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Scottish Parliamentary Elections May 2021

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3 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

I find amusing that some unionists assume all Labour voters are pro-union - they might be in for a rude awakening.

Also, that dipshit's map is only of constituency votes, conveniently excluding the Greens in 61 seats and Alba in the lot.

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2 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

I find amusing that some unionists assume all Labour voters are pro-union - they might be in for a rude awakening.

This is obviously very true. Much like not all votes for greens and Snp can be directly transferred to pro independence votes, the same works in reverse for labour, lib dem and even some Tory😱

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1 minute ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

I find amusing that some unionists assume all Labour voters are pro-union - they might be in for a rude awakening.

Views on independence seem pretty evenly spread among Labour voters.

What's more amusing is that the statistics quoted on here often throw up head-scratchers like 10% of voters for the Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party supporting independence, and the reverse for the SNP. I guess it must be an airy-fairy, "sure, independence/union, whatever, I just really like the other policies".

Wait...the Tories don't have any other policies  :blink:

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1 minute ago, BFTD said:

Views on independence seem pretty evenly spread among Labour voters.

What's more amusing is that the statistics quoted on here often throw up head-scratchers like 10% of voters for the Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party supporting independence, and the reverse for the SNP. I guess it must be an airy-fairy, "sure, independence/union, whatever, I just really like the other policies".

Wait...the Tories don't have any other policies  :blink:

Maybe they want Scotland to escape the UK but are still really committed to Brexit Britain keeping what is it has left of Ireland. 

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2 minutes ago, edinabear said:

Conclusively evidence. Independence must be inevitable 

That’s not what I said. What I’m saying is that to claim that all Labour votes (see your daft map) equate to a unionist majority is pish.

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4 minutes ago, BFTD said:

Views on independence seem pretty evenly spread among Labour voters.

What's more amusing is that the statistics quoted on here often throw up head-scratchers like 10% of voters for the Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party supporting independence, and the reverse for the SNP. I guess it must be an airy-fairy, "sure, independence/union, whatever, I just really like the other policies".

Wait...the Tories don't have any other policies  :blink:

I can only assume that they want their refugees murdered by Holyrood, not Westminster.

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Views on independence seem pretty evenly spread among Labour voters.
What's more amusing is that the statistics quoted on here often throw up head-scratchers like 10% of voters for the Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party supporting independence, and the reverse for the SNP. I guess it must be an airy-fairy, "sure, independence/union, whatever, I just really like the other policies".
Wait...the Tories don't have any other policies  :blink:

To be fair they’re the only party of the right and also the only party who support Brexit. So it’s conceivable that you could back independence but also favour centre-right politics and want iScotland to be outside of the EU. That might lead you to vote Tory if independence is the least of those three concerns.
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5 minutes ago, Donathan said:

To be fair they’re the only party of the right and also the only party who support Brexit. So it’s conceivable that you could back independence but also favour centre-right politics and want iScotland to be outside of the EU. That might lead you to vote Tory if independence is the least of those three concerns.


Aye, the surprise is more due to the fact that opposition to independence is literally the only issue that the Scottish Tories have been interested in discussing for a good five years or more.

Presumably you're supposed to infer that their policies are strictly everything that the Westminster party says, as they never wanted Holyrood to exist in the first place, PLUS no to Scottish independence. Being their leader in Scotland must be one of the easiest jobs going.

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12 hours ago, NUMBER 7 said:

My parents are both unfortunate dead, and I’d suspect it’s likely you won’t have seen as much of life I have, given my advancing years. I did however get a sufficiently good education, to tie you in knots when it comes to basic Arithmetic. 

The total number of registered voters in Scotland is 4,280,785  Not 4,208,900 you quote.  I appreciate folks sometimes write things down wrongly.

SNP and Greens in constituencies had 1,326,194  votes.  30.99%

SNP Greens and Alba on Regions had 1,359,611 votes   31.76%

Where you get 2,640,892 from, Christ only knows, I’d suspect you have added Pro Indy party votes in both the constituencies and regions, but omitted Alba for some reason. So your double counting the  total votes against the base electorate.

