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Drag Queen Storytelling In Primary School


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5 minutes ago, Oleksandr said:

Quick question for anyone who thinks inviting a sexual act called Flowjob in to speak to primary school children


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Can you just take a seat over there?




Quick question for anyone who thinks inviting a sexual act called Flowjob in to speak to primary school children what?

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1 hour ago, Flybhoy said:


A similar analogy would be a stripper, male or female telling stories to children that age, appropriately dressed of course, this would still be inappropriate#

Why? If ma wean's teacher made some spare cash at the weekends stripping I couldnae give a f**k.

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8 minutes ago, AsimButtHitsASix said:

Why? If ma wean's teacher made some spare cash at the weekends stripping I couldnae give a f**k.

I actually had that thought yesterday when reading this thread. I know a couple of girls who helped fund their student days by working in one of Glasgows better known lap dancing bars. One of them now works as a primary school teacher, the other I assume the same as they were both doing the same course at the same time. Should they be barred from teaching?

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3 minutes ago, Ross. said:

I actually had that thought yesterday when reading this thread. I know a couple of girls who helped fund their student days by working in one of Glasgows better known lap dancing bars. One of them now works as a primary school teacher, the other I assume the same as they were both doing the same course at the same time. Should they be barred from teaching?

I feel that I would have to visit the club they worked in and then make a judgement about how appropriate it was for them to teach my children. In fact, just to be sure I feel I might have the make more than one visit to the club.

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6 minutes ago, Ross. said:

I actually had that thought yesterday when reading this thread. I know a couple of girls who helped fund their student days by working in one of Glasgows better known lap dancing bars. One of them now works as a primary school teacher, the other I assume the same as they were both doing the same course at the same time. Should they be barred from teaching?

I think we'd need to review their act first. Any videos?

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1 minute ago, Lee Van Tee said:

I feel that I would have to visit the club they worked in and then make a judgement about how appropriate it was for them to teach my children. In fact, just to be sure I feel I might have the make more than one visit to the club.

I wish you luck with your research.

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Just now, Jacksgranda said:

I think we'd need to review their act first. Any videos?

Sadly not, and as I don't want to be responsible for someone losing their job I won't be linking anyone to her Facebook profile either!

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44 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

You cant boil parenthood down to having sex and a wean turning up ffs. In some cases maybe, and that's a shame for kids if their parents put effort in reflective of that.

My kids are the most important thing in my world and most folk would say the same. I am responsible for them and the adults they will turn into. It really doesnt matter who thinks they know best about what. The buck stops with me and no one else for my kids. So with that in my mind, I dont expect their nursery, school or anyone else to go and make decisions outwith what I know is in the scope and limitations of what they are going to provide without consulting me and explaining to me why.

If that's an inconvenience to a school teacher, sorry, but I only get one shot at raising my kids. I still expect communication.

FWIW it's highly unlikely I would ever go against what an expert in any given field is telling me, but the idea of teachers and schools knowing what's best so I should just hand them over and shut up is ridiculous. I am a sensible person who is always willing to learn from people who know better than me and I know from friends are teachers the frustrations they can face from arsehole parents, and that must be brutal to put up with. It's a profession I respect, but I have also seen some really shoddy and insensitive handling of issues first hand too, so let's not have them up on a pedestal either.

Of course there are shoddy teachers and shoddy youth workers etc.

My post was in response to the nonsensical view that one must have children to comment on an issue like this.

For what it's worth, I stand by my comments completely in regard to most parents. I've dealt with hundreds of the b*****ds and they're fucking clueless morons who just make life more difficult, in general.

Like I said, 'I know what's best for my kinds' . In all likelihood, you don't.

I'm not advocating handing them over and shutting up, and I think communication both ways is arguably the most important aspect of good education. But this idea that people who are parents know best because they are parents is just anti-intellectual bullshit and should not be allowed to stand unchallenged.

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John Swinney, Education Secretary, has said that the visit shouldn’t have happened.


The SNPs new press officer has also withdrawn his remark about pantomimes, presumably after someone had a word in his ear.

