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Tory Lies, Corruption and Hypocrisy- Add Them Here


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13 minutes ago, Leith Green said:

Douglas Ross making a complete shop front of himself on Radio Scotland now...................


4 minutes ago, Caledonian1 said:

Do tell more.....

This captures it perfectly well:


Ross: my position on this has been perfectly clear from the start.

Gary Robertson: it's clear in that you have significantly changed your position

Ross: yes, but....

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2 minutes ago, Leith Green said:

One gem was that he stated that Boris Johnson was a truthful man...........but that the Met Police have decided that he was not.

Tied himself in knots, total fanny.

but fortunately Glenn Campbell was on hand immediately afterwards to try to spin the interview in summary as something coherent, consistent and more strategic.....

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4 minutes ago, Leith Green said:

One gem was that he stated that Boris Johnson was a truthful man...........but that the Met Police have decided that he was not.

Tied himself in knots, total fanny.

The "but but shallow graves in Ukraine Gary" was particularly horrendous.  The despicable wee shite. 

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Just now, KingRocketman II said:

but fortunately Glenn Campbell was on hand immediately afterwards to try to spin the interview in summary as something coherent, consistent and more strategic.....

My wife - who is not that invested in politics - scoffs every time he appears, thinks he is a slaver trying to look important.

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1 minute ago, williemillersmoustache said:

The "but but shallow graves in Ukraine Gary" was particularly horrendous.  The despicable wee shite. 

What they should have done was got him and those two poor women - on just before 8 who were in tears because they couldnt give their parents a proper burial - in a room to debate it.

Frankly if that c**t turned up at my gate debating today I would probably "accept a small fine" for my actions too...................

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21 minutes ago, Caledonian1 said:

Is that correct (sorry not had chance to read any articles on this)  I thought a number of students were fined an unbelievable £10,000 last year for having parties?  What's the justification for fining multi-millionaires £50?

It's to do with the scale of the party, if Carrie had invited more than 30 people then the fine would have been £10,000k and with the police investigation continuing there is still a chance that more fines are issued.

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9 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

I hope you’re wrong, but there’s every likelihood that your not.  Apathy is the single biggest problem, maybe by the next Independence Referendum we can find a way to motivate people but if we can’t then Scotland is screwed for generations to come.

Too many folk are scared of all sorts, but look at what is happening now. The things they're worried about are already happening and will get worse under the Conservative government, a government that will be in power for decades. However, even if Labour did get in, little would change.

People are also still conflating independence with the SNP, and their hatred/dislike of said party or disagreements with particular policies means they won't vote for independence. It's astonishing that seemingly bright people still fall for this one. Whilst the SNP probably would be the majority party at first in an independent Scotland, our PR system means there will be much wider representation, and any majority party will be held to much greater account since they will not have Westminster restricting them. I'm almost at the stage where I think some folk just don't want to say they too are scared and are just lying about why they claim to vote no, as the argument about independence being a vote for the SNP is so transparently stupid.

But these discussions have been done. I'm not getting involved in them.

1 hour ago, Billy Jean King said:

A £50 (fifty) fine. What's the fukin point. Oh and Shapps has made the point it was only £50 at least 4 times now in a car crash attempt to sweep it under the carpet as a "token" gesture.

They'll claim it on expenses.

3 minutes ago, Suspect Device said:

About sums it up. Most folk think he should but won't resign.



Only 61%. Economic damage, cost of living crisis, theft (£11 billion), repeated lies, sleaze, corruption, policies that kill people, openly laughing at and ripping the pish out of people, abandoning many of his children, racism, xenophobia and so much more and more to come.

And only 61%. f**k the people who vote for this cretin. f**k them all so much. c***s.

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3 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:


Only 61%. Economic damage, cost of living crisis, theft (£11 billion), repeated lies, sleaze, corruption, policies that kill people, openly laughing at and ripping the pish out of people, abandoning many of his children, racism, xenophobia and so much more and more to come.

And only 61%. f**k the people who vote for this cretin. f**k them all so much. c***s.

Yeah, but they stop brown people coming into the country.

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It's depressing that the outcome will be these slimy fucks will get away with it and they'll just move on to their next ripping the pish out the public self enrichment scheme. From the liar in chief to the lapdog Scottish Mp's to the haunted pencil and the rest of his ERG is there ever been a much more horrible bunch of Tory scumbags?

Edited by dirty dingus
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Out of all the various gatherings he was reportedly at, the birthday was the one that bothered me the least to be honest. The stories that they were having parties in their flat are more serious and be more damaging if/when he gets fined for that.

What gives me some hope is this on Twitter from a former Tory advisor who runs a polling and focus-group company:








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31 minutes ago, TheScarf said:

Yeah, but they stop brown people coming into the country.

I sometimes get the impression that these folk would happily vote for a law that saw a random family member be murdered as long as a random brown person was also murdered.

25 minutes ago, Clown Job said:

Every Tory who is defending them or playing down the incident should also be hounded.

Its disgraceful but not surprising hearing Douglas Ross today 

They really think we are all idiots. 

And with good reason. They have mountains of evidence that says they are right and people really are idiots.



This angle about 'A WAR!!!!' is laughable pish too. It's almost being spun that the Ukrainian army would immediately down their weapons and surrender, through a veil of tears and hopelessness, should Johnson resign or somehow be removed. A change of PM, or even ruling party, would make zero difference to the situation in Ukraine, as the aid being provided will still be sent and the UK will continue to shite it from getting more involved. What happened to 'never again' and 'lest we forget'? The poppy pish this year will be even more hypocritical than ever.

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24 minutes ago, TheScarf said:

Yeah, but they stop brown people coming into the country.

..and that is the real mandate that this shower of cúnts have worked, and will continue to work, to deliver. Or at least convince their fucking imbecilic supporters they are delivering.

Of course, darker skin, like being Russian, can be overlooked in the presence of hard cash.

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Given these parties were presumably all attended by the same people and the met have said they are working through them and hence issuing the fines in chronological order it can be assumed there will be further fines to come. I can see how they can they to sweep one under the carpet but surely multiple breaches will be enough to turn enough of his current "allies " against him.

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The “but there’s a war on” response fromTory PMs should be countered by “Are you saying if there wasn’t a war on the the PM should resign?”

I wouldn’t expect straightforward or honest answers but at least it would make it a bit more uncomfortable for them.  Of course I doubt expect most of the journalists in the MSM to take this approach.

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5 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

A bit disappointing that the 10-1 slot on LBC is being covered by David "look at me" Lammy, as O'Brien is absolutely made for occasions such as this. Lammy will take (and so far has taken) calls from folks broadly supporting the stance he's taking. O'Brien would seek out those supporting the lying cúnt and allow them to demolish their own argument. Vastly more entertaining, imho, with the side-effect that the occasional* WC Tory might see how badly misled they've been.

*Very, very occasional - these people are a special kind of stupid.

His monologue at the start was sickly nonsense trying to be the voice of the people, instead of him bumming up his credentials get on genuine members of the public with real stories.   

Edit Surely that tory that was on was someone on the wind up.

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We're not even at war. We're supplying weapons and moral support to an ally. That's it.

The idea that "the West" will ever be at war over Ukraine causes the collective leadership of the US, UK & EU to shift uncomoftably and look at their shoes.

It's not a reason to keep a corrupt, lying idiot in power.

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