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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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4 minutes ago, btb said:

In what universe does 398 people dying with Covid yesterday mean that it has essentially gone away?

398 people didn't die of Covid yesterday.  398 deaths were registered yesterday.  Tuesdays are usually "spikes" in deaths because registry offices are closed at the weekends.

Rather than take a single day in isolation you're better looking at the 7 day average.

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Just now, Elixir said:

Clown. Of course there's also the fact that bad winter influenza seasons kill '~400 per day' at their peak in winter. Nobody cares.


Yeah, I remember you saying it was all but over back in August 30,000 deaths ago (with a funny gif to boot) - happy to be a clown if the criteria is I'm not you! 

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Just now, Left Back said:

398 people didn't die of Covid yesterday.  398 deaths were registered yesterday.  Tuesdays are usually "spikes" in deaths because registry offices are closed at the weekends.

Rather than take a single day in isolation you're better looking at the 7 day average.

rather than obsessing over virus graphs youre better ignoring it and getting on wi your day

like we all did pre hysteria

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7 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
19 minutes ago, Dawson Park Boy said:
Great move by Javid to reduce isolation down to 5days to bring UK into line with US.
What is SG going to do?
Just heard the usual waffle from NS.

Not sure coming into line with the US on anything Covid related is actually a plus to be honest. Their businesses are being crippled even with 5 day isolation as cases are banzai. One of the major airlines alone announced 3000 staff isolating this week. Think they were over 750k cases yesterday. At those levels 5 or 7 days isn't touching the sides disruption wise.

It's worse than it ever was under the bad orange man. But you won't hear a peep out of CNN or NBC etc. about it. 

They are in a very bad position at the moment compared with Europe. A lot more people in the age-risk groups that are unvaccinated. 

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8 minutes ago, btb said:

Yeah, I remember you saying it was all but over back in August 30,000 deaths ago (with a funny gif to boot) - happy to be a clown if the criteria is I'm not you! 

Oh wow, really, people have died in the past four or five months? What a revelation this is. I mean, truly!

Just wait until you find out that ~650,000 people die in the UK every single year! Is it immortality you're after?

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The thing is, it kind of is over. Bit of an awkward one for the 'no more deaths from anything ever again' mob, granted. Just because the Scottish Government are sanctimonious bed shitters doesn't change that fact. England have got through the winter without shutting things down. Terrific stuff!


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Having just watched FMQ and her latest car crash when is someone going to remind her that this is Scotland we are living in and not England?  I am sure that every leisure and hospitality business that is about to go to the wall will be glad that they are here and not in England as she constantly pointed out. At least she managed to get her silly wee laughs and condescending looks in.

What is she going to blame when we are free from Covid?  What will be left of the country?

How can anyone still believe that she is the person to lead the country to Independence?

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1 hour ago, PedroMoutinho said:

Looks to me like all the covid measures are being gradually wound down now in England.

NS will try to keep it going as long as possible, but I can’t see the ‘new normal’ schtick working for much longer when we have actual normality over the border with no issues.

The SG will have to follow England eventually. No chance people up here are gonna accept the new normal when all restrictions are gone from down south. 

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54 minutes ago, Left Back said:

There's Next entering the race to the bottom.


I'm unvaccinated but this is fair enough. They still get paid for testing positive.

Anyone with a brain who has a household contact doing a PCR will get the symptomatic person to do one for them as well. 

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7 minutes ago, Lyle Lanley said:

The SG will have to follow England eventually. No chance people up here are gonna accept the new normal when all restrictions are gone from down south. 

England depends on Boris surviving until the summer.

A new PM might well move England onto the WEF schedule. 

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2 hours ago, ICTChris said:

Regarding the SNP losing votes, the last Scottish poll I could find was from Boxing Day.


The average polls for the Scottish Parliament showed the SNP vote up overall compared to the election.

I do think that if it looks like Labour has a consistent lead in UK wide polling that will boost them in Scotland.  I think that happened in 2017 when people switched to Labour because they were on an upturn.

Do the SNP not consistently poll higher than they actually get? You always see projections of them winning a majority or taking all the seats in Westminster or whatever and they never quite get there.

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3 minutes ago, Have some faith in Magic said:

So today's figures include positive LFTs reported as well as PCRs.

8.2k positive results.

15% of PCRs positive. 


It's almost like every single thing the  the South Africans said was right..... 


Hopefully the eventual Inquiry will reflect upon the disdain exhibited towards the South Africans by our experts in the early days of Omicron. Who can forget Whitty standing up and exclaiming that "everything we know about Omicron is real, real bad!1!".

From memory our main focus, whilst the South Africans were calmly explaining the increased mildness of Omicron, was to restrict entry to any Zimbabweans or Namibians. Just so unbelievably stupid and short-sighted. 

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