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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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33 minutes ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

Have been taking a few steps back regarding this ‘pandemic’ and trying to look at it through a new perspective.

Eventually, Alpha, Delta and Omnicron will blow themselves out but, as sure as night follows day a new variant of Covid will come along and we’ll be back to square one.

Maybe a better policy would be to ditch all restrictions, masks, etc. and just let it rip and put all our resources into the hospital sector.

We could construct military style field hospitals (Louisa Jordan)to house the badly affected, equipped with ventilators, drugs, everything necessary to support Covid patients where they would be kept well away from the regular hospitals. As time goes on, with more and more people fully vaccinated the need for these facilities should decrease and rather than  continually pushing the endgame further away down the road, we confront it full on. Okay, there will be deaths, as there are at present, but who’s to say that this may not be a bad plan. Already, I’ve heard Carl Heneghan and Karl Sikora suggesting that we move along these lines.

To continue as at present is madness as the public are increasingly just ignoring the ‘rules’ and realising that life is a lot more than mere survival but the joyous interaction of one human spirit with another and that being controlled by politicians and scientists is no way to live.

Im not bothered about myself as I’ve had a wonderful life but I am bothered about the young and middle aged who are being denied the fulfilment and happiness that should be there for them but is being wrongly withheld from them for no good reason.


Seems totally reasonable and sensible, therefore unlikely to ever happen. 

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12 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:

To determine how much we should pish ourselves laughing at the suggestion of 3,000 admissions a day from a shan variant, how many are we averaging a day now from a variant not ordered off of wish?


12 hours ago, Left Back said:

According to travelling tabby as of 9th Dec. 823 per day across the UK.


12 hours ago, TheScarf said:

3000 hospitalisations a day f**k me. 😂

See the source image

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42 minutes ago, Dawson Park Boy said:


Eventually, Alpha, Delta and Omnicron will blow themselves out but, as sure as night follows day a new variant of Covid will come along and we’ll be back to square one.



Scottish Government warn ‘new tighter restrictions may be required’ as new deadly frankincense and myrrh variants are dominant in Bethlehem.



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21 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Like throwing darts blindfolded - at some point you might hit a treble 20 - just not very likely.

The real issue with models, so I've read, isn't the models themselves but the assumptions that are made about human behaviour.

A model is only as good as the data you put in. Shite data will give a shite result.

Do these people constructing the models have any clue what normal human behaviour is?

Look at the hero Neil Fergusson.  Happily carrying on a relationship with a married woman with her husbands consent I believe.  Fair enough they’re all consenting adults but it isn’t behaviour most people would consider normal.

Continuing to carry on said affair during lockdown when the law at the time expressly forbid it.  Yep, perfectly normal again.

These people are living in a different world to most of us.

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6 minutes ago, Left Back said:

Do these people constructing the models have any clue what normal human behaviour is?

Look at the hero Neil Fergusson.  Happily carrying on a relationship with a married woman with her husbands consent I believe.  Fair enough they’re all consenting adults but it isn’t behaviour most people would consider normal.

Continuing to carry on said affair during lockdown when the law at the time expressly forbid it.  Yep, perfectly normal again.

These people are living in a different world to most of us.

I did not know this. The cuck makes Ferguson look like Chris Hemsworth!



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2 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

The head of almost every other country in the world has the ability to borrow or print money.

That's the difference.

Sturgeon is in a unique position in that regard.

Did you really need that spelled out?

In the Nippyverse where we are an independent country she still can't print money or borrow it cheaply so tough titties. 

Edited by Detournement
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1 hour ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

Have been taking a few steps back regarding this ‘pandemic’ and trying to look at it through a new perspective.

Eventually, Alpha, Delta and Omnicron will blow themselves out but, as sure as night follows day a new variant of Covid will come along and we’ll be back to square one.

Maybe a better policy would be to ditch all restrictions, masks, etc. and just let it rip and put all our resources into the hospital sector.

We could construct military style field hospitals (Louisa Jordan)to house the badly affected, equipped with ventilators, drugs, everything necessary to support Covid patients where they would be kept well away from the regular hospitals. As time goes on, with more and more people fully vaccinated the need for these facilities should decrease and rather than  continually pushing the endgame further away down the road, we confront it full on. Okay, there will be deaths, as there are at present, but who’s to say that this may not be a bad plan. Already, I’ve heard Carl Heneghan and Karl Sikora suggesting that we move along these lines.

To continue as at present is madness as the public are increasingly just ignoring the ‘rules’ and realising that life is a lot more than mere survival but the joyous interaction of one human spirit with another and that being controlled by politicians and scientists is no way to live.

Im not bothered about myself as I’ve had a wonderful life but I am bothered about the young and middle aged who are being denied the fulfilment and happiness that should be there for them but is being wrongly withheld from them for no good reason.


Where are the staff going to be conjured up from? The big problem is staff absence due to Covid, close contact, stress (little wonder) and other sickness

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I see this morning that a day or so after Javid’s 200k cases per day figure was discredited we now have everyone’s favourite supermodeller saying that it is probably close to 300k daily infections now.

Any day now we’ll get it.

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Edinburgh was busy as ever yesterday. Most people just don't care anymore. As for a pointless two-week (six-month) 'circuit breaker' (cringe), this would have to be the straw that breaks the camel's back. The peak will quite clearly be reached and start falling when it's already too late to delay. Frankly, the NHS will just have to deal with it - if the dung models even get remotely close, which is doubtful. Enough now.

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Just now, Elixir said:

Edinburgh was busy as ever yesterday. Most people just don't care anymore. As for a pointless two-week (six-month) 'circuit breaker' (cringe), this would have to be the straw that breaks the camel's back. The peak will quite clearly be reached and start falling when it's already too late to delay. Frankly, the NHS will just have to deal with it - if the dung models even get remotely close, which is doubtful. Enough now.

We're getting it anyway. Despite all the various waves that rise, peak and drop without intervention. Its a fucking travesty that the various govts of the land are goading eachother into these actions for political points when its clear that there is littel benefit, and lots of suffering attached. 

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Scottish Government warn ‘new tighter restrictions may be required’ as new deadly frankincense and myrrh variants are dominant in Bethlehem.
Not a mask in sight. Their utter contempt for the safety of our Lord and saviour is disgusting. Tweeted to scotrail.
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26 minutes ago, MP_MFC said:

I see this morning that a day or so after Javid’s 200k cases per day figure was discredited we now have everyone’s favourite supermodeller saying that it is probably close to 300k daily infections now.

Any day now we’ll get it.

I’ve just seen some pretty frightening models, estimating that daily infections will reach 68 million by Christmas Day. Only expected to rise after that. I’ll be buying a turkey in a can and hunkering down on my own for the next few weeks just to be safe.

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