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Scottish Parliamentary Elections May 2021

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1 hour ago, SandyCromarty said:

She was interviewed by the police over that but not charged, my personal opinion is that she was let off the hook.

She declared on television that postal vote tallies were taken were before the referendum ballot closed.

The fact that she admitted that a sample of the postal vote had been taken meant that the NO campaign, with that information to hand, were able to target areas where the YES vote was more prominent with promises of power to Scotland.

We all know what happened to those promises.

In short we Scots were blatantly no lubed.


Nobody is supposed to sample postal votes but we all do. Ruth was just stupid enough to let it slip.

Also the samples of postal votes are so small the margin of error is wild. You can't target areas with the PV sample either as they come in on an LA basis. I would have no idea where to target resource on a smaller geography.

They are a nice wee tool but a million miles less important than canvass returns 

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12 minutes ago, invergowrie arab said:

Yeah, you made an arse of it by by whining about what people wouldnt vote for so wouldnt be in a manifesto when you clearly hadnt read it.

However  if you want to shift the goal posts you are right. There shouldn't be a guitar string near a school until this is solved once and for all.

Tories - Zoomers


But 14 years !!


Made an arse of what, I'm judging them on actions not words, anyone with the power of sight can see what they're underfunding of addiction services has done in communities all over the country.

It's fucking shameful that folk like myself have chosen to give her a free pass due to independence. 

You batter on but more and more are realising the error of their ways. 

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1 minute ago, ayrmad said:

Made an arse of what, I'm judging them on actions not words, anyone with the power of sight can see what they're underfunding of addiction services has done in communities all over the country.

It's fucking shameful that folk like myself have chosen to give her a free pass due to independence. 

You batter on but more and more are realising the error of their ways. 

By doing what? Migrating to a party led by a man who was First Minister for 7 of those 14 years and staffed by defectors of that same party?

That'll show 'em!

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12 hours ago, Day of the Lords said:

You must live in  Angus as well 😂

Nah, West Lothian. But it's a common enough picture. FWIW, Western Isles Council has no female councillors at all.

Labour Councillors in West Lothian believed that working class kids play brass while violins are for middle class kids, despite their own evidence showing them otherwise.

Oh, and while I'm here, yesterday I learned that the spellcheck on Word won't stop you from referring to "Dundee & Anus College".

24 minutes ago, invergowrie arab said:


Nobody is supposed to sample postal votes but we all do. Ruth was just stupid enough to let it slip.

Also the samples of postal votes are so small the margin of error is wild. You can't target areas with the PV sample either as they come in on an LA basis. I would have no idea where to target resource on a smaller geography.

They are a nice wee tool but a million miles less important than canvass returns 

👆 Knows what he's talking about.

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9 minutes ago, renton said:

By doing what? Migrating to a party led by a man who was First Minister for 7 of those 14 years and staffed by defectors of that same party?

That'll show 'em!

I've said previously that this will be the last election where a majority is within reach, where the votes will go, who knows. 

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21 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

Not sure that having a pop at the good things in a manifesto is the correct way to respond to legitimate grievances with other aspects of the SNP's performance in government.

I'm not having a pop at meals, bikes, music lessons, we've a very good head teacher whose exploits for poor children at her school was recognised on the honours list, it was actually an eye opener speaking to her and her staff about how hard life is for lots of their pupils, running their own food bank for kids and ensuring some kids are sent home with food for their dinner,bring tears to the hardest of hearts. 

Discussed the possibility of a scheme with sponsoring kids to take part in sport, dancing and music with another head teacher , he actually stated what a difference it would make if music lessons could be funded. 

Edited by ayrmad
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12 minutes ago, invergowrie arab said:

The Zoomers really are angry that Nicola has no time for their gammony red faced agenda 

I keep thinking you're referring to gen Z and wondering why the Fortnite crowd are mad at Sturgeon

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The Scottish Family Party- holy cow! I just looked them up. If you want a few minute's entertainment, have a gander at their policies. https://scottishfamily.org/policies

YouTube videos on their opposition to "corrosive" sex education in schools amongst many others. Ultra zoomers. Even Trump would look at this lot like a bunch of weirdos.

