’t make the decisions just or balanced or reasonable.


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1 hour ago, williemillersmoustache said:

Very slight misunderstanding here about being clear and definitive. 

I'd have loved her to have given absolute assurances and told you tonights lottery numbers but that would have been wrong and dishonest.

You are welcome to have your own opinion but I thought she explained everything very well, including the points around severity, transmissibility and vaccine escape. 

Where is the clarity about this being immediately rescinded as soon as this is proven to be the sniffles? Where is the clarity as to what the actual end point is for the Scottish government? Why do they keep acting irresponsibly throughout this whole ordeal? 
Her points about vaccine escape and severity etc fly in the face of the actual evidence we have.

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Been out all day. What have the arsewipes in Holyrood announced? BTW I think Westminster is full of arsewipes too. So, aye, I genuinely haven’t stopped to look at a news outlet. Is any of this close?…

No lockdown - No furlough.

No Christmas parties - to save Christmas.

Threats of more restrictions - unless you behave.

No seriously, we really are considering more restrictions - what do you mean you don’t believe us?

Honest, we will really impose more restrictions - really, we will. 


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7 minutes ago, Diamonds are Forever said:

There will always be new variants, thankfully they will typically be less serious despite being more transmissable as that is the course of most respiratory viruses, and we should assume as much until there is significant evidence to the contrary. You simply cannot threaten to shut down society any time a new one comes along, not least one like this which is showing no signs of causing an increase in serious illness or deaths. We are told the vaccines are effective, and everyone who wants one has had at least 2 of them, therefore there is no basis for any new measures.

They keep using the phrase 'caution' as if this is a virtue. It is not 'caution' for the restaurant owner and bar staff who lose their business or their job unnecessarily. It is not caution for the children missing school if they shut. It may be 'caution' for the middle class, secure jobs, work from home types who make these decisions, but for huge chunks of society the risks of 'caution' outweighs their risk from this virus. It is also a question of time scale, you can get away with the 'cautious' excuse early on when knowledge is limited (both about the virus and about how damaging restrictions are), we are so far beyond that stage now. It is time to get on with life, a return to any restrictions this winter is an acceptance that things will never be normal again as there is nothing abnormal about an endemic respiratory virus mutating. Our response this winter has to set the tone for how we deal with this every year in the future. People can make their own decisions about their own risk, I am fed up of being babied by these idiots in charge and I am fed up of the untold damage they are doing to society.

Excellent post.

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There will always be new variants, thankfully they will typically be less serious despite being more transmissable as that is the course of most respiratory viruses, and we should assume as much until there is significant evidence to the contrary. You simply cannot threaten to shut down society any time a new one comes along, not least one like this which is showing no signs of causing an increase in serious illness or deaths. We are told the vaccines are effective, and everyone who wants one has had at least 2 of them, therefore there is no basis for any new measures.

They keep using the phrase 'caution' as if this is a virtue. It is not 'caution' for the restaurant owner and bar staff who lose their business or their job unnecessarily. It is not caution for the children missing school if they shut. It may be 'caution' for the middle class, secure jobs, work from home types who make these decisions, but for huge chunks of society the risks of 'caution' outweighs their risk from this virus. It is also a question of time scale, you can get away with the 'cautious' excuse early on when knowledge is limited (both about the virus and about how damaging restrictions are), we are so far beyond that stage now. It is time to get on with life, a return to any restrictions this winter is an acceptance that things will never be normal again as there is nothing abnormal about an endemic respiratory virus mutating. Our response this winter has to set the tone for how we deal with this every year in the future. People can make their own decisions about their own risk, I am fed up of being babied by these idiots in charge and I am fed up of the untold damage they are doing to society.
Spot on. They have got a hold of this idea of shutting down sectors of society in response, and seemingly are doing zero in the way of a review cycle about whether its actually effective/worth the cost, and instead refusing to let it go, and using it to threaten the population.

Folk have said it already, but the normalising of this sort of thing is way, way beyond a joke.
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