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'Professional' teams venues


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Why is it that the 'professional' teams are playing on public parks yet amaters are not allowed the same privilege.

Well done to them for getting games on in bad weather and I don't want any level of football stopped but is there a difference between their grade playing games at Wishaw, John Paul or Glasgow Green than my team playing at Kirktonholm Park?



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It is a bit strange. To join the 'senior' ranks do u not need to have a certain standard of stadium. Enclosed, turnstiles, etc etc. To allow them to move to public parks when it suits makes a mockery of this.

To stop the amateurs playing on the same pitch is farcical. I did, along with many others, write to my MSP and MP about amateur football. Both felt it was unfair that certain levels were allowed and amateurs weren't. They were going to raise it with the government. I'm still waiting on my response.

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I think that pro teams have to get permission to play outwith their nominated ground. For the WoSFL to sanction playing on what are basically public parks is a nonsense as one the reasons they get to play is that they can prevent spectators watching. 

We need more from those at the top of the game. Football in Scotland is not all about elitism. Much is said about football being the people's game. It's about time we were given the same treatment as the pro teams


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I did wonder whether the amateurs were allowed to play, down here in Bristol the lockdown has stopped everyone - the parks level had been playing, ok with a few cases, those clubs then had to stop for 10 days I think. Can only guess the governments love affair with the 'elite' is either coz of testing OR the dreaded £££. This sounds absolute nonsense up in Scotland

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On 05/11/2020 at 23:04, eyeswideopen15 said:

Unpopular opinion here but football outwith the top 4 leagues in the country should not be permitted IMO

Can't see what evidence has been shown that makes amateur football any more of a risk than any other grade.

My point is we are being denied the chance to play while other teams who are classed as professional are playing on public parks.

I don't see what the distinction is between a pro team with most players not being paid because they are on amateur registrations being allowed to play in public parks while amateur teams who carry out the same covid precautions cannot do the same.

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On 06/11/2020 at 08:40, Gazzah said:

Any league that’s started pause and the others that havnt started just start back up in March play summer.

If we were told that by the blazers at Hampden then at least we would know where we stand.

I think though that we know where they are on the subject of summer football. 

The lack of any real opposition to or even acceptance of the current ban on amateur football in the central belt is poor from the people in charge of the game.


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If we were told that by the blazers at Hampden then at least we would know where we stand.
I think though that we know where they are on the subject of summer football. 
The lack of any real opposition to or even acceptance of the current ban on amateur football in the central belt is poor from the people in charge of the game.
I suspect it's that a lot of the top amateur leagues cover a larger geographical area and they are trying to avoid travel. Not saying it's right but I suspect that came into consideration.
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18 minutes ago, justagoalie said:

Can't see what evidence has been shown that makes amateur football any more of a risk than any other grade.

My point is we are being denied the chance to play while other teams who are classed as professional are playing on public parks.

I don't see what the distinction is between a pro team with most players not being paid because they are on amateur registrations being allowed to play in public parks while amateur teams who carry out the same covid precautions cannot do the same.

It's not about the risk of amateur football, it's the increased risk of transmission that comes from an additional 600+ teams travelling and playing on top of the 270 ish senior + junior clubs that are already allowed to play just now.

The legislation says only professional sportspersons - i.e. someone who derives a living from competing in sport - can play so the SFA is already stretching things going down to tier 7. Problem is if you go by that definition you're restricted to just full-time players, which excludes half the SPFL.


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I 100% agree with the example you gave.

Thats why I don't think any of them should be allowed. Its different at the top where the testing is so rigid or championship and lower leagues where its considered a major source of income. Anything below league 2, for me, shouldn't be played just yet

Can't see what evidence has been shown that makes amateur football any more of a risk than any other grade.
My point is we are being denied the chance to play while other teams who are classed as professional are playing on public parks.
I don't see what the distinction is between a pro team with most players not being paid because they are on amateur registrations being allowed to play in public parks while amateur teams who carry out the same covid precautions cannot do the same.
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10 hours ago, eyeswideopen15 said:

I 100% agree with the example you gave.

