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Corona virus threat to live football


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14 minutes ago, TFW said:

No.......it's too much to digest Jim.

Some interesting points raised, and some surreal ones re the biccies. I note that the number of cases in the UK trebled overnight on Saturday, including the one in Scotland. It would only take a few days of the above happening for squeaky bu, time to appear. Apparently a lot of stores are currently already out of hand gel and facemasks. Good to see the British resolve kicking in. Sorry that should read panic buying....

Sorry to hijack the thread TFW. Getting back to it, I'm in Lombardia and you'll have read that there have been extreme measures put in place here with schools still closed and big events cancelled or played behind closed doors etc. The point is that it will get worse before it gets better. Having said that, the panic buying stage has passed here. Life is going on as normal apart for the corporate issues. I'd very much doubt Junior football will be affected. The matches have to be on to be cancelled after all.

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5 hours ago, LongTimeLurker said:

A lot depends on how you do the comparison. In terms of the lab confirmed cases the mortality rate on swine flu back in 2009 was about 1% in the UK when the pandemic was initially unfolding:


They arrived at the lower number later by including all the mild cases that probably happened but were never tested. Think the main reason the coronavirus is being treated with a much greater level of prevention measures and panic is that its completely new to science and hence more of an unknown quantity that could still get a lot worse if it mutates in a Spanish flu in 1918 sort of way.

Hope you're right. 

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On 03/03/2020 at 19:45, Duraglit shareholder said:

We in Auchinleck live very close to people infected with the Cumnoka-virus, a lot of nasty little bugs that refuse to be washed, to try help eradicate it.Their football team also play matches where home fans dont attend.:P

Looks like the virus has spread to the Talbot dressing room...........

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On 03/03/2020 at 19:45, Duraglit shareholder said:

We in Auchinleck live very close to people infected with the Cumnoka-virus, a lot of nasty little bugs that refuse to be washed, to try help eradicate it.Their football team also play matches where home fans dont attend.:P

Karma's a bitch.

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virus could hit lok hard as we have a lot of older fans

already our werthers' supply has been rationed

nearby morrisons are limiting us to only 1 bag each

gonna be a long second half without our favourite sweetie

but seriously only a few junior clubs average 500 +

of which we are one

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