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The George Galloway "Unity Party" thread


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17 minutes ago, Glen Sannox said:

I see that the “civic and joyous” are up to their usual stuff.


Some twerp on twitter? Gorgeous George back in the day was far more hands on with the old "civic nationalism" caper. Y'know, actual proactive rabblerousing with actual murderers and stuff....


21st August 1989

Galloway hailed at troops-out protest

GLASGOW Hillhead MP Mr George Galloway drew loud cheers and prolonged

applause when he told 10,000 anti-British demonstrators at a Dublin

rally at the weekend that the Ulster violence will not end until the

troops are pulled out.

''The violence will never end until the fundamental cause is removed

-- the British occupation of Ireland,'' the Labour MP said.

The troops-out demonstrators, supported by Mr Galloway; MEP for

Lancashire East, Mr Michael Hindley; and former priest Patrick Ryan, who 

is wanted for questioning by Scotland Yard in connection with alleged

terrorist offences, marched through Dublin.

They shared a protest platform with Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams

and singer Sinead O'Connor outside the British Embassy.

A few paces behind the march leaders a group of standard-bearers in

illegal paramilitary camouflage combat jackets, black berets and dark

glasses led chants of support for the IRA.

There was a mock guillotining of Mrs Thatcher.

Mr Adams introduced the guest speakers by saying: ''There have always

been British politicians prepared to speak out on the question of  

Northern Ireland and these two are very welcome.''

The Sinn Fein leader went on: ''The last 20 years are only the tip of

the iceberg of British aggression and British brutality. I praise the

IRA -- they are very rarely praised.''


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Patrick Ryan:


"In a 2019 interview with the BBC, Ryan was asked if he was involved in any of the incidents of which Thatcher accused him, to which he responded "I would say most of them. One way or another, yes I had a hand in most them - yes, [Thatcher] was right". He stated that his only regret about his contribution to the Brighton hotel bombing, which killed 5 people, was that "I wasn't even more effective... I would like to have been much more effective, but we didn't do too badly".[2]


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32 minutes ago, Glen Sannox said:

I see that the “civic and joyous” are up to their usual stuff.


I see that account "doesn't exist". 

I see that allforunity2 account is suspended. Probably for their Culloden massacre post.

One account belongs/belonged to an individual. The other belongs to an actual party* hoping to get MSPs.

* a party of moon howlers, right enough and led by moon howler supreme Galloway.

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An ex's late father was once involved in labour party same time and George  had been a visitor in the family home on a few occasions on party business.

I asked her mother what he was like in person (it was around the time of his BB appearance). 

Her reply was..."Please do not mention his name in this house" and by her tone I knew it was the end of the conversation.

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26 minutes ago, Sugar_Army said:

An ex's late father was once involved in labour party same time and George  had been a visitor in the family home on a few occasions on party business.

I asked her mother what he was like in person (it was around the time of his BB appearance). 

Her reply was..."Please do not mention his name in this house" and by her tone I knew it was the end of the conversation.

He probably took a shite in her cats litter tray.

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1 hour ago, topcat(The most tip top) said:


Are you suggesting Galloway ever had principles?


As Groucho said "Those are my principles...and if you don't like them I have others..."

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35 minutes ago, wirez said:

He probably took a shite in her cats litter tray.

Actually, now you come to mention it, ex gf's cat was a bit weird, seeing George do that could well have traumatised it.  Especially if he also had the horn for it like he had fore Rula Lenska.

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1 hour ago, wirez said:

He probably took a shite in her cats litter tray.

I would have guessed she turned her back for a minute only to find him with a leg cocked behind his ear, washing what’s left of his balls. It’s amazing how flexible an ageing degenerate in a leotard can be.

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19 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Has there been any sign of the bold George?

His Twitter thread yesterday was the ramblings of someone who is not well at all.

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