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Coruption in football

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Hi everyone. New member here and I just had to get this off my chest. WHY ARE HEARTS BEING PUNISHED when its clear Celtic and Aberdeen are at fault. 


I have kept a note of everything the SPFL/SFA have done in the past 5 years which hasn't benefitted us and I'm happy to share it with anyone that can help build a case towards dare i say it an SPFL/SFA *Conspiracy* against us. 



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10 minutes ago, Cauliflower-HMFC said:

Hi everyone. New member here and I just had to get this off my chest. WHY ARE HEARTS BEING PUNISHED when its clear Celtic and Aberdeen are at fault. 


I have kept a note of everything the SPFL/SFA have done in the past 5 years which hasn't benefitted us and I'm happy to share it with anyone that can help build a case towards dare i say it an SPFL/SFA *Conspiracy* against us. 




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17 minutes ago, Cauliflower-HMFC said:

Hi everyone. New member here and I just had to get this off my chest. WHY ARE HEARTS BEING PUNISHED when its clear Celtic and Aberdeen are at fault. 


I have kept a note of everything the SPFL/SFA have done in the past 5 years which hasn't benefitted us and I'm happy to share it with anyone that can help build a case towards dare i say it an SPFL/SFA *Conspiracy* against us. 




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Hi everyone. New member here and I just had to get this off my chest. WHY ARE HEARTS BEING PUNISHED when its clear Celtic and Aberdeen are at fault. 
I have kept a note of everything the SPFL/SFA have done in the past 5 years which hasn't benefitted us and I'm happy to share it with anyone that can help build a case towards dare i say it an SPFL/SFA *Conspiracy* against us. 

I highly doubt anyone in charge of scottish football can spell conspiracy, never mind have the intelligence to facilitate one.

You either let Hearts train and disadvantage Dundee etc, or you don’t and disadvantage Hearts for the cup game. Doesn’t matter what you choose, someone loses out. It’s the same with the exam results, you either screw over the current students, or you screw over future students by making these students harder to compete with. You can’t win.

I agree that it’s harsh when it’s premiership clubs causing the problem, but we all know if the other 30 clubs were allowed to play there would be plenty idiots throughout the leagues doing the same things. All they are trying to do is prevent the virus running out of control again. This is a globally crucial moment as Europe tries to show it can stay on top of the virus and quite frankly a bunch of relatively tiny companies wanting to play football is not remotely important.

By far the most important thing right now from a scottish football point of view, is making sure that we don’t need to stop completely, long term, as we did before. That’s the only hope for getting every club through this and if some clubs end up losing out in the sporting sense then so be it.

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19 minutes ago, Cauliflower-HMFC said:

Hi everyone. New member here and I just had to get this off my chest. WHY ARE EVERYONE OUTSIDE THE PREMIERSHIP BEING PUNISHED when its clear PREMIERSHIP are at fault. 


I have kept a note of everything the SPFL/SFA have done in the past 5 years which hasn't benefitted us and I'm happy to share it with anyone that can help build a case towards dare i say it an SPFL/SFA *Conspiracy* against us. 



Get a grip of yourself, I've fixed this for you in bold. 

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1 minute ago, stu2910 said:

You either let Hearts train and disadvantage Dundee etc, or you don’t and disadvantage Hearts for the cup game. Doesn’t matter what you choose, someone loses out. It’s the same with the exam results, you either screw over the current students, or you screw over future students by making these students harder to compete with. You can’t win.

Either that or the Joint Response Group could actually get their finger out, and instead of building obstacles attempt to help. 

Begin with ensuring the Covid 19 protocol inspections are done as quickly as possible to ensure clubs are not inconvenienced. I suggest starting with Hearts as they are already in training, then move onto the next clubs that are due to restart training.

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26 minutes ago, Cauliflower-HMFC said:

Hi everyone. New member here and I just had to get this off my chest. WHY ARE HEARTS BEING PUNISHED when its clear Celtic and Aberdeen are at fault. 


I have kept a note of everything the SPFL/SFA have done in the past 5 years which hasn't benefitted us and I'm happy to share it with anyone that can help build a case towards dare i say it an SPFL/SFA *Conspiracy* against us. 



How long you been a Hertz fan, m8?

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