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Premier Relegation spots

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27 minutes ago, Che Dail said:

....What's the problem having another season with 18 teams in the Premier? 

What happens if the LL decide to relegate Vale of Leithen and Edinburgh Uni to get back to 16? Honestly think that if you can play through to June 30th like the North Caley league are doing, getting things 50% completed to achieve 16-16-conferences as the format for next season would be the sensible outcome.

Edited by LongTimeLurker
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1 hour ago, gaswork said:

Shambles already.

No joined up thinking.

None of the regions or tiers communicating and acting as one, all doing whatever they want.

Clubs and officials looking after number one instead of doing what's right for this new 'pyramid' in name only.

Even a pyramid skeptic didn't see things unravel as quickly as this.

It's a sham.

You do realise theres been a major pandemic over the past year where communication anywhere far less at tier 6 of Scottish fitba has been very difficult to facilitate. 

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6 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

What happens if the LL decide to relegate Vale of Leithen and Edinburgh Uni to get back to 16? Honestly think that if you can play through to June 30th like the North Caley league are doing, getting things 50% completed to achieve 16-16-conferences as the format for next season would be the sensible outcome.

Did you read the post by a current EoS Player? That’s not going to the feelings of a lone person. 
End of debate. 

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On 04/04/2021 at 11:13, GordonS said:

That's the main decision I'm talking about. And in these completely unprecedented times the league organisers and the clubs should be able to go back and reconsider previous decisions without getting abuse for it too, if they feel the need. If they want to change their position based on what other leagues have done then, though I might disagree, I'll respect the position they're in at the moment.

No matter how unprecedented times are,rules that are made at the start of a season to cover the current climate should not be changed once a season starts, whilst unprecedented the covid footmap has auctully no changed significantly so to change rules that were made to cover it would be controversial imo

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Just now, TheGeneral10 said:

Did you read the post by a current EoS Player? That’s not going to the feelings of a lone person. 
End of debate. 

I'd give my right arm to be able to play football competitively again. Suspect there will be a range of opinions amongst players on that and many would love to be able to get out there playing ASAP.

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40 minutes ago, Fife Journeyman said:

Every club  has grievances based on there personal circumstances. The 2 banging the drum here are Dunbar and Blackburn for it being unfair. I can guarantee if either were safe by PPG they would be fine with calling the league in that form. Every club in the country would do there best for there club if they are in that position. 


Yes there was an agreement in place but we can't go another season with 18 team top league and conferences again. The time is right now to get the leagues sorted for next season especially with the new influx of clubs and finally everyone under the one umbrella.


Blackburn and Whitehill will have been saved 2 years in a row if null and void .


A pyramid is in place for all teams to find there level. 


Jeanfield or Tranent deserve a crack at LL and Luncarty and Leith deserve a crack at Premier league.


Its very unfortunate on the teams being relegated  but there is every chance they may be down there struggling again for a third season in a row.


If Any of the bottom 4 teams were to be relegated  they would come straight back up in a years time if proven to be good enough.


For everyone's sake let's get leagues in place for starting 21/22

16 team Premier 16 team championship and 2 regionalised leagues  below that.

Let everyone find there level .

With your name being on the Fife side I take it Crossgates will stay up with your scenarios?

Apologies for capital letters just answering your points. 


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10 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

I'd give my right arm to be able to play football competitively again. Suspect there will be a range of opinions amongst players on that and many would love to be able to get out there playing ASAP.

And there will be many more with the same view - but there will be equally as many who agree with the previous player. 
My take would be: Young lads will more happy to play and older players with families and higher pressure jobs will be less happy to play. 

But after 5+ months in lockdown, players at this level who don’t get paid material amounts of money should not be forced to play. Football league structures at the minute is really not that important and football must be used for nothing other than ensuring mental and physical health. Let’s get the players back after the 17th and let them enjoy just training with teammates again without the pressure and stress of 3 games a week when not fit and ready. Surely that’s the sensible approach?

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1 hour ago, Scrappydoo said:

I really cant believe the niave petty mind set of some of the posters on here , but i thought it was just me being paranoid,

so to clarify , yes im a player , do i want to play play football  , yes 100%

Have i had my jag, no , has my young family No , has my team mates No so will i be forced into playing ? then i have to explain to my family that some greedy gits have decided ive to play 3 games a week to keep the numbers happy for PPG ,REALYY ?

