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George Floyd/Black Lives Matter Protests

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5 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

Think a major problem, particularly online, is that nobody really knows who's engaging in good faith or just trying to point score. I'm guilty of it myself and think it's fine to dunk on people who know what they're doing but plenty of people are just ignorant and maybe need it patiently explained. The other issue with calling out is what's the next step? Loads of people don't have a next step and I wonder how they expect to win people over to their side if there's no positive reason to other than scolding.

Yeah, I think we're all guilty of it to some extent. It's not particularly a problem with certain issues or with the left or whatever. Piling on and 'calling out' is easy and feels good. A bit of patience and explaining things is difficult and not as immediately gratifying. Humans being humans, there's only one winner there 99% of the time.

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10 minutes ago, Day of the Lords said:

I'm guessing D.A.F.C. is generally disliked and passed over for promotion on what seems like a monthly basis because he's a racist melt. Oh well, mystery solved.

Who does this post help? Overly personal for no reason.

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Yeah, I think we're all guilty of it to some extent. It's not particularly a problem with certain issues or with the left or whatever. Piling on and 'calling out' is easy and feels good. A bit of patience and explaining things is difficult and not as immediately gratifying. Humans being humans, there's only one winner there 99% of the time.
As said social media and other formats now reward hateful nasty behaviour though dopamine reward systems that encourage pile ons, ganging up and reducing conversations into bun fights because its so much easier and rewarding to follow the side that is seen as 'winning' regardless of its actualy a reasoned argument.
Yes my original post wasn't backed up with why I thought that just putting bame people into roles to fill gaps isn't a great long term solution but that doesn't justify the responses either.
At the end of the day the facts are there for anyone who wants to look it up.
Nah, fuxk that will just throw a stone. I get rewarded for doing so.
Theres always posters who do this on every forum they love a heads gone or seeing someone get cornered or abused.
Bringing up previous threads and posts adds to it and they can smell blood.
Its beyond pathetic and predatory behaviour.
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1 minute ago, D.A.F.C said:

As said social media and other formats now reward hateful nasty behaviour though dopamine reward systems that encourage pile ons, ganging up and reducing conversations into bun fights because its so much easier and rewarding to follow the side that is seen as 'winning' regardless of its actualy a reasoned argument.
Yes my original post wasn't backed up with why I thought that just putting bame people into roles to fill gaps isn't a great long term solution but that doesn't justify the responses either.
At the end of the day the facts are there for anyone who wants to look it up.
Nah, fuxk that will just throw a stone. I get rewarded for doing so.
Theres always posters who do this on every forum they love a heads gone or seeing someone get cornered or abused.
Bringing up previous threads and posts adds to it and they can smell blood.
Its beyond pathetic and predatory behaviour.

Don't let the door hit your arse on the way out then. 

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37 minutes ago, Savage Henry said:

In short, we all have to moderate our language and our actions, and our beliefs.  Sometimes it’s better to just shut up and listen, rather than (pretending to?) empathise.


This has to be the mantra of the moment. Would there be protests if everything was fine? 

The Dunfermline Press has run a few stories recently that should make people feel very uncomfortable. A girl who regularly has the n word shouted at her, an Asian guy who tried to kill himself over the abuse he faced growing up, a lad who had classmates set up a Facebook page wanting him “sent home” (and not from school). This wasn’t decades ago - these are folk in their twenties.

Even the last two people (IIRC) who have died at the hands of the police in Scotland  have been black. Maybe the police response would have been the same if they were white? Maybe not? Maybe it hints at that “otherness” that seems to make it far easier for police in America to use extreme force against someone who looks different to them.



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9 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

As said social media and other formats now reward hateful nasty behaviour though dopamine reward systems that encourage pile ons, ganging up and reducing conversations into bun fights because its so much easier and rewarding to follow the side that is seen as 'winning' regardless of its actualy a reasoned argument.
Yes my original post wasn't backed up with why I thought that just putting bame people into roles to fill gaps isn't a great long term solution but that doesn't justify the responses either.
At the end of the day the facts are there for anyone who wants to look it up.
Nah, fuxk that will just throw a stone. I get rewarded for doing so.
Theres always posters who do this on every forum they love a heads gone or seeing someone get cornered or abused.
Bringing up previous threads and posts adds to it and they can smell blood.
Its beyond pathetic and predatory behaviour.

You do seem keen to paint yourself in to a similar corner to the one you describe at work.

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24 minutes ago, Shandon Par said:

This has to be the mantra of the moment. Would there be protests if everything was fine? 

The Dunfermline Press has run a few stories recently that should make people feel very uncomfortable. A girl who regularly has the n word shouted at her, an Asian guy who tried to kill himself over the abuse he faced growing up, a lad who had classmates set up a Facebook page wanting him “sent home” (and not from school). This wasn’t decades ago - these are folk in their twenties.

Even the last two people (IIRC) who have died at the hands of the police in Scotland  have been black. Maybe the police response would have been the same if they were white? Maybe not? Maybe it hints at that “otherness” that seems to make it far easier for police in America to use extreme force against someone who looks different to them.



It's Fife though

Not everywheres as bad as that

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5 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

No, other people do and make massive jumps and assumptions.