This kind of stacks up when it comes to the SNP Government grasp of figures.

The country basically has 32% that want independence 32% don’t want independence and 36% couldn’t be arsed voting last Thursday. When Indy Ref 2 happens the outcome will be decided from how many from that 36% if they decide to vote, which way they will vote. For what it’s worth I don’t think over 80% will vote the next time.






My apologies on mentioning your parents, I meant no harm and I was having some fun.

Ok your figures are correct on the C vote.

But to ignore the R vote as if the SNP had no singular votes there is a bit wild.

Consider that it's more than possible that Green, Alba, Labour voters and possibly LD's voters had voted for their party on the C ballot and then voted SNP on the R ballot.

Then your figure of 32% voting for Independence is inaccurate. 

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Looking forward to the phone-in on Radio 'Scotland' that has just started filling up with union bears telling me that I didn't vote for what I voted for, and that the parties with a majority of seats didn't win. Where's my popcorn?

Edited by Salt n Vinegar
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29 minutes ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

Looking forward to the phone-in on Radio 'Scotland' that has just started filling up with union bears telling me that I didn't vote for what I voted for, and that the parties with a majority of seats didn't win. Where's my popcorn?

BritNats: When I voted for Brexit, it wasn’t so that independence supporters could use it for their independence agenda! Quit speaking for us!

Also BritNats: When independence supporters elected a pro-independence majority into Holyrood, it was only to run a Scottish government - they obviously didn’t vote for it to seek the right to a referendum!

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9 hours ago, Tattie36 said:

That’s not what I said. What I’m saying is that to claim that all Labour votes (see your daft map) equate to a unionist majority is pish.

Surprisingly, Mary Scanlon, (ex tory MSP), was on the Kaye Adams phone in this morning and she was saying that when she phoned tory voters last week encouraging them to get out and vote tory, a lot of them were saying that they were giving a vote to the SNP as they felt that the vaccine went well and Nicola was on the telly every day letting people know what was happening.

Never in my puff did I ever imagine a tory giving a vote to the SNP but there you are.

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14 hours ago, Scary Bear said:

Look at that face. Are you happy at your work, hen?

I wonder how long she’ll still be up for being FM.

The year is 2023, the covid pandemic has passed, what is the reaction if Nicola says "The last few years have taken their toll on me, I'm happy to have steered the country out of the pandemic and it has been tireless work, i am now stepping down as leader so someone with more vigour can lead the next push for Independence"

That would be amazing. 

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13 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

The Orange Order are all absolute garbage c***s. Complete and utter scum, total wastes of humanity. Fucking filth. Not Nazis though. Not that bad, although I would be in no way surprised if a good number of them 'sympathised' with some Nazi policy.

But you're a wee fanny who is making shit up. No one here has compared them to Nazis. I challenge you to find a single post saying as such.


On 04/05/2019 at 13:15, GAD said:

Yeah, it's the same way its hard to see no voters as anything other than Nazi saluting racist orange order members. The unionist movement really hasn't done anything near enough to distance themselves from these people.


Took 10 seconds to find using the search function. Let's drop the collective amnesia that likes to blight certain Indy supporters at different times. 

Edited by Stormzy
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8 minutes ago, Stellaboz said:

Amazing because you're shite scared we'll actually get out of the so called United Kingdom?

Why would I be scared? More people want to remain in the Union, I'd love a referendum. I'm pretty sure I want a referendum more than 80% of Indy supporters on here. 

I think it would be hilarious if Sturgeon resigned before then, she gets accusations around being a career politican from people within the Indy movement and I think that would make their heads explode. 

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3 minutes ago, Stormzy said:

Why would I be scared? More people want to remain in the Union, I'd love a referendum. I'm pretty sure I want a referendum more than 80% of Indy supporters on here. 

I think it would be hilarious if Sturgeon resigned before then, she gets accusations around being a career politican from people within the Indy movement and I think that would make their heads explode. 

More people want independence. I'd be happy to see one right now also. 

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