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Had  Zoom family quiz on Saturday night with sisters in Aberdeen and London.  Of course, we naturally one by a substantial margin so will be running the next on this Saturday. 

Have been zooming the faither in law on a Friday for a game of cards/yahtzee/trivial pursuit which the bairn has been enjoying.  

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19 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

Had  Zoom family quiz on Saturday night with sisters in Aberdeen and London.  Of course, we naturally one by a substantial margin so will be running the next on this Saturday. 

Have been zooming the faither in law on a Friday for a game of cards/yahtzee/trivial pursuit which the bairn has been enjoying.  


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2 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

When I read posts like that it makes me glad I am an anti-social c**t with no friends.

Ditto. Must be an age thing. (Although I wouldn't say I've no friends.)

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It introduced me to Dadi Freyer who, it turns out, are fucking awesome. So was well worth having to put up with shite Spanish ska and terrible Irish hip hop

Also the video for Manhattan by Rossz Vagyok is possibly the most unintentionally hilarious music video I've ever seen

Dadi Freyr are indeed awesome.
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Bought a bit of shopping yesterday. A couple of steaks out of Tesco amongst it.

Taking dog out this morning when I noticed bag still on kitchen table. 

Left one of the steaks in the bag. At least the dog got a good breakfast 🤷‍♂️

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35 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

Would still have eaten this tbh

Yeah. No smell or discoloration and it was vacuum packed. I was jealous of him as I had a roll and Lorne sausage while he had his rare sirloin lol

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