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3 hours ago, Antlion said:

Some teenagers have cum-socks. Oor Adam has a cum-flag.

And remember, the monarchy’s “continuity” of ancient and modern only includes the sparkly, flag-waving, faux-medieval cosplaying stuff - it doesn’t apply to the centuries of corruption, genocide, and colonisation. Just forget about that.


Not to mention all the stolen gems, rocks, 'jewellery', resources and other things.

2 hours ago, Cosmic Joe said:

I've given this consideration, but naw. 

I could not form any kind of meaningful relationship with a Tory. There is enough tension in my hoose with me voting Green and my missus being SNP. 

I vote SNP but don't support them. It's a means to an end for me. In an independent Scotland I'd vote Green. Perhaps your lady is the same?

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2 hours ago, Cosmic Joe said:

I've given this consideration, but naw. 

I could not form any kind of meaningful relationship with a Tory. There is enough tension in my hoose with me voting Green and my missus being SNP. 

A Penny Mordaunt and Liz Truss sandwich, I could go to my grave a happy man after that.. 😎

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6 hours ago, Carl Cort's Hamstring said:

Although I find it strange when people get upset when famous people they've never met die, I can kind of understand it on a certain level. A famous athlete, actor or musician will have produced moments or pieces art that will stay with you forever. Significant policiticians will have a profound impact on your life.

The Queen? Abstract nouns: constsistency, stability, duty. I think most people, even the most fervent royalists, would struggle to recall more than half a dozen things she's ever actually said or done.



"My husband and I"

"Annus horribilis"

"I'm so old my pussy is haunted"

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