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1 hour ago, Perkin Flump said:

I think that 8Mile has realised that now, we can all be grumpy buggers at times but I genuinely believe that all the regulars on here will do everything they can to help each other out, that odd Dunfermline Chap will manage to injure himself in the process however and that Falkirk Chap is quite short.

Very magnanimous of you.

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31 minutes ago, anotherchance said:


Agree with this. I guess the other side is that social media probably helps trans youths in the sense that they’re able to see and interact with others with similar circumstances to them, in a way that they wouldn’t have been able to in the past?

In general, I think most people are tolerant enough in day to day life - get the sense that a lot of the numptees on Twitter wouldn’t have the balls to express these kind of views away from their screen or anonymous account, and might not even have the brains to think up their nonsense if some howler like Hopkins or Robinson hasn’t said it first.

It doesn’t make any online abuse acceptable obviously, and I’m not sure how you do anything about it. Better regulation perhaps.


That brings us back to the beginning though, doesn't it? Who gets regulated? The people shouting hate or the people shouting hate back at them? Hopkins, Robinson, Rowling et al want the freedom to be in the first group; they just don't think anyone should be allowed to be in the second.

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2 hours ago, ali_91 said:

So what you are saying is that originally there was a back and forth, but then when Marshmallo noticed the negative mindset that Moomin was in at that time, he changed his behaviour accordingly.

For anyone looking in from the outside, that appears to be the correct course of action, but you’ve got yourself in such a state over him that you are inexplicably turning that in to a negative. 

Take a step back. 

Alternatively I think you’re both a pair of bellends who regularly derail threads seeking to aggravate folk just to impress the dregs of P&B. IIRC, when Moomin came back as Perkin he apologised for a poorly worded post and explained he was going through a tough time yet you both still continued trying to provoke him for a while.

Looking in from the outside it appeared that it took his post on the depression thread to make you realise what a pair of p***ks you are so then you went scurrying to Perkin all concerned and apologetic probably as much to save face and avoid a banhammer that was likely dangling above you both then. Please refrain from trying to engage with me any further on this thread. 

1 hour ago, Perkin Flump said:

I think that 8Mile has realised that now, we can all be grumpy buggers at times but I genuinely believe that all the regulars on here will do everything they can to help each other out, that odd Dunfermline Chap will manage to injure himself in the process however and that Falkirk Chap is quite short.

Absolutely, some things are often misconstrued when you can’t hear the tone of written words and folk might occasionally come across grumpy or offensive or whatever. However, if I’d say 50% of the regulars would try help anyone struggling, the other 50% would probably just use it to act the dick.  I just don’t buy into any of Ali’s post above as they’ve just moved on from you to try and aggravate other folk, who may or may not be going through hard times or have mental health issues for all they know. 

Apologies for the long post but better that than being drawn into one of Ali’s ‘Must Reply To Everything’ episodes.

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12 minutes ago, 8MileBU said:

Alternatively I think you’re both a pair of bellends who regularly derail threads seeking to aggravate folk just to impress the dregs of P&B.

Looks at topic of thread.
Looks at this post.
Looks at topic of thread again.
Shakes head.

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3 hours ago, pandarilla said:

I think most folk in the country don't really pay much attention to these issues, and generally let folk be.

They might make a smart-arse comment or silly joke, when faced with someone who's incredibly camp or gender fluid. But generally the atmosphere i find is 'live and let live', 'each to their own'.

We're a fairly tolerant country, and it's more and more difficult to get away with jokes or comments about these topics. It's slow progress, but it's progress.


Generally this. I'd a few issues back in the 90s but nowadays most people really don't care and just want to get on with their own lives. 



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4 hours ago, anotherchance said:


I’m not on about open and unashamed white supremacists and racists.

I’m on about people who’ll maybe question whether there’s more than two genders, whether BLM’s methods are the best way to go about things, or even just ignorant stuff like “why’s there not a straight pride?” and so on.

Assuming people like that are bigots is dangerous, and challenging disagreeable views like that is far more beneficial than casting the people who spout them as dangerous bigots, because they don’t immediately fall in line with the narrow range of views the echo chamber allows.


