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Tory Lies, Corruption and Hypocrisy- Add Them Here


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1 minute ago, Clown Job said:


I think it's worse that MPs aren't automatically recalled in the event of the Prime Minister breaking the law. Indeed when was the last Prime Minister to break the law?

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2 minutes ago, Ivo den Bieman said:

Johnson absolutely will brazen it out. He will need to be dragged out of Downing Street.

Sunak may light a fire under him and leave him hopelessly exposed, by resigning over this. Reportedly close to walking over the weekend. And, of course, he'll saunter off back to the US to profit from the break up of the NHS which he's been surreptitiously selling off to the Americans.

Expect a mixed "defence" of "we've all moved on from this" and "now is not the time because Ukraine" over the next few days. A snivelling, craven and self-serving Speaker will not recall parliament. And Shur Kieth Stauner may have his day at PMQs but this gang will shrug and move on.

They absolutely could not care less what you think, or twitter / newspaper comments page outrage. You think Johnson et al care about legitimacy? Do they f**k.

This is the problem of an unwritten constiution which ntil 2019 was observed ina gentlemanly fashion according to unwritten codes of behaviour passed down througb generations of politicians. We're now seeing the consequences of a collision between a democratic myth and a venal, self-interested small group who will literally contemplate anything to hold onto power.

Absolutely this, all day fucking long!

Until we get a media that will pursue this with vigour & keep it in the news, the fact that Parliament is in recess of course means it’ll blow over.

The other alternative is that enough Tory constituents contact there MPs apoplectic about the situation & threaten to remove them from the gravy train that there is N/C vote called - this won’t happen tho & golden boy Rishi is in even more shit than Bojo, so no obvious candidate to take over…

It really is thoroughly depressing! 

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9 minutes ago, Ivo den Bieman said:

This is the problem of an unwritten constiution which until 2019 was observed, apparently, in a gentlemanly fashion according to unwritten codes of behaviour passed down througb generations of politicians. We're now seeing the consequences of a collision between a democratic myth and a venal, self-interested small group who will literally contemplate anything to hold onto power.

The 'good chaps theory of government' is embarrassing nonsense. 

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3 minutes ago, Brother Blades said:

Absolutely this, all day fucking long!

Until we get a media that will pursue this with vigour & keep it in the news, the fact that Parliament is in recess of course means it’ll blow over.

The other alternative is that enough Tory constituents contact there MPs apoplectic about the situation & threaten to remove them from the gravy train that there is N/C vote called - this won’t happen tho & golden boy Rishi is in even more shit than Bojo, so no obvious candidate to take over…

It really is thoroughly depressing! 

There's a reason they're gutting the BBC and flogging Channel 4. It's the same reason they're borderline openly hostile to culture and the arts.

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What a day to be a Tory MP. 

If any of them maintain their support for Johnson and don't get a new hospital, 5 schools and a bypass out of it, they are useless at representing their constituencies. 

(Cue No 10 press release about huge investment in hospital, school and highways infrastructure). 

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2 minutes ago, Andre Bo said:

There's a reason they're gutting the BBC and flogging Channel 4. It's the same reason they're borderline openly hostile to culture and the arts.

Just as you typed that, Ed Davey getting tough”ish” questions on BBC “surely this isn’t the time - Ukraine etc” when Davey called for them both to resign. 

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Can't recall parliament to discuss the response to the Russian use of chemical weapons against civilians in Europe, because the PM might gets asked about his multiple acts of criminality.




What a fucking backwater this place is. Blows the "can't replace a war pm" shite out the water too. Not that the c***s give one single solitary toss of course. 

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1 minute ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

What a day to be a Tory MP. 

If any of them maintain their support for Johnson and don't get a new hospital, 5 schools and a bypass out of it, they are useless at representing their constituencies. 

(Cue No 10 press release about huge investment in hospital, school and highways infrastructure). 

Connected ??           Are these tory bassas jumping the queue for urgent operations too now ??    

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3 minutes ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

All this pish about "but Ukraine".

Based on the repeated lies to the people and "the mother of parliaments" about partygate, does Zelensky actually believe a word that comes out of Johnson’s mouth? 

Conveniently ignoring the historical fact that Prime Ministers were changed during both the First & Second World War.

Presumably the current crop of Tories will be wheeled out to suggest that Asquith and Chamberlain should have been kept in place.

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