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@Henderson to deliver ..... offered possibly the earliest draw I've ever seen.

The board was an absolute mess and I couldn't see any way out of it. I presume you felt the same mate. Had absolutely no idea how I could go on and win this match so grabbed the draw offer with both hands. 

Madwullie draws with beef2711



What a shitshow 

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23 minutes ago, madwullie said:

@Henderson to deliver ..... offered possibly the earliest draw I've ever seen.

The board was an absolute mess and I couldn't see any way out of it. I presume you felt the same mate. Had absolutely no idea how I could go on and win this match so grabbed the draw offer with both hands. 

Madwullie draws with beef2711

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What a shitshow 

Aye, unless either of us made a glaring error, it was going to end in a draw. No point in prolonging it.

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1 hour ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

Aye, unless either of us made a glaring error, it was going to end in a draw. No point in prolonging it.

What madness is this? My whole modus operandi is 'wait for the other b*****d to make his glaring error and then punish him for it'. Is there some other way to play?

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Am I being stupid?

Apparently this is a missed checkmate and I should have moved Qe2

Surely Kg1 avoids mate.

The reason I didn't do it is then I'm left with K protected on back rank and no quick or obvious way to attack whereas leaving king open and away from protection of rooks allows me to keep making checks?



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8 minutes ago, invergowrie arab said:

Am I being stupid?

Apparently this is a missed checkmate and I should have moved Qe2

Surely Kg1 avoids mate.

The reason I didn't do it is then I'm left with K protected on back rank and no quick or obvious way to attack whereas leaving king open and away from protection of rooks allows me to keep making checks?



I think if you then move Bh3, he has no way of stopping Qg2# on the next move. 

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1 minute ago, GordonS said:

I think if you then move Bh3, he has no way of stopping Qg2# on the next move. 


1 minute ago, GordonS said:

I think if you then move Bh3, he has no way of stopping Qg2# on the next move. 

More than 2 moves ahead? Not interested. Im all about reaction chess

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7 minutes ago, GordonS said:

I think if you then move Bh3, he has no way of stopping Qg2# on the next move. 

Bf2 stalls it, but I'm not sure that he can stop Qf3 then Qg2

Edit, he can with Nxf3. Hmmm, Qe4 -> g2 or Qe4 -> f3 -> g2 if the Knight decides to be obstructive?

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15 minutes ago, pleslie99 said:

I always watch the analysis of my games, iv noticed that the engine seems to always suggest trading bishops is the best move. Is there any reason for this?

LIke a lot of decisions in chess, it's situational. Some thing to consider would be how powerful the enemy bishop is compared to yours (if it's commanding a long diagonal pointed right at your king, you maybe want to swap it with your puny little bishop stuck behind a cluster of pawns if you can), whether it's going to be generally useful given the pawn structure on the board (bishops are worth less when all your pawns are on the same colour squares that they sit on, for instance), and what the game position will be like once the capture happens (if, say, his recapture musses up his pawn structure in front of his king, or the recapture is a forced king move that stops castling, it's likely to be a good thing). There's a billion and one other factors, of course. It's chess.

You're likely getting into a lot of positions where bishop swaps are better for you than the other guy.

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24 minutes ago, pleslie99 said:

I always watch the analysis of my games, iv noticed that the engine seems to always suggest trading bishops is the best move. Is there any reason for this?

Its very situational. 

What openings do you play? That will have a fairly big influence on what pieces you want to keep on the board. 

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When we started this and I first joined Chess.com I was playing Elani ranked (400) on the computer and was struggling, then I got the hang of it and it all came back to me like I was when I was ranked No.2 in the whole of my Primary School, pumped her every time after that.

Then I started playing Zara ranked (850) and the same thing happened, struggled but now fairly confident that I'll win more than lose.

Moved on to Antonio ranked (1500) and have beat him but losing much more than I win, he's a sneaky b*****d.

Thought I'd have a go against one of the Masters and have probably played Noam ranked (2200) around 80 times, some quick games, and that cunto could beat me with 2 knights and a King.


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Bri1962 defeats gkneil in Division A round 1 by resignation.

A pretty quick conclusion to this game due to as i'm sure @gkneil will acknowledge a bad choice of move by him allowed me to take his Queen early on and it was pretty straight forward after that. Thanks for the game Neil you'll get your revenge later i'm sure

I can relax now no Brechin - Esque  season to worry about in the big league although my other game ain't looking to good.

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49 minutes ago, keptie said:

Bri1962 defeats gkneil in Division A round 1 by resignation.

A pretty quick conclusion to this game due to as i'm sure @gkneil will acknowledge a bad choice of move by him allowed me to take his Queen early on and it was pretty straight forward after that. Thanks for the game Neil you'll get your revenge later i'm sure

I can relax now no Brechin - Esque  season to worry about in the big league although my other game ain't looking to good.

Another disaster :D 

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Am I being stupid?
Apparently this is a missed checkmate and I should have moved Qe2
Surely Kg1 avoids mate.
The reason I didn't do it is then I'm left with K protected on back rank and no quick or obvious way to attack whereas leaving king open and away from protection of rooks allows me to keep making checks?
It's not mate right away but a forced mate in a maximum 7 moves. All white has is delaying moves with knight and rook. One line (the delaying moves can be swapped about):

22... Qe2+
23 Kg1 Bh3
24 Bf2 Qe4
25 Nf3 Qf3
26 Ra8+ Bd8
27 Rd8+ Rd8
28 b3 Qg2#

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Division A

Elrohana beats AH13STU - resignation.

This could gave gone on a bit longer but it would have been a matter uncovered checks and picking off pieces with my knight, including his Queen - death by a thousand cuts.

Pretty tight game at the start - my more active pieces were the decider.

Just the one error by my opponent - not really a critical one.



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