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Incels, and their insane world view.


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Surprised there isn't an incel thread, did a quick check and couldn't find one. If there is, mods... feel free to merge this with that.

Incels aren't new. Misogynistic losers aren't new. The only difference is that the Internet has given them both a place people can (virtually) congregate, while providing a platform and echo chambers where they can spout their hateful ideology (if it's even that, normally it's just bitter men bitter at not being laid) which, for some, seems to have given them a form of 'credibility' - in the sense it's now recognised as "a thing" when before they were considered unconnected pockets of social outcasts. I believe the recent murders down the South West of England were linked to incel type behaviour and it's far from the first instance of such a thing.

Just now, I'm going to share two videos, one you'll need to click on as it's a mirror for Reddit. This, possibly 'peak-incel', rant covers all the usual stuff, but goes on to claim that all Asians have committed genocide because their men have arrived in "the West" and stopped him and his relatives from propagating. It's nigh on 5 minutes, but it's quite an eye opener just how fucking crazy these people are.

[Edit: Going to put an NSFW warning on this one, no swearing, just xenophobic nonsense] Reddit Mirror: Pathetic Man Child Goes on an Insane Rant - it's not an easy watch, well done if you make it all the way through.

The other video will embed as it's YT, and that is the police interview of Alek Minassian, who killed 10 and injured 16 people in a van attack (interestingly, again in Canada). In the interview he explains to the officer "what incel is", and does so completely openly. Including why and how he committed the crime.

For those 'interested', The Mod Reporter (another YT channel) has the full interview - it's nearly 3 hours though!


Oh, and before any wag asks if I'm an incel, no... I don't have sex because I'm an ugly fucker, not because I hate woman! ;)

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maybe i'm too old to understand, but i'm not sure we'd have a big incel population in scotland, as i said, i'm a bit older and younger people do seem to be more americanised, but no girlfriend or setting your bar too high to where it turned into a dislike of women didnt happen, it just meant loads of wanking and a helluva a lot of odd socks

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1 hour ago, Meldrew said:

maybe i'm too old to understand, but i'm not sure we'd have a big incel population in scotland, as i said, i'm a bit older and younger people do seem to be more americanised, but no girlfriend or setting your bar too high to where it turned into a dislike of women didnt happen, it just meant loads of wanking and a helluva a lot of odd socks

There certainly seems to be a propensity of our cousins across the pond to align with it, although that should come as no surprise considering the state of some of those lot.

However, I'd also say the Internet has allowed people to come together with similar views, those views might not be out and out incel, just 'general misogyny' and a dislike for their own lives, and it'll get radicalised into the classic "It's not me that is out of step, but those bloody women and having the right to choose where they put their junk. When you come to think of it, I'm the victim, and I'm bloody outraged at this oppression!"

Are there that many in Scotland? Probably not, hard to tell, but if you break it down you can see the seeds (albeit sparse) of all that within our society and if given the attention it may grow here also. It's a bit of a double edged sword, too. As the more the press bring awareness of incels (as I said in my first post, it's not new, just "newly Interneted") the more that awareness reaches those who are looking for someone/something to blame other than themselves.


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Some of the more extreme trans activist views nowadays are a bit incel-like as well. Like the ones who say you are a bigot if you won’t date (or shag) a transgender person because if you are a straight man then transgender women are women and you better be ready to shag them and if you are a straight woman transgender men are men and you better be willing to shag them etc.



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7 minutes ago, Thorongil said:

Some of the more extreme trans activist views nowadays are a bit incel-like as well. Like the ones who say you are a bigot if you won’t date (or shag) a transgender person because if you are a straight man then transgender women are women and you better be ready to shag them and if you are a straight woman transgender men are men and you better be willing to shag them etc.



It would be interesting to see a Venn Diagram of hate, and see where all the fringe extremists overlap.

As for transgender? I don't think I've ever heard someone proclaiming to be an incel discuss the topic. Considering they go full on incandescent rage at the mere thought of CIS women dating those of the opposite gender, I can't even begin to imagine the sheer outpouring of self righteous nuclear-level indignation that would ensue.

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6 minutes ago, Thorongil said:

Some of the more extreme trans activist views nowadays are a bit incel-like as well. Like the ones who say you are a bigot if you won’t date (or shag) a transgender person because if you are a straight man then transgender women are women and you better be ready to shag them and if you are a straight woman transgender men are men and you better be willing to shag them etc.



I think they're mainly heterosexual trolls trying to wind up feminists, and who succeeded beyond their wildest expectations.

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3 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

There was a guy convicted of preparing terrorist acts in Edinburgh a few months ago who was apparently inspired by the black-pill/incel world view. 

if only they knew, a couple of decades constantly listening to the moaning face c*nts, they'd be over the moon to be ''lonely''

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