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Tier 4 - Restrictions.

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31 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

Whitehill Welfare are free to pull out and accept the relegation they were almost inevitably going to have received on the field of play if they had continued.

How can you even have forecasted that with plenty games to go ?

Are you a broken record ffs ? 

I have nothing to do with anything on or off the park at ww so it would have feck a to do wi me or you for that what they do 🤡

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57 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:


NICOLA Sturgeon has admitted to being "utterly scunnered and fed up" with new coronavirus restrictions - but confirmed that all areas WILL come out of Tier 4 in three weeks...

The key decision we'll have to make before then will be what level different areas go into.

"I believe level 4 will mean that overall these areas will spend less time in level 3 than they would if we had just left them.

"But whether they can leapfrog and go to level 2 we can't make that decision right now." ...

You know that doesn't in any way contradict what I said, right?

These restrictions are for three weeks. Every set of restrictions have been for three weeks at a time. Looking for ulterior motives when there's an obvious and logical explanation is how conspiracy theories start.

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26 minutes ago, GordonS said:

You know that doesn't in any way contradict what I said, right?

These restrictions are for three weeks. Every set of restrictions have been for three weeks at a time. Looking for ulterior motives when there's an obvious and logical explanation is how conspiracy theories start.

Get your head out the sand he quoted where she said they wouldnt continue after 3 weeks. Previously the restrictions would be in place for 3 weeks but they wouldnt confirm yea or no whether they would continue

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16 minutes ago, AlanCamelonfan said:

Get your head out the sand he quoted where she said they wouldnt continue after 3 weeks. Previously the restrictions would be in place for 3 weeks but they wouldnt confirm yea or no whether they would continue

...and the difference this time is the SNP knows full well that headlines will be dominated on Dec 11th by the FDA (EU and UK will follow in lockstep) emergency approval of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines the day before. Once rapid vaccination implementation starts and Christmas and New Year are just around the corner the talk in press briefings will be of when and how fast lockdown restrictions will get lifted. If they are planning on 1 million vaccinations by late January it won't take long to get the people who actually have something significant to worry about largely protected if the 95% efficacy holds up.

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1 minute ago, LongTimeLurker said:

...and the difference this time is the SNP knows full well that headlines will be dominated on Dec 11th by the FDA (EU and UK will follow in lockstep) emergency approval of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines the day before. Once rapid vaccination implementation starts and Christmas and New Year are just around the corner the talk in press briefings will be of when and how fast lockdowns restrictions will get lifted. If they are planning on 1 million vaccinations by late January it won't take long to get the people who actually have something significant to worry about largely protected if the 95% efficacy holds up.

Let's hope so and hope we can have fans at Wembley in the summer


Da da da dara dara da davie marshall

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Blackburn are free to pull out and accept the relegation they were almost inevitably going to have received on the field of play if they had continued.

Why would we do that? I know highlighting the realities of the situation upsets you whilst you stuff your fingers in your ears and pretend it's not a problem, whilst shouting "vaccine" in various threads, but try living in the real world for a change.


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3 hours ago, LongTimeLurker said:

...and the difference this time is the SNP knows full well that headlines will be dominated on Dec 11th by the FDA (EU and UK will follow in lockstep) emergency approval of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines the day before. Once rapid vaccination implementation starts and Christmas and New Year are just around the corner the talk in press briefings will be of when and how fast lockdown restrictions will get lifted. If they are planning on 1 million vaccinations by late January it won't take long to get the people who actually have something significant to worry about largely protected if the 95% efficacy holds up.

Anyone following the covid pandemic in the UK will have seen that a second peak was expected and it has happened, against the background of companies trying to come up with acceptable vaccines as quickly as possible. All UK governments attend the same regular meetings on covid and so have the same information but they all like to play the one-upmanship games for base political motives i.e. mainly being different for the sake of it.

The ONS recently revealed that, as anticipated, the second peak arrived in October and has started to diminish. The SG, and others, played the game of pretending that their actions made much difference even though the stats show that the disease infection rates were going to decline anyway. The hot money was also on a number of acceptable vaccines becoming available/approved before the end of this year.

To suggest that the most needy will be first to get the Pfizer vaccine is, I strongly suspect, not going to be the case because of the practical issues associated with storing the vaccine i.e. extremely low storage temperature requirements plus a very short "in fridge" storage shelf life. To honestly believe that those who have been identified as those at the top of the list for vaccination i.e. those living and working in Care Homes will all get vaccinates very soon it is necessary to also believe that it will be practically possible to get all such people to the vaccination centres which are being set up throughout the UK. With two jabs required at 2/3 week intervals this will have to be done twice per person.

