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Meanwhile, as predicted: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-60328163

White House left behind as states drop Covid rules


But sceptics have accused them of following polling data as frustration grows among a pandemic-weary public and November's mid-term elections loom.

'Follow the science' only when it suits, just like Sturgeon.

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1 hour ago, Pie Of The Month said:

Not sure what difference 18 days makes unless that's how long it takes to hack the bottom of doors off but another step in the right direction


If the infection factories don't need mask mandates then triple vaccinated adults certainly don't need them either. Get the whole charade in the bin now where it belongs. 

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If the infection factories don't need mask mandates then triple vaccinated adults certainly don't need them either. Get the whole charade in the bin now where it belongs. 
The entire rationale for masking, logically CANNOT be anything else other than an interpretation arrived at by a tiny committee of wealthy folk, that "we might aswell, its no that much of a bother".

There is nothing you can point at and be backed by evidence that they are needed, proportionate or even beneficial.

In fact, mask us is now at the point where the folk who point to the amount of non biodegradable waste they produce have significantly more of a case than anyone mandating their use.
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I only found out today that a chap I know through work - not a pal by any stretch but more than just a nodding acquaintance, the same age as me and someone that I'd shared the occasional beer with at functions - took his own life last summer.

He ran a regional office for a global operator in our industry. It seems the pressure being exerted from multiple sources became intolerable. A really sad story.

I now know of one suicide but no-one who has died of Covid in the past two years.

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18 hours ago, oaksoft said:

Actually, on the point of suicides, she's dismissive of that argument, saying there's "no link between restrictions and suicides".

A friend of my parents decided to jump out his high rise flat during the original lockdown

Now we can’t say for 100% the lockdown was the cause…. But he was a single guy, stuck in a tiny flat all day couldn’t even go sit in the park to enjoy the sunshine, let alone meet with any family or friends. 

Furloughed from work,  became more and more regressive as the weeks went on.

Cant say for sure that’s what causes him to take the decision to jump, but it would need to be a very good argument to convince me otherwise 

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1 hour ago, scottsdad said:

This is poor. Claiming that one in three people is vulnerable when in fact the ONS states that the number of clinically vulnerable people in the UK is 3.7 million - or around 7 per cent. 

She is an absolute psycho in the same league as Gurdasani. It genuinely gives me immense satisfaction that these people's worldview is beginning to crumble round about them and they will need to either become de facto hermits or slink back into the real world, such is the bad faith, untruths and damage done to mental wellbeing.

Sick in the head c**ts.

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Meanwhile, communist Michie was just on BBC News on the verge of tears and lying through her teeth from her holiday in Portugal.

Remember when this mob wanted the borders shut indefinitely? Zero covid shame.

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2 hours ago, oaksoft said:

Pupils will still need to wear masks in communal areas and when moving around inside school buildings.

Sigh! She's having to have this dragged out of her.

The most frustrating thing about all of this is that absolutely nobody at all will question her on the logic of any of this shite.

It's as though we simply don't have a political opposition in Scotland.

If that's the extent of rolling back the masking in Scotland, which is still two and a half weeks away, then we're surely looking at another month at least of it after that being imposed on the rest of us.

F**k off.

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21 minutes ago, Elixir said:

If that's the extent of rolling back the masking in Scotland, which is still two and a half weeks away, then we're surely looking at another month at least of it after that being imposed on the rest of us.

F**k off.

The elections are in May.

Children not having to wear a mask all day because it's disgraceful (but those working in the shops, bars and restaurants mummy and daddy will be popping out to must "because we must be cautious and safe") is a vote winner amomgst the recklesss toarrrrrrries mob.

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9 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

The elections are in May.

Children not having to wear a mask all day because it's disgraceful (but those working in the shops, bars and restaurants mummy and daddy will be popping out to must "because we must be cautious and safe") is a vote winner amomgst the recklesss toarrrrrrries mob.

Think I'll vote for the only party wanting restrictions in the bin...

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2 hours ago, oaksoft said:

As is another respondent on that thread claiming that 25% of all those infected end up with "long covid" (that would be over 3 million in the UK if it was remotely true).

These same people will also be quick to scream "yer peddling misinformation" at others without a hint of irony.

Even the Gurdasani calculator doesn't produce numbers like that. 

Rage is all they've got. They've comprehensively lost the argument; zero covid is dead in the water and their accompanying, miserable, dystopia hell is gone with it. 

You love to see it. 

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