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On 28/08/2023 at 14:46, doulikefish said:

It's just a "look a squirrel" to change the news cycle from mad nads resignation 

The Guardian ran an editorial today re. Dosser Dorries and the greater woes facing Sunak once parliament resumes. You can read below :-


However, the comments section elicited the following response, which is about as concise a definition of the source of the country's woes as I've seen....(quoted in entirety)

"What the editorial describes as the 'fundamentals of British Conservatism' were destroyed over four decades ago by Thatcher. For all the party's repeated (and false) claims to be a 'One Nation' party or that it occupies the so-called 'centre ground' the reality has been an increasingly right-wing and (English) nationalist party, egged on and abetted by a battalion of propagandists in the right-wing press. The internal conflicts over 'Europe' that led to Thatcher's demise got worse and worse and culminated in Cameron's disastrous capitulation to his Eurosceptic ultras in granting a referendum on EU membership.

Enter 'Brexit', which did nothing to resolved the UK's deep-seated social and economic problems because the Tory party caused them in the first place. It didn't even solve the Tory party's internal feuding over Europe: the party chewed up and spat out four leaders in six years, and may yet do the same to a fifth. In short, the Tory party is the problem, and that includes the way in which even the opposition accepts the Tory parameters of what is politically and economically possible. All those forthcoming books from various Tories will just be exercises in self-justification that will serve no purpose than the authors' bank balance. It's a zombie party acting on the crudest instincts of self-preservation - and if that means racism, confected culture wars, letting the planet go to hell in a handcart, or even embracing fascism, they'll think it a small price to pay to ensure that they stay in power or burn everything to the ground so no-one else but them can make use of the ashes."


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13 hours ago, Florentine_Pogen said:

The Guardian ran an editorial today re. Dosser Dorries and the greater woes facing Sunak once parliament resumes. You can read below :-


However, the comments section elicited the following response, which is about as concise a definition of the source of the country's woes as I've seen....(quoted in entirety)

"What the editorial describes as the 'fundamentals of British Conservatism' were destroyed over four decades ago by Thatcher. For all the party's repeated (and false) claims to be a 'One Nation' party or that it occupies the so-called 'centre ground' the reality has been an increasingly right-wing and (English) nationalist party, egged on and abetted by a battalion of propagandists in the right-wing press. The internal conflicts over 'Europe' that led to Thatcher's demise got worse and worse and culminated in Cameron's disastrous capitulation to his Eurosceptic ultras in granting a referendum on EU membership.

Enter 'Brexit', which did nothing to resolved the UK's deep-seated social and economic problems because the Tory party caused them in the first place. It didn't even solve the Tory party's internal feuding over Europe: the party chewed up and spat out four leaders in six years, and may yet do the same to a fifth. In short, the Tory party is the problem, and that includes the way in which even the opposition accepts the Tory parameters of what is politically and economically possible. All those forthcoming books from various Tories will just be exercises in self-justification that will serve no purpose than the authors' bank balance. It's a zombie party acting on the crudest instincts of self-preservation - and if that means racism, confected culture wars, letting the planet go to hell in a handcart, or even embracing fascism, they'll think it a small price to pay to ensure that they stay in power or burn everything to the ground so no-one else but them can make use of the ashes."


completely agree this sums up perfectly the UK as it stands and the reason for this. For me this is the most frustrating part which means there is no light at the end of the tunnel and no going back. If you are happy with the country as it is by all means vote Tory or Labour - the latter may at the outset be more honest and transparent in terms of delivery but their overall policies will be largely the same. If are unhappy with how things are and you live in Scotland, there is only one clear option. 

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19 minutes ago, HTG said:

RSPB getting fired into these c***s now.


It's the Tories, FFS. Duh. This is like highlighting Sauron's terrible tree conservation record*.

I'd be interested to know what's going on behind the scenes that the RSPB is having a shitfit about it now, though.

* apologies to Tolkien fans if this isn't a fitting metaphor

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34 minutes ago, BTFD said:

It's the Tories, FFS. Duh. This is like highlighting Sauron's terrible tree conservation record*.

I'd be interested to know what's going on behind the scenes that the RSPB is having a shitfit about it now, though.

* apologies to Tolkien fans if this isn't a fitting metaphor

Pretty sure you mean Saruman.


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29 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Pretty sure you mean Saruman.

Right, Saruman's at DEFRA, and Sauron's at the Home Office.

There are so many reshuffles it's easy to lose track.

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5 hours ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

It must be great being in a Tory think tank. You get paid loads to regurgitate any old shite and add the words "Great British" in front of it.




This gets reheated every few years as it always gets a favourable press. But in the end, bringing back National Service is like bringing back Crossroads. If it was really that good, they would never have done away with it in the first place.  

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15 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

This gets reheated every few years as it always gets a favourable press. But in the end, bringing back National Service is like bringing back Crossroads. If it was really that good, they would never have done away with it in the first place.  

Sorry but that logic doesn't hold.  They did away with Texan bars.

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