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P&B Chess League - Season 8 coming soon….

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28 minutes ago, Aim Here said:

Took a while but I got it. White wins the bishop with a little skullduggery.

1. Re1 Bd3 2. Qh3+ and either the king moves out the way and the queen takes the bishop, or 2. ... Qd7 3. Qxd7 Kxd7 4. Rd1 and the bishop is pinned to the king and the rook gets to finish the separation of church and state next turn, no matter what black does.

The rook on d8 covers the bishop's escape square d3 so white loses his queen if he tries the same trick with the computer's preferred move.

Yeah, I didn't see that at all. Told you that you were better than me. You're so going to hammer me next time. You can only throw it away.


He did make the move Qh3+, but not before lining up the rook. It led to this, then a queen swap that suited me perfectly. I was worried about Qa7 but could see my way out of it, with a huge threat of a back-rank checkmate if he misstepped. 

Screenshot 2021-05-11 at 18.36.37.png

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2 hours ago, EvilScotsman said:

Division C, Round 8: RBWatson beats invergowrie by checkmate.

In a demonstration of how flawed my analysis is, I thought I had the upper hand through most of the match despite being down on material. I'm very pleased to get the win against someone who had very nearly 50% of there moves rated as best move.

Anyhow, good game @invergowrie arab.

Very enjoyable game. I'm annoyed at myself as you should win with +6 on material by I was far too lax in developing other pieces. 

It's a really bad habit of mine when I'm having fun with a couple of pieces to leave pawns and rooks undeveloped. 

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On 10/05/2021 at 20:19, Frank Grimes said:


Your catch up fixtures when you have the time 

AH13STU v PnBmathematics 

PnBmathematics V beef2711

Purplekangaroo89 v PnBmathematics

PnBmathematics V Chess Bass Guitar

dearyme v PnBmathematics



@Henderson to deliver .....


@Uncle Psychosis


I can’t challenge most of these fine gents, due to being a chess troll.

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Beef2711 v AH13STU ends in draw by agreement. Tough game (as they all are at this level), neither player had any real discernable advantage throughout and with 4 pawns, a knight and a rook each left, a draw was offered and accepted.

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16 minutes ago, Gordon EF said:

Has anyone made a "brilliant" move in a league game yet?

Sure. Move 21 in my game versus GordonS496. But 'brilliant' moves don't seem to be much more than that the engine missed some line and the evaluation goes in your favour when you play the move (normally you can only ever make the evaluation worse or at best stay still with your own move). Doesn't mean that the person playing the move was any the wiser or saw the idea that the engine thought of.

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League A round 7

beef2711 beats GordonEF by resignation

Good game. Going by the analysis, it was pretty close until I made the wrong decision about which rook to offer up in an exchange. Gave @Henderson to deliver ..... that wee bit room to put pressure on my pieces and get ahead in pawns and he never let up after that. Was flailing around by the end just hoping he'd make a mistake but he didn't. Well played.

Was just checking my stats and I have better stats as black than white. That's just the second game I've lost as black since I started my account on chess.com. The other one was a defeat to DeeTilEhDie in our first meeting last season.

Edited by Gordon EF
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3 minutes ago, Aim Here said:

Sure. Move 21 in my game versus GordonS496. But 'brilliant' moves don't seem to be much more than that the engine missed some line and the evaluation goes in your favour when you play the move (normally you can only ever make the evaluation worse or at best stay still with your own move). Doesn't mean that the person playing the move was any the wiser or saw the idea that the engine thought of.

Yeah, true. I've only played one and honestly, I'd say if was a failry bog standard move. I know it's just the engine saying "Ah, if I look one further step down the line that is a potentially better move than the one I identified at the time". Just wondering how common it was.

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14 minutes ago, Gordon EF said:

League A round 7

beef2711 beats GordonEF by resignation

Good game. Going by the analysis, it was pretty close until I made the wrong decision about which rook to offer up in an exchange. Gave @Henderson to deliver ..... that wee bit room to put pressure on my pieces and get ahead in pawns and he never let up after that. Was flailing around by the end just hoping he'd make a mistake but he didn't. Well played.

Was just checking my stats and I have better stats as black than white. That's just the second game I've failed to win as black since I started my account on chess.com. The other one was a defeat to DeeTilEhDie in our first meeting last season.

Good game. Nothing in it until that wrong rook move let me grab a couple of pawns. Just had to concentrate and not f**k up after that.

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1 minute ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

Good game. Nothing in it until that wrong rook move let me grab a couple of pawns. Just had to concentrate and not f**k up after that.

Wee bit frustrating as I thought about whether it made a difference moving the queen or kingside rook for a couple of seconds then just thought, "nah, f**k it, doesn't matter". 

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7 minutes ago, Gordon EF said:

Wee bit frustrating as I thought about whether it made a difference moving the queen or kingside rook for a couple of seconds then just thought, "nah, f**k it, doesn't matter". 

I was planning on putting the bishop onto d6 anyway. Playing it out, I still get my other rook to the 7th rank and pick up a pawn if you move your other rook instead and we trade. I just got the extra c pawn straightaway instead.

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24 minutes ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

I was planning on putting the bishop onto d6 anyway. Playing it out, I still get my other rook to the 7th rank and pick up a pawn if you move your other rook instead and we trade. I just got the extra c pawn straightaway instead.

Aye. It certainly wasn't a game-losing move on it's own. Just annoyed with myself that I didn't spot Bd6 as a response and how much more it'd trip me up if I moved the queenside rook. To be fair, the move before, I thought I was going to make you double up your g and f pawns and didn't even spot that you could just take the bishop with the knight. I thought I'd spotted a proper good move😂

Just checked and the engine says taking the bishop with the pawn was just as good as the knight. I don't understand chess.

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3 minutes ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

@NotThePars says in our game you're on vacation

Oh, I think it's cause I've been away all day. I'm probably not gonna get enough opportunity to get time to sit down and play so I'll hit resign since I've fucked it anyway.

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