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4 hours ago, virginton said:

Who do you think drives the buses when that employee has a day off or holiday leave? 

5 employees X 32 hours = 4 employees X 40 hours

Leaving aside of course the productivity gains of not working an insane number of hours each week for a technologically advanced, 21st century society. 

The amount of money pledged on the other hand isn't enough, which is one reason why I'm extremely comfortable with the SNP forming a minority or formal coalition deal with a strong-performing Yes party. It's exactly the sort of area that can be horse-traded at Budget time to create a more effective policy. 

More people working fewer hours in essential and productive roles would obviously be a positive development. However there is nothing in the policy that suggests that is the goal. Sturgeon isn't talking about councils and the civil service going on big recruitment drives is she?

It's a headline grabbing empty shell of a policy and all the benefits will probably end up with relatively privileged white collar workers/business owners.

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9 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

The Scottish Family Party- holy cow! I just looked them up. If you want a few minute's entertainment, have a gander at their policies. https://scottishfamily.org/policies

YouTube videos on their opposition to "corrosive" sex education in schools amongst many others. Ultra zoomers. Even Trump would look at this lot like a bunch of weirdos.

Oh boy. Just found their manifesto. I'll add a few choice quotes below but let's start with a fun video on how domestic violence is a racket.


Ideally, children should be brought up by a mum and a dad, providing a male and female role model and complementary qualities.

The SFP does not support the use of NHS resources for any fertility-related treatment apart from for a man and woman in a long-term stable relationship. There must be an intention of a child being brought up by a mother and father.

We disagree with government-funded Stonewall’s “co-parenting” advice (available through the NHS website). For example, it suggests children be conceived by adults, each of whom is already in a sexual relationship with another person, or by two single people. Adults should not choose to bring children into arrangements without a single stable home.

Preference should be given to married couples, husband and wife, in fostering and adoption decisions. Good parents should not be turned away from fostering or adoption because assessors disagree with their political, moral or religious beliefs.


The Scottish Government’s official sex education resources are grossly indecent, positively promoting pornography and masturbation, presenting as valid some disturbing and dangerous sexual practices, and endorsing illegal under-age sex. The tone is often trivialising and the content is too explicit at younger ages. We would require schools to publish all relationship, sexual health and parenthood resources used, so that parents could see for themselves what is being taught and, if they wish, withdraw their children from these classes (which would remain a right in law).

The moral arguments and emotional consequences relating to abortion should be discussed, instead of the current presentation of abortion as the obvious solution to unwanted pregnancy.

Natural family planning techniques should be discussed alongside other contraception methods in sex education.

I could go on but you get the jist.

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2 hours ago, invergowrie arab said:


Nobody is supposed to sample postal votes but we all do. Ruth was just stupid enough to let it slip.

Also the samples of postal votes are so small the margin of error is wild. You can't target areas with the PV sample either as they come in on an LA basis. I would have no idea where to target resource on a smaller geography.

They are a nice wee tool but a million miles less important than canvass returns 

I quoted from a BBC report, maybe you should tell them they are talking shite, unless of course you work for the BBC.

Who is we, and is the sampling legal?

Edited by SandyCromarty
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3 hours ago, invergowrie arab said:


Nobody is supposed to sample postal votes but we all do. Ruth was just stupid enough to let it slip.

Also the samples of postal votes are so small the margin of error is wild. You can't target areas with the PV sample either as they come in on an LA basis. I would have no idea where to target resource on a smaller geography.

They are a nice wee tool but a million miles less important than canvass returns 

Came across the following, might be of interest to you;

ELECTORAL administrators and returning officers for the General Election have been warned to keep the postal ballot secret and told that voting tallies by political agents is illegal.

The guidance has come as a result of the experience during the Scottish Referendum when it was alleged pro-union campaigners breached electoral law by examining postal ballot papers to gauge how well the Better Together campaign was doing before the polls had closed on September 18.

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