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Conspiracy Theories

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On 28/07/2020 at 22:55, The Minertaur said:

My brother in law just shared this on Facebook. I don't even know where to start with this.


Couple of weeks ago he sent me a video about Isaac Kappy which was full of a load of shite.

I joined a couple of organised walking groups recently, to get myself off my backside and out for some exercise during/after the lockdown restrictions. On my latest jaunt, I got talking to a 40-ish year old Aussie who came up with the most outlandish Covid conspiracy I've heard yet. According to him, the FBI/CIA/MI6/Mossad etc discovered a huge terrorist plot. In order to foil it, they decided they had to put an immediate stop to all international travel. How to do this without causing world wide panic? Easy... invent a global pandemic! So there is actually no C-19, nobody has died. It's all a cover story to foil those pesky terrorists.

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3 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

Has anyone mentioned flat earthers yet? That's an odd phenomenon to have seen a new lease of life in the last decade.

That's another one that I think started as a joke and some morons take it seriously. Some of them probably treat it as a challenge to make a convincing argument for a theory they know to be ridiculous. 

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1 hour ago, MixuFruit said:

Has anyone mentioned flat earthers yet? That's an odd phenomenon to have seen a new lease of life in the last decade.

We should all put our heads together to see if we can get a conspiracy theory to go viral. If it all spirals out of control I want nothing to do with it though. 

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50 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

I feel like the whole alt right thing emerged from folk being ironically racist online for a laugh too.

Totally, but some hardcore believers hijacked it very quickly. Not sure where you'd put Milo on that spectrum, probably started off on the ironic side but when he saw the cash coming in from mugs decided to up the stakes.

Edited by welshbairn
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6 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

He was a totally unremarkable hoodie wearing tech blogger before whatever happened there.

Was it that jumping on a woman in the games industry who dumped her geek hero boyfriend thing that set him off? A part of me feels a smidgen sorry for him (not really) for the thing that kicked him off the alt right gravy train. A gay friend of mine told me how at a time he was having underage sex with his older cousin, the cousin said they'd have to stop in case his parents found out. He told his cousin that if it stopped he'd definitely tell his parents. Milo was having a ball with the right subverting the liberal consensus, and just forgot for a moment who he was talking too.

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Has anyone mentioned flat earthers yet? That's an odd phenomenon to have seen a new lease of life in the last decade.

I’m sure I’ve posted this before but I used to work with a flat earther. I work for a large media company who use, er, satellites to broadcast. The office the guy worked, you could literally go and look at the screens monitoring signals etc. He would have seen them but wasn’t having it.

He also believed that drinking tap water would make you gay and that the flu jab was a plot to kill the elderly. He also made boasts that were clearly untrue - he came up to work in Scotland for a week and claimed that he’d pulled the waitress from the restaurant across the road from his hotel, complete and total lies. He also once boasted to me about going to massage parlours and getting a happy ending, a strange thing to boast about.

He had a very hot Ukrainian girlfriend, although every time she came out with him he would end up in an argument with her because she had been talking to other men, including his colleagues on a few occasions. A deeply strange man.
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On 29/07/2020 at 22:56, Lurkst said:

I watched this earlier today...


I remember reading Lazar's book back in the 90s and he seems to have remained steadfast in his belief about what he saw at Area 51.


I've ready quite a few articles by UFO nuts that debunk Lazar, so if his own side think (and prove) he was making it up it doesn't really matter if he remains steadfast or not

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On 28/07/2020 at 17:18, Detournement said:


On the JFK thing anyone who believes LHO acted alone has either spent less than five minutes looking into it or is a moron. 

Yer man madwullie here sums this post up v well. 

On 29/07/2020 at 11:39, madwullie said:

Nothing annoys me more than absolute moon units claiming you've "not done your research" like they're in on some massive global conspiracy and you're just some biddable idiot, while the truth is you've read the same stuff they have, but you're not a fucking space cadet and understand its mostly fantastic nonsense. 

Well in madwullie, well in. 

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3 hours ago, Grant228 said:

Yer man madwullie here sums this post up v well. 

Well in madwullie, well in. 

You can't have read the same stuff I have and come to that conclusion. Even the US Congress in the 1970s came to the conclusion that he didn't act alone FFS.

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I thought Hancock's hypothesis was that this civilisation hailed from the Antarctic landmass, and that they were wiped out due to the Earth's crust shifting and their home slipping under the southern Ice cap? I'm positive that's what he was arguing in 'Fingerprints' anyway.

I don't necessarily think all 'conspiracy theories' exist on the same plane of implausibility. For example, I don't believe that Abdelbaset Al-Megrahi was either directly involved in the bombing of Pan-Am flight 103, or that whoever did plant the device was operating on the behalf of, and behest of the Libyan regime. That's the official story we're still fed though, so if my scepticism makes me a screaming delusional nutcase, so be it.

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6 hours ago, Detournement said:

You can't have read the same stuff I have and come to that conclusion. Even the US Congress in the 1970s came to the conclusion that he didn't act alone FFS.

As per with most conspiracy theories you're game for taking one side of the story, while blindly ignoring anything else. In this case the commite said it was likely based on acoustic evidence, which was then heavily discredited. 


I've read a good bit on it, and came to the conclusion he'd done it on his own. 


There's some proper batshit logic that gets applied to "He cAnT HAvE doNe iT hiMSElf" including that a bloke who's grown up with rifles, including going through service can't have hit a target at less than 100 metres? Aye, settle down. 

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6 hours ago, Boo Khaki said:

I thought Hancock's hypothesis was that this civilisation hailed from the Antarctic landmass, and that they were wiped out due to the Earth's crust shifting and their home slipping under the southern Ice cap? I'm positive that's what he was arguing in 'Fingerprints' anyway.

I don't necessarily think all 'conspiracy theories' exist on the same plane of implausibility. For example, I don't believe that Abdelbaset Al-Megrahi was either directly involved in the bombing of Pan-Am flight 103, or that whoever did plant the device was operating on the behalf of, and behest of the Libyan regime. That's the official story we're still fed though, so if my scepticism makes me a screaming delusional nutcase, so be it.

That's a good one. With you 100% on that. Total patsy so Gadaffi could get some attention from real leaders. 

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