Thats why I don't think any of them should be allowed. Its different at the top where the testing is so rigid or championship and lower leagues where its considered a major source of income. Anything below league 2, for me, shouldn't be played just yet

In all seriousness, can you post here which outdoor sporting activities which have been permitted and have caused the virus to spread and can be shown to have done so?

There's been individuals who have contracted the disease through other activities e.g. in Bars, visiting family and friends, going to College, University, School, etc but through outdoor activities, including contact sports, which are subject to covid spacing etc?? 

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The best example i can give is the Kilmarnock FC situation. Almost a full first team test positive of covid. Thats not a coincidence. At the very top level where every precaution possible has been pit in place it still managed to decimate a full club.

The only positive is that due to their testing procedures that was caught and taken care of. That has happened before and will happen again at the top level. Let's not be kidded it has happened before, happening now and will happen again out our level. We just don't know about it as the majority of young men don't get symptoms, but what they do do is carry it and pass it on but family and workmates. So the lack of testing at our level and the lack of symptoms in people at our level make it very hard to specifically blame a game from our level IMO.

In all seriousness, can you post here which outdoor sporting activities which have been permitted and have caused the virus to spread and can be shown to have done so?
There's been individuals who have contracted the disease through other activities e.g. in Bars, visiting family and friends, going to College, University, School, etc but through outdoor activities, including contact sports, which are subject to covid spacing etc?? 
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As previously said. The activity of playing the game may not be an issue. Just like the activity of sitting sipping a pint in a pub is not the issue. It everything else round about these things. 40 different households congregating in one area. Journeys to and from these areas. Hugging kissing shouting amd singing in each others faces when a goal is scored or wrecked in said pub.

They other side is that should the game be played on the Saturday and someone at the game tests positive on the Monday, even if its been passed to no one, all these lads need to isolate for 14 days. How long can that last for? No training, minimum of 2 games called off and 2 weeks off work, likely unpaid. The first time that happens to a club will be an eye opener. The next time that happens to a club they could find themselves with a mass exodus and imo, its not a matter of if that happens but when.

No one misses the game more than me. I cannot bear watching that pish on TV. id much rather be at a local park watching the amateur game. I just don't think in the middle of winter in lead up to Xmas is the best time. The only argument against, that holds any weight is the mental health damage. I dont know how to counter that

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Can understand the spfl level with all their testing etc, but that doesn't stop pro players catching the virus and possibly spreading. Not totally blinded by the science but if mask wearing had been mandatory, then maybe that would have helped. The leaders have stopped the game down to parks, amateurs, but those players didn't get tested so what's the difference now ? If you're stopping the game, then don't bother opening the shops for Xmas, hypocrisy beyond belief.

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Teams in the WoSFL are travelling far and wide. Glasgow teams are travelling to South Ayrshire for league games. Teams in Ayrshire could be going to Fife for cup ties.

The original question was why are pro teams using public parks when amateur teams are not allowed to.  WoSFL teams are probably not paying players due to lack of income and I would guess that a large number of players are registered amateur.

Maybe we could be given the same treatment as the professional amateurs 


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21 hours ago, justagoalie said:

If we were told that by the blazers at Hampden then at least we would know where we stand.

I think though that we know where they are on the subject of summer football. 

The lack of any real opposition to or even acceptance of the current ban on amateur football in the central belt is poor from the people in charge of the game.


If you a referring to The SAFA blazers .......well I can assure you they have put a lot of pressure on The  powers above and constantly do......... in fact The SAFA Secretary and President

[ who runs a amateur team ] are just as upset and sick of the situation as you are ................................  but you will find its Sports Scotland are the ones involved in decisions and I believe a compromise was made for some groups being allowed than none at all 


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Maybe a bit more public pressure from them Auld Yin and coming out with explanations as to why we are not allowed to play when, let's be honest professional amateur teams are playing on public parks with people watching.

I get that the 'blazers'have teams and I don't wish to offend any of the office bearers but the lack of info or any comments is in my opinion poor. If it's Sport Scotland that's stopping us then let's get the reasons from them. It looks like we are being prevented from playing to allow others to do so.

apologies to any blazers who are offended by my use of the word.

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