It's not always the case, but if a significant majority point out the flaw in an argument, not just yours, it can be a starting point to review that argument. I've tried and I'm still not sure what you're trying to say.

It sounds like you object to action to reverse years of racism because they don't go far enough, to the extent that you disapprove of the limited amount of action already taken.

Ie Ian Wright shouldn't be on the telly until the DG of the BBC is black as well.

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38 minutes ago, Shandon Par said:

This has to be the mantra of the moment. Would there be protests if everything was fine? 

The Dunfermline Press has run a few stories recently that should make people feel very uncomfortable. A girl who regularly has the n word shouted at her, an Asian guy who tried to kill himself over the abuse he faced growing up, a lad who had classmates set up a Facebook page wanting him “sent home” (and not from school). This wasn’t decades ago - these are folk in their twenties.

Even the last two people (IIRC) who have died at the hands of the police in Scotland  have been black. Maybe the police response would have been the same if they were white? Maybe not? Maybe it hints at that “otherness” that seems to make it far easier for police in America to use extreme force against someone who looks different to them.



Right.  And these are just some overt examples - it’s very easy to fool ourselves by going, ‘oh isn’t this terrible’, because it is terrible.  You could add Malky Mackay getting the job that he did, and Leigh Griffith’s “go back home” comments on social media to examples where white people in power are given a free pass over behaviour other groups wouldn’t, because of this “otherness” of which you speak.  Even our own liberal analysis of this perpetuates this structure, which is why I say shutting up and following is the right thing to do.

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3 hours ago, ali_91 said:

This is actually a good example, and I would hope that most sensible people would try and explain the connotations behind all lives matter and why it’s not an appropriate response to the BLM movement before branding someone a racist. 

I fully admit I can be too quick to judge on issues like this, however using the term ALM is a screaming warning sign that someone supports rangers and protects statues, and if it is explained to someone why saying all lives matter is downplaying the BLM movement and they still can’t see why it’s not an appropriate saying, then in my opinion they are clearly entering in to bigot territory, even if, as Bairnardo said, that isn’t fully fledged ‘I’m superior because I’m white,’ racism. 

To be fair, you tend to hide it well...

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Yep, D.A.F.C you have consistently had an absolute shocker on here. I think a lot of the responses to your dodgy posts over the past 24 hrs have been measured and reasonable but, as you have put it yourself before, you’ve been like a dog with a bone and have left folk exasperated with you, telling you to pipe down. Others have laid the boot in. Welcome to the internet buddy, not everybody is going to be nice to you on it.

I believe you said before that your mental health hasn’t been great recently. Honestly, do yourself a massive favour: log off for a while and come back with more chill.

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1 hour ago, D.A.F.C said:

As said social media and other formats now reward hateful nasty behaviour though dopamine reward systems that encourage pile ons, ganging up and reducing conversations into bun fights because its so much easier and rewarding to follow the side that is seen as 'winning' regardless of its actualy a reasoned argument.
Yes my original post wasn't backed up with why I thought that just putting bame people into roles to fill gaps isn't a great long term solution but that doesn't justify the responses either.
At the end of the day the facts are there for anyone who wants to look it up.
Nah, fuxk that will just throw a stone. I get rewarded for doing so.
Theres always posters who do this on every forum they love a heads gone or seeing someone get cornered or abused.
Bringing up previous threads and posts adds to it and they can smell blood.
Its beyond pathetic and predatory behaviour.

You had multiple responses which had no ad hominem attacks, with clear explanations of why people found your posts about quotas problematic.

You didn't engage in a reasoned argument with any of the points made, took nothing on board then started going off on one about dots when people concluded that what you were saying suggested you hold a racist attitude over the issue, after multiple posts of wilfully ignoring the points people were making to you and repeating your initial problematic point.

You can't complain about this turning into a bun fight when you're the one who caused it by refusing to engage in good faith. Even in this post you're still repeating that your view is supported by facts, having failed to address any of the points raised by DA Baracus, Marshmallo and many others explaining why your posts were viewed as racist.

To turn round and claim you're actually the victim of bullying because you've been criticised after all that is just dishonest, and if you genuinely believe that's what's happening here then you could do with stepping away from P&B for a while for your own good, as well as educating yourself further about race and subconscious bias.

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1 minute ago, Dunning1874 said:

You had multiple responses which had no ad hominem attacks, with clear explanations of why people found your posts about quotas problematic.

You didn't engage in a reasoned argument with any of the points made, took nothing on board then started going off on one about dots when people concluded that what you were saying suggested you hold a racist attitude over the issue, after multiple posts of wilfully ignoring the points people were making to you and repeating your initial problematic point.

You can't complain about this turning into a bun fight when you're the one who caused it by refusing to engage in good faith. Even in this post you're still repeating that your view is supported by facts, having failed to address any of the points raised by DA Baracus, Marshmallo and many others explaining why your posts were viewed as racist.

To turn round and claim you're actually the victim of bullying because you've been criticised after all that is just dishonest, and if you genuinely believe that's what's happening here then you could do with stepping away from P&B for a while for your own good, as well as educating yourself further about race and subconscious bias.

Bully, just responding for the likes, etc etc.

I don't understand why anyone would think posting on a public forum should be met with either unequivocal agreement, or silence. Maybe the silence would be a form of bullying too. Very odd.

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