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Tory Lies, Corruption and Hypocrisy- Add Them Here


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Labour should be stating loudly, clearly and unequivocally that if any existing enquiry into PPE acquisition is not sufficiently robust then a future Labour Government will launch an enquiry as a priority.

Don’t hold your breath on that happening.


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"Rayner began by welcoming O’Brien to the dispatch box. Along with everyone else, she had never met him before, and she wished him well. O’Brien gave a dry heave. Rayner was about the last person he wanted to face for his first time answering a UQ. Someone a little less direct, preferably.

Then she cut to the chase. What due diligence had been done? How come Medpro had been granted a contract via the VIP fast lane? How come tens of millions of public money ended up in private offshore accounts? Why wouldn’t the government publish its correspondence regarding attempts to reclaim the money? What was going on in the Randox scandal? And why was the government wasting £700,000 a day on storing unusable PPE?"............................................................

"..................................We live in a world where the government’s first instinct is to do nothing. The hedgehog principle: roll into a ball and wait to be run over. It feels like the end of days."


Edited by Florentine_Pogen
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3 hours ago, oaksoft said:

FFS. I'm merely passing on information that in the real world outside the idealistic nonsense spouted in 1st year student halls, there is no such thing as a social contract.


The world is full of people who will only pay out what they are forced to pay out.

Do with this information what you will but spare me the Thatcher shite.

I'm sorry if i've confused you. There is of course no literal social contract.

It's a metaphor for the complex network of interpersonal obligations, commonly understood rights and mutual expectations that people in society have. It is a subjective concept. 

Often, this is reinforced by the legal system. The two are not mutually exclusive. 

Where the two diverge, there may be a percieved injustice. This is the case i was referring to concerning the non dom rules. 

I shall pass on your real world information about people not shelling out voluntarily to charities and churches, who will be disappointed, of course. 

If you need me to explain what a metaphor is i'm happy to help out. 


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20 hours ago, Big Rider said:

Don't believe everything you think???

I wonder if the Duchess of Duke Street should add: Don't believe everything you write to that pish!!!

What a corrupt wee shite she is.

Greenie for “duchess of Duke Street”! Superb reference! 

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"Crony capitalism in the House of Lords is not a good look for Britain. Yet during the Covid crisis, there appeared to be a strong case that political access allowed privileged individuals to extract a great deal of wealth from the state. On Wednesday, the Guardian produced astonishing evidence for those wishing to prosecute this argument. It suggested that Michelle Mone, a Tory peer, her husband, Douglas Barrowman, and her children secretly received £65m originating from the profits of PPE Medpro, a company that was awarded large government contracts during the pandemic after she recommended it to ministers. If capitalism during a national emergency can be so easily rigged to favour connected insiders then the country is in trouble."

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10 minutes ago, Clown Job said:

Let’s be real she will suffer absolutely zero consequences here 

We'll see, it looks like the most obviously criminal of the examples so far. I've no respect for the American justice system but I think she'd get banged up over there, just for making the grifting so obvious.

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"Finally, the Conservative peer Michelle Mone dodges falling beams, her adult children running alongside her in golden chainmail bras and bikini bottoms, which, like the Medipro PPE contract, are worth more than £200m. An inspiration to self-employed strivers like myself, it is Mone’s mendacity that cuts the deepest. She seemed so nice, her rags-to-£29m-in-an-offshore-trust story giving hope to ordinary, hardworking people everywhere. What happened?

In October 1996, newly redundant from her marketing job with Labatt’s mighty Scottish arm, Mone found herself at a Glaswegian dinner dance wearing an uncomfortable, yet cleavage-enhancing, bra. Racked with pain, Mone’s mind wandered. Leftover neeps were scraped into the pigs’ bin, the pipes struck up a doleful dirge, a listless jig began and Mone wondered if there was something that could be done about uncomfortable bras, while staring gormlessly at a lightbulb in the toilet window.

In what the peer has subsequently described as being “a lightbulb moment”, Mone realised that the answer to the uncomfortable bra problem was to make bras more comfortable. It seemed so obvious, but no one had thought of it before, probably because of the fact that the bra industry was run by men, who were only interested in how easy it was to undo the fastenings in the dark. By November 1996, Mone had launched the Comforto-Bra 2000 ™ ® brand and changed the world bra industry, and bras, for ever.

It’s easy to be facetious about bras, but Mone’s Comforto-Bra 2000 ™ ® changed the lives of millions of uncomfortable women at dinner dances, both in her native Scotland and indeed anywhere that dining and dancing occurred. And Mone’s cleavage-enhancers soon caught the eye of the then Prince Charles. As far as we know, King Charles III does not have any breasts himself, although it is impossible to be certain without checking the inventories of the many properties he has acquired since the death of his mother.

Nonetheless, the future king realised that Mone’s work was important and invested £5,000 of Prince’s Trust money so that he could see millions of women sporting Mone’s cleavage-enhancing bras in every high street in the land as quickly as possible. While the new king’s proclivities are more wholesome than those wrongfully attributed to his perma-dry brother Andrew, they surely raise questions. Did the benefactors of the Prince’s Trust imagine their donations would go towards the enhancement of cleavage? And was it King Charles III’s cleavage-financing donation that made Mone think that money was just there for the taking?

A convoluted chain of VIP-contract corridors and offshore trusts, companies and accounts, appears to be the route via which £29m of profits from pandemic PPE supply made its way into the hands of Mone and her children. The Tories contaminate everything they touch. And now they have made me hate even bras."

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