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G'Day! Ange's Gap Year Celtic Euro Backpacking Tour 2021/22.

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1 hour ago, kingjoey said:

Hartson “ you can tell it’s a penalty by Oh’s reaction”. You mean the massive Goldsonesque dive, John?

It's a penalty because the Celtic player wants one! Amazing insight from big John showing why he's one of the top pundits around!

He must have forgot it was Europe they were playing in tonight rather than the SPFL and those rules don't apply!

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1 hour ago, stressball said:

Hi mate I sent you the DMs and my number but I’ve not received anything?

Ill need to just get used to being shagged only on European nights.

I got he DM’s and it’s a hard (soft) no. Don’t be disheartened, there’s someone for everyone. Best of luck.

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2 hours ago, The Equalizer said:

I say this in full acknowledgement of what a pantomime weapon Kris Boyd is at times. Name any other Rangers affiliated pundit you want, but you won't find a bigger travesty than John Hartson being paid to cover a Celtic match. It's an affront to the audience.

Both boyd and sutton say what they ssy to be controversial and to bait the other side

Hartson truly believes what he says and thinks he's right, 

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It will be interesting to see how the Scottish football media responds to this.  Will there be any consideration that perhaps Scottish club football is in a dreadful state, habitually dominated by two playground bullies whose fans raison d'etre is f***ing over the other mob, but who are utterly peripheral in the wider scheme of things ?

Or will they continue the conveyor belt of sycophantic tripe that generates clicks and coin ?  I think we all know the answer.

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Despite some decent performances this campaign our naivety has cost us badly. In games where we could’ve perhaps gained a point or even, dare I say, snatched all three, all we’ve managed to do is just add to an already abysmal bunch of stats. 

I very much doubt this squad will be the same or similar that lines up against the best in europe next year & that fills me with some optimism. Massive lessons learned on how not to navigate these match days, even when competing admirably for large spells we just don’t have the talent or depth to shoot ourself in the foot & attempt to run it off. 

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1 hour ago, Biscuits said:

That’s cringy as f**k 

It is. It's sectarian shit that the club should be well above, but never is.


If Rodgers wants to visit him, fine, do it with humility and sincerity.  This nonsense just perpetuates the divisive crap that gets allowed to define our game.

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