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Amazon’s Tolkien Adaptation - Coming 2nd September 2022 Discussion


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6 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

Theres a few plot holes been shoved into the show so far simply so we can have a nice scene, and its annoying. Either that or theyve cut scenes that help explain things better.

The more you think about things, the less it makes sense.

Why did Galadriel suddenly decide Halbrand was a king? Why did the folk of the southlands just accept him instantly, despite not having a clue who he is? Why is the southlands made up of about 40 people? Why go to the bother of the elaborate dam/volcano system? Why the folk care that they killed humans, given those humans were traitors who joined the orcs and were trying to kill them? Why did the elf lad not realise that the hilt had been swapped? Surely it would have felt vastly different to a small axe? Wasn't Brownyn shot with two arrows? Why is Theo such a wee bitch?

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2 minutes ago, FairWeatherFan said:

It is a trope, but it makes some degree of sense.

They would have been landing in a port town in the Southlands presumably. In the preceding days several towns and the Elf colonial forces had been attacked by the orc army. You would have had plenty of refugees escaping to a port town to flee on a boat.

Then you can say the Numenoreans worse case scenario were heading full pelt to the old watchtower knowing it would be a rally point for any survivors or for the orcs to gain a foothold. If they hadn't been explicitly told were they were.

Aye, possibly, but there appears to be absolutely no one else in the southlands. It's very empty!  We haven't seen a single refugee fleeing. Also the Numenoreans decided to sail up the river on a whim. 

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12 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

Aye, possibly, but there appears to be absolutely no one else in the southlands. It's very empty!  We haven't seen a single refugee fleeing. Also the Numenoreans decided to sail up the river on a whim. 

Wasn't really  a whim.



I think Halbrand on those folk on a raft were meant to be refugees from an orc attack.

It's partly empty because the orcs had been secretly attacking towns in their tunnels. That's how we found out about the tunnels in the first place through the town over being emptied. 

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26 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

The more you think about things, the less it makes sense.

Why did Galadriel suddenly decide Halbrand was a king? Why did the folk of the southlands just accept him instantly, despite not having a clue who he is? Why is the southlands made up of about 40 people? Why go to the bother of the elaborate dam/volcano system? Why the folk care that they killed humans, given those humans were traitors who joined the orcs and were trying to kill them? Why did the elf lad not realise that the hilt had been swapped? Surely it would have felt vastly different to a small axe? Wasn't Brownyn shot with two arrows? Why is Theo such a wee bitch?

<whispers> because the writers of the show are pish and just need stuff to happen then "move along". <whispers>


Remember the Harfoots didn't leave anyone behind then spend the next few episodes trying to leave some folk behind?

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The quality of this as a visual masterpiece for a TV show is up there with anything that's ever been made.

Every bit as good as the LOTR movies, although without the huge battle scenes yet.

In terms of dialogue, acting or gymnastics nothing Galadriel does is any worse than anything Legolas does in the movies 

I'm thoroughly enjoying it and feel sorry for people hate watching it to pick holes in a fantasy epic.

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The quality of this as a visual masterpiece for a TV show is up there with anything that's ever been made.
Every bit as good as the LOTR movies, although without the huge battle scenes yet.
In terms of dialogue, acting or gymnastics nothing Galadriel does is any worse than anything Legolas does in the movies 
I'm thoroughly enjoying it and feel sorry for people hate watching it to pick holes in a fantasy epic.
See think that's my problem with the show, I'm comparing it to the movies too much. I don't think it measures up to them in any way whatsoever.
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What a bunch of wee arseholes the Harfoots are. The big lad has done nothing but help them, asking for nothing, and a wee accident, where no one was hurt and was only because he was once again trying to help them, has them turning on him in an instant.

Ungrateful, bitter little tossers, especially since it turned out that he did help them after all. Nori is the worst for turning on him. Backstabbing wee boot. Also, if they hadn't told him to f**k off, the three creepy wanks looking for him would have found him and wouldn't have burned their wee wagons. Also the old lad talking about how the Harfoots stay true to each other is demonstrable pish given they were all for abandoning him and his family just because he hurt his leg. It would have been incredibly easy for him to ride in his wagon and have someone else help with pushing/pulling it, but that was far too much trouble for such self proclaimed loyal people. Bunch of wee rats.

Anyway, the Numenoreans have had a bit of a shocker. Things haven't worked out well for them. No wonder Elendil wants to f**k off. However it speaks quite poorly of him that he was so up for firing off to Middle Earth and then shat it at the first sign of adversity. The Queen Regent showed a bit of strength by saying they'll back. Her big comedy blindfold was chucklesome mind. They were very quick to leave Isildur. They didn't even try to see if he alive. 

So wait, the southlanders are going to Gondor now (or what will become Gondor)? Didn't quite catch the name of the place they said they were going, but they said it was on the Anduin river.

Quite liked Durin's battles with his old man. I suspect a coup is in the offing. Still think the 'elves need mithril or will die' storyling is absolute pish though. BALROG though!!!! Yaaaasss!!

The map makers of Middle Earth will need to get the ink out to change the name of the Southlands.


Edited by DA Baracus
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I'll assume everyone is familiar with LoTR and The Hobbit so nothing that happens in that can be viewed as a spoiler. Think the Stranger should wind up being Radagast now given he's heading towards what will become Mirkwood where he was based in the Third Age. The Harfoots will probably settle down beside the Anduin close by given that's where Smeagol kills Deagol to steal the ring, which could conceivably happen not too long after the timeline of the series.

Think Halbrand is going to turn out to be Sauron and he was never a refugee from an orc attack and didn't float into Galadriel by some fluke random accident. Introducing him to the Elf with the big forge is going to be a very bad move for the future of Middle Earth. All seems very well done so far and close enough to Tolkein's writings to be an acceptable expansion of his world building. Especially enjoy the bits that make the MAGA types on youtube who conveniently forget what Tolkein did with Eowyn as a character seethe.

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Gandalf is not supposed to be in Middle Earth until the Third Age and was secretly given one of the "Rings of Power" when he arrived so purists would flip their lid if they did that. They are already unhappy about Galadriel's husband who features in the LOTR being MIA in this series. Radagast isn't supposed to show up until later either but is such a minor character that it would make less of a difference to the established book canon. Radagast is supposed to be big on protecting wildlife so bringing the trees back to life in the last episode fits his character in a big way.

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Any wizards being in this series goes against what was written though. Which makes it a strange choice as there's so much in the second age they could adapt. 

The Balrog being woken 2 Durins early is a weird choice too. 

I feel the Numenorians are a bit rubbish. I did have a laugh at the Queens comedy blindfold almost 30 seconds after trying to hide the fact she can't see.

The whole Elves will perish if they don't bathe in Mithril is rubbish. They were given immortality by Eru Iluvatar, not by a metal that's just been discovered. 

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I don't understand the mithril dilemma either. It was present in the LOTR material but it was just a rare and precious metal. I don't know if mithril was even mentioned in the Silmarillion. 

Halbrand is being set up as a baddie for sure. I actually like him as a character so far. He and Elendil are the two most interesting until now imo. 

I also wonder about the stranger. He can heal things as we've seen but he also merked a few dozen fireflies, fire being the totem element for Gandalf and Sauron so I'm not sure I understand the significance of that scene yet. 

Like others have said I'm just relaxing and enjoying new work in the Tolkien world and not casting too critical an eye on everything I see. People who do that spoil things for themselves. 

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