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Queen's Park 2020/21

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8 hours ago, an86 said:

If you take a step back, the way it's been approached is madness. 

"Right, let's start back in October. We might not be able to guarantee fans in, but f**k it. Wing and a prayer."

Clubs then proceeded to sign players on deals and have to pay them. It becomes apparent that there won't be fans any time soon, as was always absolutely possible, and the gamble has backfired in a big way. 

"The government must now give us money to bail us out of the hole that we walked into of our own free will." 

Now, I don't have a problem with public money being used to save any business, or assist any sector, but the shrill demands are starting to come from the people who voted themselves into this situation. Everyone knew this was a big gamble, but fired on regardless. 

I have greatest sympathy for the sides who already had players committed to contracts pre-pandemic. Hopefully there is an extension and amending of furlough type system, otherwise teams will be knocking on death's door. Even then, it would be a struggle. 

There has to be some question as to whether January or, indeed, cold storage from an on-field perspective might have been the more financially responsible, if significantly more unpalatable and painful move for all involved. 

A lot of sense here. I think instead of whining about the potential demise of football as we know it and joining the ever lengthening queue of folk begging for public money, the "powers that be" would be better trying to work out how to make the best of the situation we find ourselves in and finding ways to replace the gate money that looks unlikely to return any time soon.

The most obvious source of income is through some sort of paid streaming service and would it not be an idea for SPFL clubs to co-operate to get some sort of joint service up and running? It occurs to me that there may be fans who can't go to matches every week who would happily pay to watch on-line. I usually only go to a few games a year as I stay on the wrong side of the country but would happily pay to watch every game from the comfort of my sofa whilst consuming a cold beer and a much better value pie. So the club could actually get more income from me than in a "normal" season. All clubs must have fans who are geographically unable to attend matches who might be a valuable source of income.

It might even be an opportunity to attract some new fans who've never quite got round to attending a match but might be tempted by the ease of access of online streaming.

Of course there would be set up & running costs and I have no idea what these would be and the whole idea might be a non-starter for all sorts of legal or technical reasons - but surely its worth consideration and an approach to government with a plea to help with funding of sucha  service might well stand more chance of success than just holding out a begging bowl.




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13 hours ago, Arachnophile said:

The most obvious source of income is through some sort of paid streaming service and would it not be an idea for SPFL clubs to co-operate to get some sort of joint service up and running? 




It's already happening and lots of clubs have signed up.  


Not us though at the moment. Maybe we can't install this 'til we move to Lesser, seeing as we don't own Hampden anymore. 

Currently waiting eagerly for news on what streaming service we'll be using to show games at Hampden from the 24th. 

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It's already happening and lots of clubs have signed up.  
Not us though at the moment. Maybe we can't install this 'til we move to Lesser, seeing as we don't own Hampden anymore. 
Currently waiting eagerly for news on what streaming service we'll be using to show games at Hampden from the 24th. 

Considering that season tickets are being advertised I’m assuming that we must have something in place.
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We must be the only team who tells their fans nothing.thanks for all the videos of new players liked them all . When are we going to get an interview with the manager . Have we only played one pre season friendly? Every other team is talking about streaming games ....we are being asked to buy season tickets without knowing anything that our club is going to do . We seem to be professional in who we are getting in our squad...I love it ...but give us some information as to what’s going on ......will we see games streamed or will it be only available to season ticket holders. [emoji460]️

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We must be the only team who tells their fans nothing.thanks for all the videos of new players liked them all . When are we going to get an interview with the manager . Have we only played one pre season friendly? Every other team is talking about streaming games ....we are being asked to buy season tickets without knowing anything that our club is going to do . We seem to be professional in who we are getting in our squad...I love it ...but give us some information as to what’s going on ......will we see games streamed or will it be only available to season ticket holders. [emoji460]️

We’ve only played one pre season game to my knowledge.

Covid restrictions is making things difficult with Lesser being a building site so we can’t do as much as we’d like.

Once we have concrete information, trust me, you find out as quickly as possible.
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13 hours ago, NathanQP said:


We’ve only played one pre season game to my knowledge.

Covid restrictions is making things difficult with Lesser being a building site so we can’t do as much as we’d like.

Once we have concrete information, trust me, you find out as quickly as possible.


Even that would have been informative if posted on the website. There is a tendency to withhold information re friendlies.

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45 minutes ago, williebraveheart said:

Even that would have been informative if posted on the website. There is a tendency to withhold information re friendlies.

There might be a slight touch of paranoia:

1) they don't want fans peeking over the wall in this Covid environment lest the club get punished by overzealous authorities. Not that the QP fans would do this anyway.

2) they don't want others finding out about trialists lest they get poached before QP can sign them. Although these things are not exactly a well kept secret within football

3) QP might be trying out various formations and tactics in friendlies that they don't want the opposition to know about before the season begins 

That's the conspiracy part. Of course it could just be cock-up instead.

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If we're playing during the day midweek, people who volunteer with things like updates and reports are possibly working. There's also the issue of whether it's absolutely essential that they're in the ground for bounce games.

Been critical of the club in the past for communications, but can't fault them over more recent times. It's improved so much. Think we need to be accept that things might not always be as smooth during these times. Same goes for streaming services. If it buffers, cuts out, doesn't work etc. initially, we just need to accept that nobody has been in this position before, everyone is doing their best, and stuff is likely to happen.

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21 hours ago, bobthespider said:

We must be the only team who tells their fans nothing.thanks for all the videos of new players liked them all . When are we going to get an interview with the manager . Have we only played one pre season friendly? Every other team is talking about streaming games ....we are being asked to buy season tickets without knowing anything that our club is going to do . We seem to be professional in who we are getting in our squad...I love it ...but give us some information as to what’s going on ......will we see games streamed or will it be only available to season ticket holders. emoji460.png

Well said Bob, after all the office is only open 4 days a week and that is not very professional. However, it appears that we may have a friendly against Hearts on Tuesday.By the way, as it is the September weekend here in Glasgow the office will only be open 3 days this week, I presume.

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3 hours ago, Dooflick said:

Well said Bob, after all the office is only open 4 days a week and that is not very professional. However, it appears that we may have a friendly against Hearts on Tuesday.By the way, as it is the September weekend here in Glasgow the office will only be open 3 days this week, I presume.

We're in the middle of a global pandemic. Nearly every sector across society is working at a reduced capacity, as they should be. The primary responsibility of the football club towards all staff is to make sure their health and well-being are looked after in the current climate. As long as the players are paid on time and the club is ticking over, that's fine. There must have been a lot of work gone into things like payroll and registration over the summer. More so than ever before. Also worth noting that people are receiving their shirt orders in rapid fire time. Not an essential service, but it's getting done. Everyone has had their gripes and moans about the club at one time or another, but a wee bit of positivity and kindness towards the people keeping the ship afloat, during what is an extremely challenging time for everyone, wouldn't go amiss.

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I think people can get confused with the full time players and they assume we can afford a big full time office team. The thing is that the player budget is getting paid out by Haughey not the club and we sadly can’t afford to hire a fancy full time office team as well - especially in this climate

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I was interested to discover whilst whiling away some time on-line that our squad is worth just under £2million.


Unsurprisingly Simon Murray is our most valuable player at £315k.

Here's what the rest of them are worth (allegedly)


I suspect Galt & Muir may be a little upset at apparently being of no value!!




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