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Of course there are shoddy teachers and shoddy youth workers etc.
My post was in response to the nonsensical view that one must have children to comment on an issue like this.
For what it's worth, I stand by my comments completely in regard to most parents. I've dealt with hundreds of the b*****ds and they're fucking clueless morons who just make life more difficult, in general.
Like I said, 'I know what's best for my kinds' . In all likelihood, you don't.
I'm not advocating handing them over and shutting up, and I think communication both ways is arguably the most important aspect of good education. But this idea that people who are parents know best because they are parents is just anti-intellectual bullshit and should not be allowed to stand unchallenged.
Educationally I agree with you broadly. However, when the school decides to go extra curricular and get into social issues I expect to be consulted and if that's too big a burden then they should err on the side of caution and not go ahead. I think this particular incident demonstrates why, since despite all the accusatory stuff flying about early on including from a sitting MSP, the education secretary has spoken pretty conclusively that it should not have happened.

On some issues, whether I know best or not is less relevant than the fact that I have a right to make the call on what my kids are exposed to.

I mean, let me put it another way.... Should a school be allowed to put pork down in front of a Muslim child because it's obvious to most people that religion is an outdated fairy story? People have beliefs and opinions. Some of them are utter shite, but they have the right to have them and raise their kids to that standard. Religion and LGBT issues often clash. Again, totally wrong IMO but a dangerous road to go down to go on a confrontational footing and start lecturing folk via twitter about beliefs etc.

This whole thing seems to have been handled quite aggressively by some including Mhairi Black who I normally quite like.

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What about people who work in schools?
Most parents know literally nothing about child protection, child development, educational planning, event planning in schools. Nothing.
They are completely unqualified yet feel that they have the right to chuck their oar in on an area people spend years studying to work in and then spend years developing expertise in, all because they had sex with someone once and a wean turned up.
It cannot be said enough, most parents know precisely nothing about what goes on in schools and would do well to remember that. Most parents - despite what they think - know nothing about children and nothing about education.
The phrase 'I know what's best for my child' is probably one of the most moronic you'll ever hear. Put simply, most parents do not.
Their views on this topic are no more worthy than anyone else's. Perhaps less worthy since they bring the baggage of emotion to it.

Parental support experts (the folk who's role is to advise parents and protect children) use that phrase all the team.

In general, and there are always exceptions, parents do know their children better than anyone and do know what's best for them.

It's how humans have parented for years.

To suggest parents input should not be taken on board is an extreme point of view, and fortunately
Why? If ma wean's teacher made some spare cash at the weekends stripping I couldnae give a f**k.
I doubt that would be true when push came to shove but its a moot point because a teacher with a social media account like the one that flowjob has would be disciplined, and sacked if it didn't change.
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If my children's teacher was a part-time stripper I would be utterly indifferent to their choice of activity outside work and I would certainly make major efforts to attend more parents' evenings. Unless they are one of those dreamboys types, then I would write a strongly worded letter to the local council about the deep concern I have about what they do in their spare time and how it will definitely corrupt my children beyond repair and possibly expose them to noncing. 

If they were a Full Monty type male stripper I would be slightly less concerned but I would require clarification as to why extra income is needed given that they appear to have found gainful employment following the pit's closure. 


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15 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Imagine the embarrassment when you turn up to your kids parents night to be faced with the stripper you spent £500 on on your works Christmas night out, after Tim from accounts persuaded you all to go.

Only the £500? Sounds like a quiet night in if you ask me.

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Just now, ICTChris said:

You are just used to Swiss prices. They probably give discounts if you use stolen Nazi gold, you money grubbing, amoral, Toblerone shagging c**t.

I resent that comment. I did not shag a Toblerone. I made love to it.

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2 hours ago, JTS98 said:

My post was in response to the nonsensical view that one must have children to comment on an issue like this.

I don’t think that anyone has said your view is nonsensical if you don’t have kids. 

But what I would say is your perspective may well change slightly (or maybe slightly more) once you do. 

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12 minutes ago, alta-pete said:

I don’t think that anyone has said your view is nonsensical if you don’t have kids. 

But what I would say is your perspective may well change slightly (or maybe slightly more) once you do. 

Cant find JTS98's post to quote that was quoted in this post.  I never said "one must have children to comment on an issue like this."

I wondered how many people on this thread are going nuts over an issue like this have a direct interest in it.

Please dont make up things you've thought I said, thank you.

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