The vaccination centres will be in the main centres of population because of the consequences of these practical storage issues. It will be necessary to remove so many vulnerable people twice from the Care Homes in a one month period. This is a really serious problem and leads me to think that the vaccines will actually go to the Care Home workers firstly as they are mobile - and that could be a sensible plan given that the most vulnerable depend wholly upon them. It is only when more easily stored and longer shelf life vaccines are here that we can realistically get the most vulnerable people vaccinated, lots of them don't live in the main population centres anyway.

Hopefully more practical to use (and better in my view) vaccines such as Oxford Astrazeneca will be here very soon and they will, indeed, do the job which is needed and which governments are suggesting will be done very soon.  

In other words we are all being intentionally mislead by Governments which could gain some credibility and support if they had the courage to just tell it like it is.

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2 hours ago, Dev said:

...To suggest that the most needy will be first to get the Pfizer vaccine is, I strongly suspect, not going to be the case because of the practical issues associated with storing the vaccine i.e. extremely low storage temperature requirements plus a very short "in fridge" storage shelf life. To honestly believe that those who have been identified as those at the top of the list for vaccination i.e. those living and working in Care Homes will all get vaccinates very soon it is necessary to also believe that it will be practically possible to get all such people to the vaccination centres which are being set up throughout the UK. With two jabs required at 2/3 week intervals this will have to be done twice per person...

They are clearly anticipating also having the Oxford vaccine by the end of December when they talk about 1 million vaccinated in Scotland by the end of January, and they will have a very good idea already of what the likely timeline is on that.




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I had heard that the Oxford/Astrazeneca vaccine was being manufactured already worldwide e.g. tens of million doses in Melbourne, Australia, but I hadn't come across any news directly so didn't wish to go so far.

Altogether very encouraging and good to see the UK at the forefront of efforts which will help so many people throughout much of the world (I presume that China and Russia will just go their own way re vaccines).

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17 hours ago, Dev said:

Anyone following the covid pandemic in the UK will have seen that a second peak was expected and it has happened, against the background of companies trying to come up with acceptable vaccines as quickly as possible. All UK governments attend the same regular meetings on covid and so have the same information but they all like to play the one-upmanship games for base political motives i.e. mainly being different for the sake of it.

Changed my mind.

But - no. That's not true.

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3 minutes ago, GordonS said:

This is utter rubbish and the point at which I stopped reading. Anyone coming to this honestly would have seen the Scottish Government several times adjust what they were doing to be more in line with England - the whole Tiers system was designed to mimic theirs, but with more room at the top and bottom (which the UK government are now copying). There's also much more collaboration going on than is recognised because it doesn't get the mouth-breathers going on social media - for instance, the UK testing centres in Scotland.

You're entitled to your own opinion but don't just make stuff up because it sounds right in your head.

Your arse. I  bet you sit there and say bad tories bad boris. Nicolas loving the power.

If we had a united front we would be doing the same all the time. Like when we had the initial lockdown everything was done from Westminster 

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On 22/11/2020 at 12:34, AlanCamelonfan said:

Your arse. I  bet you sit there and say bad tories bad boris. Nicolas loving the power.

If we had a united front we would be doing the same all the time. Like when we had the initial lockdown everything was done from Westminster 

Nicola Sturgeon has about 72% approval rating for her Government's handling of the pandemic.  There's not been much opposition in recent elections, hence the position of power.

Seeing as you mention bad Tories, it is 30 years to the day Margaret Thatcher resigned...  I mean what harm did she or any of her successors do to Scotland...?  

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1 hour ago, Che Dail said:

Nicola Sturgeon has about 72% approval rating for her Government's handling of the pandemic.  There's not been much opposition in recent elections, hence the position of power.

Seeing as you mention bad Tories, it is 30 years to the day Margaret Thatcher resigned...  I mean what harm did she or any of her successors do to Scotland...?  

Dragged it into 21st century. Otherwise clowns like you would be flag waving and saying about coal mines dispite the fact they were losing a fortune.


Shes not really in powern she just controls the scottish council

Best performing politician moarly has been sunak at least hes tried to do the right things. Boris is an idiot and nicola is all about her

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8 minutes ago, AlanCamelonfan said:

Dragged it into 21st century. Otherwise clowns like you would be flag waving and saying about coal mines dispite the fact they were losing a fortune.


Shes not really in powern she just controls the scottish council

Best performing politician moarly has been sunak at least hes tried to do the right things. Boris is an idiot and nicola is all about her

Do you type with boxing gloves on?  Bet you go through a few keyboards a year.  None of them made in Great Britain.

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