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Afghanistan Crisis

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The Taliban didn't have the capability or will to hand over Al Qaeda on a plate, which was the only thing that might have prevented a full scale invasion. And American rage wouldn't have been satisfied, they went on to destroy Iraq anyway who had zero to do with 9/11. Maybe Pakistan and Iran got off easy.

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Pen Farthing animals are all good and safe! They will all be re-homed to service personnel. hurray!!!!!

I must admit I was getting a little sweaty.

His 68 Afghan helpers are still requiring the correct details to get past Mr Taliban. He's trying his best to sort that out.Give us a harrumph harrumph!



Edited by SlipperyP
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14 hours ago, TheBruce said:

Watching a docu on American use of private military contractors/mercenaries since 9/11. Up to a staggering 4 to 1 boots on the ground ratio with regular troops.

Overall military spending at 32 million per hour since 9/11. Beggars belief.

Regular army officer war vet's saying their job was to win both the battles and win the hearts and minds. However, the military contractors only sought to win battles, hence why the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were a failure . Out with the drone attacks,  military contractors cared little for collateral damage and the US quickly became the enemy of the indigenous.

Aegis Defence Services a British based military Contractor, one of the biggest used, also subcontracted out to private contractors around the globe. Mercenaries used from places as Sierra Leonne. Ex boy soldiers and local dissidents preferred and pressed into service.

Quoted as being out of control on the ground, as the US generals turned a blind eye. Hence the stooshie caused by WikiLeaks.

Quite sad to see so called modern western democracies resorting to such measures, but unsurprising. 

Can see the pull out of Iraq coming soon. Between the fiscal spend and the and the humanitarian  costs, it all becomes too much of a burden for the US as the truth unravels and the US themselves become the pariah.

The Yanks have always cast the Hessian mercenaries Britain used in their War of Independence in a bad light.

You'd think they might have learned lessons from their own history..

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