 NO EFFING WAY just to keep some back room , ass wipes happy about PPG  , whom ever thinks going back early is a 100%  AN idiot


players are human beings not numbers, we arent getting paid ,cant travel together , cant shower,we have families ,commitments,jobs and responsibilities 

i asked my team mates the younger ones dont care the older ones were all a NO Way 

it may be ok to say , oh 50% can be done , its not impossible , lets just play ,,,,you are not the ones playing you immature ,selfish cretins 

therefore if we are forced back what stance will the league team when clubs cant field teams ? will i get banned ? will the club ?

please stop all this Crap



lets look forward to next season and some normality 

Don’t play then stay in the house where it is safe and come back out when you’ve had the jag 

I would play every night of the week the now 

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1 hour ago, Scrappydoo said:

I really cant believe the niave petty mind set of some of the posters on here , but i thought it was just me being paranoid,

so to clarify , yes im a player , do i want to play play football  , yes 100%

Have i had my jag, no , has my young family No , has my team mates No so will i be forced into playing ? then i have to explain to my family that some greedy gits have decided ive to play 3 games a week to keep the numbers happy for PPG ,REALYY ?

 NO EFFING WAY just to keep some back room , ass wipes happy about PPG  , whom ever thinks going back early is a 100%  AN idiot


players are human beings not numbers, we arent getting paid ,cant travel together , cant shower,we have families ,commitments,jobs and responsibilities 

i asked my team mates the younger ones dont care the older ones were all a NO Way 

it may be ok to say , oh 50% can be done , its not impossible , lets just play ,,,,you are not the ones playing you immature ,selfish cretins 

therefore if we are forced back what stance will the league team when clubs cant field teams ? will i get banned ? will the club ?

please stop all this Crap



lets look forward to next season and some normality 

Maybe football just isn’t for you?


If my employer decides ive to go back into the office then I don’t get to say “maybe after the summer so I can have a holiday cos I don’t fancy playing 3 games in a week”


(those same players have played 3-4 games a week for years in junior leagues to catch up.) 

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1 hour ago, Anychance said:

Don’t play then stay in the house where it is safe and come back out when you’ve had the jag 

I would play every night of the week the now 

You clearly don’t appreciate anyone’s circumstances or the severity of the situation.

I hope that you haven’t been personally affected and that things stay that way for you.

However I don’t think you should be firing off ultimatums to others. 

Edited by Malty Guy
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25 minutes ago, Malty Guy said:

You clearly don’t appreciate anyone’s circumstances or the severity of the situation.

I hope that you haven’t been personally affected and that things stay that way for you.

However I don’t think you should be firing off ultimatums to others. 

For you or others who have well-being concerns then I feel for you. If that’s your concern with the situation, come early June when pre season demands 3 times per week attendance, the pandemic landscape will not have significantly changed in terms of all players and officials being vaccinated. If that view is shared with a large number then we are not ready for a new season and we have bigger concerns than the current campaign. 

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Took a while to read through the recent posts but looking through everything here it’s clear there are those who have their own clubs interest solely at heart, whether that be gaining promotion or avoiding relegation if PPG were to be proposed.

In the case of the Dundonald proposal I fail to see what they stand to gain by proposing PPG. Seems to be the case that someone from there is looking at (in their opinion) the best option to try and get a true pyramid sooner rather than later.

Having witnessed the Junior powers do what they want for years and serve the few, I don’t get the impression the current EOS committee do that. Their decisions seem well balanced and have shown common sense in adapting (or changing) rules/guidance if and when required. 

I’d have no doubt that the EOS committee will again look at all the options and listen to the views of their member clubs when finalising any decision regarding the conclusion of all their leagues. The current proposal is to declare Null & Void but they are open, pragmatic and realise we are living in an unprecedented time which demands a level of adaptability.

As a side note, Malty Guy & Scoobydoo are you the same person? Only two people I’ve know to use multiple commas in their posts as a way of emphasising points.

