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18 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

For the limited number of people involved and given the technology available to us these days, why not?

Because it would make a complete mockery of women's sport. 

It's funny how entrenched people are on this. For years saying she is biologically male and has functioning tested was a vicious slur according to her fans and now it's been confirmed as true it's seemingly irrelevant. If all this had been public when she first broke through I don't think she would have built up so much support. 

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14 minutes ago, dirty dingus said:

JK Rowling is an arsehole and tried to compare Scottish indy movement  to far right blood and soil nationalist, she is also partial to doxing when an argument is going against her so she can go f**k herself.

I can't stand people who make sweeping generalisations about groups of people but every unionist reveals themselves to be a horrible person if you wait long enough.

Edited by Gordon EF
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17 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

Why do you keep talking about testosterone?

Because that's what this particular CAS ruling is about. 

Also ICTChris suggested hypothetical test levelling and you said why not which kicked off this tedious conjecture. 

Edited by Detournement
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On 15/09/2020 at 11:20, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

Rowling is the fucking worst. She has completely Linehaned her career.

It'll probably go to number one in the book sales list due to all of this publicity. 

On 15/09/2020 at 08:27, ali_91 said:

There’s JK Rowling, who is absolutely not a bigot and just has some #genuineconcerns, releasing a book where the main protagonist is a man who dresses up as a woman to kill his victims.

Definitely not a bigot though! It’s actually the people intolerant of her that are the real bigots! 

Have you never watched psycho?



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4 hours ago, ICTChris said:

So every athlete should get a testosterone measurement pre-race and are then handicapped appropriately?  Or should we get rid of mens and women's athletics and operate by divisions of T ratings? 

To say that opens a can of worms is an understatement.  

That's the can of worms which has already been opened with the treatment of Caster Semenya. If it's appropriate to restrict which events one woman can compete in based on her naturally occurring levels of testosterone, or alternatively force her to comply with a set testerone level to compete in those events, why would it be wrong to do the exact same thing to every other athlete?

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2 hours ago, bennett said:

It'll probably go to number one in the book sales list due to all of this publicity. 




It’ll go to number 1 because she has millions of acolytes who would buy the phone book if she wrote it. 

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1 hour ago, Rugster said:

It’ll go to number 1 because she has millions of acolytes who would buy the phone book if she wrote it. 

Like her stuff,  you buy it. If you don't like her stuff then you don't buy it.

Life used to be so much easier. 


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15 hours ago, GiGi said:

Just seen his rant about Diversity and BLM from last week. Ooft he must just post videos when he runs out of drink at 5  in the morning the stupid old c**t. Looks more like Jackson Carlaw than himself these days.


"Cancel culture is a terrible leftie thing!"


"We must all complain and get those anti-racist dancers off the telly!"

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