People who question why there isn’t a straight pride are almost definitely bigots. People who question whether there are more than two genders, in my experience, are bigots. People who “question whether BLM’s methods are the best way to go about things” are - on the whole, if they’re white - bigots.

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5 minutes ago, VladimirMooc said:

People who question why there isn’t a straight pride are almost definitely bigots. People who question whether there are more than two genders, in my experience, are bigots. People who “question whether BLM’s methods are the best way to go about things” are - on the whole, if they’re white - bigots.

People can question whatever they like, imagine being part of a world where no one ever questioned anything and we all had the same thoughts. 


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14 minutes ago, bennett said:

People can question whatever they like, imagine being part of a world where no one ever questioned anything and we all had the same thoughts. 


Of course they can. Question away, but don’t throw your toys out the pram and write public letters when you’re called out for being a bigot. And don’t expect a platform for your bigoted views. 

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20 minutes ago, VladimirMooc said:

Of course they can. Question away, but don’t throw your toys out the pram and write public letters when you’re called out for being a bigot. And don’t expect a platform for your bigoted views. 

Questioning something = being a bigot.



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40 minutes ago, VladimirMooc said:

People who question why there isn’t a straight pride are almost definitely bigots. People who question whether there are more than two genders, in my experience, are bigots. People who “question whether BLM’s methods are the best way to go about things” are - on the whole, if they’re white - bigots.

  1. I would tend to agree.
  2. I would think all bigots question there are more than two genders but not everyone who does is a bigot. I was taught there are 2, or grammatically 4, genders at school. It is a huge question with a multitude of answers.   How many genders are there?
  3. I would agree but not everyone who questions BLMs intentions is a bigot.
15 minutes ago, VladimirMooc said:

Of course they can. Question away, but don’t throw your toys out the pram and write public letters when you’re called out for being a bigot. And don’t expect a platform for your bigoted views. 

So if, for example, someone questions your definition of gender, you are staying they shouldn't get a platform?   That people who say something you find offensive shouldn't get a platform, or, maybe say something the majority find offensive shouldn't be allowed a platform? 

Nah. I not accepting any if them. 

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10 hours ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

I loved the Rab reference of “he stopped posting because of it”. No, he didn’t. He went utterly mental and started spamming relentlessly to the point he was banned, and has come back with about 100 aliases since that have also been banned.

What's a "Rab Reference"?  no idea what you're on about.  I see Mallo, you and his pals have been piling on today.  Has it ever occured to people that this is a form of cyber bullying? It needs called out.

Edited by Burnieman
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14 hours ago, Perkin Flump said:

Marshy loves a good wind up, if you are bothered by coloured squares get used to it. When it really matters he will have your back if you need it, don't take it personally like I once did.

It certainly isn't a wind-up, it's pretty disturbing behaviour.

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40 minutes ago, Mr Waldo said:
  1. I would tend to agree.
  2. I would think all bigots question there are more than two genders but not everyone who does is a bigot. I was taught there are 2, or grammatically 4, genders at school. It is a huge question with a multitude of answers.   How many genders are there?
  3. I would agree but not everyone who questions BLMs intentions is a bigot.

So if, for example, someone questions your definition of gender, you are staying they shouldn't get a platform?   That people who say something you find offensive shouldn't get a platform, or, maybe say something the majority find offensive shouldn't be allowed a platform? 

Nah. I not accepting any if them. 

No, I’m not saying that. I’m saying that people with bigoted views don’t have a right to platforms and shouldn’t throw their toys out the pram when they aren’t given platforms. Although those people usually tend to have platforms anyway, so the point is likely a moot one anyway. 

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People who question why there isn’t a straight pride are almost definitely bigots. People who question whether there are more than two genders, in my experience, are bigots. People who “question whether BLM’s methods are the best way to go about things” are - on the whole, if they’re white - bigots.
Christ, that's a lot of bigots.

I'm guessing that as you get older, you'll realise that life doesn't quite work like that.

Lots of bad people do great things, and lots of great people do bad things. Life and people are complicated, and rarely is stuff black and white.

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