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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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27 minutes ago, Ron Aldo said:

Was just about to post similar.

The fact that ICU numbers remain relatively stable despite an increase in hospital numbers would tend to suggest that a large number are in hospital with Covid rather than because of it.

Either that or there are fewer very severe cases, so those that would have required ITU with Delta now require ward level care, and those that would have required admission can ride it out at home. It is 'too early to tell' but I think there are encouraging signs despite the media and government retoric. 

I don't doubt ITU numbers will rise in the coming days, but hopefully we see a divergence from the case numbers to a similar or greater extent that we already saw with vaccination.


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29 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

I mean sickness in the police due to self isolation is massive just now, most are absolutely asymptomatic but cant come to work. In terms of football however the very easy solution to that is to re-jig the fixtutes, football matches are graded in terms of their risk a-c(ir), a is low risk no police needed which covers just about every match out-with the premier league. Even a Cat b game doesnt need that many resources. It absolutely could be done if they were honest and said we can play football matches but we cant have the old firm at home for 3 weeks. 

I spoke to an ex colleague a couple of days ago, she told me that due to isolation they are about 2 shifts short of normal compliment of officers, most ,if not all ,are having rest days cancelled and because of this morale is utterly rock bottom 😞

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The numbers of covid patients getting to ICU is still dropping which is great.

Anyone noticed however your chances of being wheeled into the morgue if you make ICU are fairly high now. 

Death numbers are very similar to ICU admissions on a daily basis.

I assume most Covid deaths have a stint in ICU but some may still be from care homes ?

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5 minutes ago, superbigal said:

Anyone noticed however your chances of being wheeled into the morgue if you make ICU are fairly high now. 

Death numbers are very similar to ICU admissions on a daily basis.

Really? Since Christmas Eve there has been a grand total of 1 death in the covid bracket.

You appear to have a similar grasp of the data as Humza.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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27 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Golf is a good walk spoiled.


Hard to disagree, if you’ve ever seen me play. On a far more serious note, in May this year I joined a new club after eight years at my last one (that’s another story, however…), so since May, have met a ton of new folk, for the first time, got talking, get to know them to say hello to, then remember their names, that they’re a Jambo, or a Falkirk Bairn, or whatever. You buy them a drink, they buy you one, you see them around, play with them in a medal…. Of course something like golf, or fitba’ is of massive benefit to your enjoyment of life. The serious point though is that at my new club, one of the guys I met and got talking to, told me he knew two guys who took their own lives. Apparently committed suicide because of depression brought on by lockdowns and subsequent loss of their jobs and saw no light at the end of the tunnel. Tip of an iceberg that we’ll likely never get to truly hear about. The statistics on suicide must be frightening, but the only thing that matters is Covid, eh?

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The SG astound me. Their panic over this was based on models that predicted somewhere in the region of 40k cases per day in Scotland by Christmas.

Their response to this was to ask everyone to test themselves every time they thought about opening their door.

They must have known that this would lead to an increase in people testing positive who would otherwise be completely unaware. How have they only now recognised this?

I seriously wonder about the ability of anyone within the SG to evaluate and consider the impact of anything they say or do beyond the next five minutes.

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4 hours ago, s_dog said:

Yousaf comes across as an idiot in that interview, but why is Geissler using a made up 50% figure (did it not come from the Daily Mail/Telegraph, hardly a reliable source) when the most recent general consensus is that 70% of people admitted to hospitals in England are being treated for Covid? 

Really? I would find that absolutely incredible if true, particularly given there was an article very recently stating half of London’s Covid hospital admissions didn’t even realise they had Covid prior to going in, so would have to be a fairly huge number of those then suddenly becoming ill with it and requiring treatment. Genuinely if you can find the source for this I’d be keen to read it as that would be concerning.

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3 hours ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Thanks for that, i thought they had outlawed it. Well i mean they probably would if they could. 
But behind the flippancy in your comment my post was more to do with the value of football clubs to communities being overlooked by the snp fans and importance of clubs in breaking down stigmas in mental health. 

Yes, all of which I acknowledge and accept.

I think football has immense power to be a social good.



I'll admit, however, to finding the line offered by that Tory MSP yesterday, a bit overblown.

Of course, football can do people good, but curtailing it for a couple of weeks is unlikely to do huge damage of the type outlined.

Yes, if this extends months into 2022 with such scant evidence behind it, such considerations deserve a profile.  Right now though, noises of this type do actually invite a little ridicule.  Inevitability, some of that ridicule is laced with ignorant prejudice.

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6 minutes ago, Monkey Tennis said:

Yes, if this extends months into 2022 with such scant evidence behind it, such considerations deserve a profile. 

That’s exactly the problem. We are not given the metrics for rolling back these restrictions.

Whether it’s effecting crowds or nightclubs we should be told exactly why they are not permitted to operate as normal and what is required for them to be permitted to again.

