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1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

It must have been tough for Neil Ferguson to pick his favourite 3 mistakes from the impressive list.

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13 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

My fave was Devi's in overestimating the British public. :1eye

You don’t actually believe anything she comes out with do you?

She’s nothing but a media whore that will say whatever she thinks the public want to hear at that time.  It’s all an act to stay in the public eye.

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35 minutes ago, Left Back said:

You don’t actually believe anything she comes out with do you?

She’s nothing but a media whore that will say whatever she thinks the public want to hear at that time.  It’s all an act to stay in the public eye.

It was a clever ploy as she got the main players on here quoting her every utterance, and she's got people buying a book she hasn't even written. 

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The ventilation stuff should be the least of their problems in schools right now.

There is a far bigger elephant in the room - the numbers of pupils and staff off self-isolating.

Lady week we had S5/S6 pupils messaged on the Thursday not to cone into period 2 on the Friday as there wasn't enough staff to cover absent staff. This week was worse - our school had to pull in seconded staff from DCC as there wasn't enough staff to provide cover on Monday and Friday. Even with that, at one point yesterday, they still had 80 pupils in the school assembly hall and another 40 in the school library - being supervised by one DHT and the Head. The rest of the week they were doubling up or dispersing classes - just not good enough.

If it continues this way their scenario 2 will go right out the window.

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3 hours ago, welshbairn said:

For the majority on there, it’s actually the opposite. They’re trying to pretend that their mistake was actually just a fault of someone else “the public”, and they’d have been right if we had just acted like they said we should. Pathetic article.

How Ferguson kept it down to 3 is actually impressive, must’ve taken him days to whittle it down.

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3 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Doubling down and blaming others, you mean. How very ScotGov. Minters.


1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

It was a clever ploy as she got the main players on here quoting her every utterance, and she's got people buying a book she hasn't even written. 

The Simps probably believe she has strengthened the case for independence. Hilarious stuff.

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15 hours ago, Abdul_Latif said:

This is Donald Trump level of ridiculousness at this point. Just speaking without thinking at all, and not even considering the consequences.


its the thinking its a smart idea and running with it,  its so Trump like 😀

I thought it must be a joke when I first read it

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Meanwhile, that'll be the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service a bunch of Scotland hating Yoons now. The Scottish Government are practically inviting this ridicule on purpose because they just won't let it go.


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FWIW, I'm currently crashing at a friend's vacant flat having been made homeless all because my other half tested positive the same day I got sent 'home' from offshore.  Can't go home if I want to return to work next week.  My weeks entertainment will be buying things to drop off at the house that I'm paying not to stay in.

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45 minutes ago, Hedgecutter said:

FWIW, I'm currently crashing at a friend's vacant flat having been made homeless all because my other half tested positive the same day I got sent 'home' from offshore.  Can't go home if I want to return to work next week.  My weeks entertainment will be buying things to drop off at the house that I'm paying not to stay in.

Who is policing this?

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1 minute ago, oaksoft said:

No wonder governments are starting to ditch all restrictions.

The damage all this has caused really doesn't bear thinking about and it beggars belief that not a single person will be held to account for any of it.

Unfortunately they're more likely to be on speed dial for the next time modelling services are required.

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55 minutes ago, Hedgecutter said:

FWIW, I'm currently crashing at a friend's vacant flat having been made homeless all because my other half tested positive the same day I got sent 'home' from offshore.  Can't go home if I want to return to work next week.  My weeks entertainment will be buying things to drop off at the house that I'm paying not to stay in.

A week as a bachelor... Make the most of it! 

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43 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

I'm probably missing somethin g here.

Who is stopping you going back to work next week?

Why would you not go back to work if you are well enough to do so?

I'm guessing here, but he said offshore, so possibly a case of a covid test before he goes back offshore.

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