Edited by themillerman1979
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1 minute ago, themillerman1979 said:

Took a while to read through the recent posts but looking through everything here it’s clear there are those who have their own clubs interest solely at heart, whether that be gaining promotion or avoiding relegation if PPG were to be proposed.

In the case of the Dundonald proposal I fail to see what they stand to gain by proposing PPG. Seems to be the case that someone from there is looking at (in their opinion) the best option to try and get a true pyramid sooner rather than later.

Having witnessed the Junior powers do what they want for years and serve the few, I don’t get the impression the current EOS committee do that. Their decisions seem well balanced and have shown common sense in adapting (or changing) rules/guidance if and when required. 

I’d have no doubt that the EOS committee will again look at all the options and listen to the views of their member clubs when finalising any decision regarding the conclusion of all their leagues.

As a side note, Malty Guy & Scoobydoo are you the same person? Only two people I’ve know to use multiple commas in their posts as a way of emphasising points.

,,,,,nope,,,,,, but thanks for the mention😁

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13 minutes ago, themillerman1979 said:

Took a while to read through the recent posts but looking through everything here it’s clear there are those who have their own clubs interest solely at heart, whether that be gaining promotion or avoiding relegation if PPG were to be proposed.

In the case of the Dundonald proposal I fail to see what they stand to gain by proposing PPG. Seems to be the case that someone from there is looking at (in their opinion) the best option to try and get a true pyramid sooner rather than later.

Having witnessed the Junior powers do what they want for years and serve the few, I don’t get the impression the current EOS committee do that. Their decisions seem well balanced and have shown common sense in adapting (or changing) rules/guidance if and when required. 

I’d have no doubt that the EOS committee will again look at all the options and listen to the views of their member clubs when finalising any decision regarding the conclusion of all their leagues. The current proposal is to declare Null & Void but they are open, pragmatic and realise we are living in an unprecedented time which demands a level of adaptability.

As a side note, Malty Guy & Scoobydoo are you the same person? Only two people I’ve know to use multiple commas in their posts as a way of emphasising points.

As well as ppg and n&v we also have a philologist amongst our midst. Happy reading! 

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Nobody as far as I know is forced to play or to be a club official.

If anyone feels they are at risk then they ultimately will make their own risk assessment.

 I will guarantee that there are a number of players (probably older) who will or will have already called a halt to their football days due to the effects of the pandemic.

Clubs will have to adapt or suffer.


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3 minutes ago, Truthteller said:

Nobody as far as I know is forced to play or to be a club official.

If anyone feels they are at risk then they ultimately will make their own risk assessment.

 I will guarantee that there are a number of players (probably older) who will or will have already called a halt to their football days due to the effects of the pandemic.

Clubs will have to adapt or suffer.


Good point Truthteller. Definitely a different landscape coming up football wise.

But I may be missing something with regards to the other points being made regarding returning to playing. Are these not the same group of players who played between Sep - Dec and had to get a professional exemption? If it’s a big deal for them now, why wasn’t it the case back then?

Appreciate that a small number of individuals will have different circumstances but generally are we all not operating on a similar basis?

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40 minutes ago, themillerman1979 said:

Having witnessed the Junior powers do what they want for years and serve the few, I don’t get the impression the current EOS committee do that. Their decisions seem well balanced and have shown common sense in adapting (or changing) rules/guidance if and when required.

They do indeed, that is why they had the foresight to put in place contingencies before a ball was even kicked, with the agreement of all clubs.

Play a full season - great, no contingency required

Play more than half but fail to complete - call the remaining games on PPG and promote/relegate accordingly

Play less than half - null and void

As far as I can see nothing has changed significantly to need to revisit these contingencies.  I mean, common sense tells you promoting Luncarty via PPG who have only ever played 7 EoS games since joining isn't really a reason to revisit?

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4 hours ago, bluebell1 said:

Self preservation is understandable but surely we need to be bigger than that and look at the end goal on pyramid structure not what’s in front of our nose.  Look at the bigger picture.

We still need to embrace it if it’s for the greater good.


See, I find it surprising that a club who flip flopped like a demented fish between staying Junior or going to the EoS, U-turning more than once and only at the last minute reluctantly joining, are now imploring everyone to look at the bigger picture and preaching what is good for the Pyramid.

Forgive me if that sticks in throat a wee bit.

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