At the moment we just don’t know if they will be open again on the 17th January and so far the SG are not helping some peoples fear / anxiety at all by being so clandestine.

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2 minutes ago, Monkey Tennis said:

Yes, all of which I acknowledge and accept.

I think football has immense power to be a social good.



I'll admit, however, to finding the line offered by that Tory MSP yesterday, a bit overblown.

Of course, football can do people good, but curtailing it for a couple of weeks is unlikely to do huge damage of the type outlined.

Yes, if this extends months into 2022 with such scant evidence behind it, such considerations deserve a profile.  Right now though, noises of this type do actually invite a little ridicule.  Inevitability, some of that ridicule is laced with ignorant prejudice.

The time of year has a lot to do with it too though - people coming home for Christmas/NY, getting to go to the pub/game with their old boy for maybe the only time this season etc.

The issue for me is the normalisation of scoffing at people who do see these things as being important for them. Even if it was just a case of young lads being pissed off at missing a day on the piss, they’re just as entitled to question things as anybody else.

Sandra and Margaret “it’s only kicking a bloody ball about” Facebook Ma types are the ones who should be getting called out for their ignorance, instead of being pandered to.

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19 minutes ago, Monkey Tennis said:

Yes, all of which I acknowledge and accept.

I think football has immense power to be a social good.



I'll admit, however, to finding the line offered by that Tory MSP yesterday, a bit overblown.

Of course, football can do people good, but curtailing it for a couple of weeks is unlikely to do huge damage of the type outlined.

Yes, if this extends months into 2022 with such scant evidence behind it, such considerations deserve a profile.  Right now though, noises of this type do actually invite a little ridicule.  Inevitability, some of that ridicule is laced with ignorant prejudice.

The thing is on previous evidence there is no chance of the restrictions ending in a couple of weeks. 

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17 minutes ago, anotherchance said:

The time of year has a lot to do with it too though - people coming home for Christmas/NY, getting to go to the pub/game with their old boy for maybe the only time this season etc.

The issue for me is the normalisation of scoffing at people who do see these things as being important for them. Even if it was just a case of young lads being pissed off at missing a day on the piss, they’re just as entitled to question things as anybody else.

Sandra and Margaret “it’s only kicking a bloody ball about” Facebook Ma types are the ones who should be getting called out for their ignorance, instead of being pandered to.

Yes, you're right - it's a shame.  I don't really see Sandra and Margaret as worthy of too much of our energy though.

In terms of "scoffing at people who do see these things as being important for them", I can't resist drawing a parallel with churches.  Clearly, there's no obvious comparison regarding how they and football grounds have been addressed during this, as football has clearly been more harshly treated.

I do think, however, that a similar case could be constructed regarding the social good church attendance does people.  

Now, there's no mystery behind the fact that football gets more attention on a football forum, populated by few church goers.  However, the pretence that we're not all coming at this from essentially biased standpoints, needs abandoned by some of those most keen to point a finger.

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2 minutes ago, MacDonald Jardine said:

The thing is on previous evidence there is no chance of the restrictions ending in a couple of weeks. 

Obviously, I might well be wrong, but I think they will end this time in the face of overwhelming evidence that they should.

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8 minutes ago, Monkey Tennis said:

Yes, you're right - it's a shame.  I don't really see Sandra and Margaret as worthy of too much of our energy though.

In terms of "scoffing at people who do see these things as being important for them", I can't resist drawing a parallel with churches.  Clearly, there's no obvious comparison regarding how they and football grounds have been addressed during this, as football has clearly been more harshly treated.

I do think, however, that a similar case could be constructed regarding the social good church attendance does people.  

Now, there's no mystery behind the fact that football gets more attention on a football forum, populated by few church goers.  However, the pretence that we're not all coming at this from essentially biased standpoints, needs abandoned by some of those most keen to point a finger.

What's been interesting is the remarkable ability of people to be in favour of restrictions unless it affects what they like doing. 

Cutting social contact,  whatever form that takes, is going to affect people badly.

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17 minutes ago, MacDonald Jardine said:

The thing is on previous evidence there is no chance of the restrictions ending in a couple of weeks. 

They’ll need to. Surely to goodness*. It’ll be nearly two years of this soon. Winter was always going to be a challenge, but even the uber-cautious Sturgeon has to change tack soon, as we move into another new year and there’s not a tsunami of excess death and serious illness caused by Covid. If the SNP in Holyrood don’t, and Boris & his troupe of chinless Tory arseholes are relaxing things down South, then surely, the shit will start to stick to the SNP fan.


*Unless there’s an Old Firm match on the horizon. Then, clearly, everything in Scotland should be locked down immediately, as there’s polis off on the sick and we’re all doomed.

(Truth hurts, eh Nicola & Co?)

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