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Best and worse goalies

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Bryn Halliwell, Roddy McKenzie, Michal Hrivnak, Ryan Scully, OFW, Deniz Mehmet all absolutely woeful. Worst has got to be Chris Smith though. Would make at least 3 extremely bad mistakes a game.

Marco Ruitenbeek, Alan McGregor, Sean Murdoch, Paul Gallacher all fantastic but Dorus de Vries pips them for me. Absolute unit.

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7 minutes ago, DAFC. said:

Bryn Halliwell, Roddy McKenzie, Michal Hrivnak, Ryan Scully, OFW, Deniz Mehmet all absolutely woeful. Worst has got to be Chris Smith though. Would make at least 3 extremely bad mistakes a game.

Marco Ruitenbeek, Alan McGregor, Sean Murdoch, Paul Gallacher all fantastic but Dorus de Vries pips them for me. Absolute unit.

Am I right in thinking that Scully won player of the year for you guys a couple of times when he was on loan from us?

Admittedly, I think this was while you were busy finishing seventh in League One, so that’s possibly a factor. 

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I have no idea what happened with Scilly, won poty twice with us and looked like he had potential, then you'd read Thistle fans not being enamoured with him. 


So we eventually got him back, and he was exactly as Thistle fans had described, pish. 


We've not had a good first choice keeper since Murdoch, we've consistently had one of the worst keepers in the division. 

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2 hours ago, AyrshireTon said:

Best - Roy Baines, David Wylie and Derek Gaston. Honourable mention for Dave Brcic for his short spell with us.

Worst - Lee Robinson, Sam Ramsbottom

Gaston was a great servant to the club (we certainly wouldn't have got out of the seaside leagues in 2015 without his help) but in terms of overall ability he wouldn't get near the top of the list. 

To the surprise of just about everybody, Jack Hamilton has been excellent so far this season for us. Which could be famous last words of course, but even the odd mistake or two between now and May shouldn't detract from the quality of his performances overall. Andy McNeil was similarly not bad playing for us despite boasting a CV littered with clangers. Kevin Cuthbert was generally quite good from memory, as opposed to Colin Stewart who went from the sublime to the ridiculous on a minute by minute basis. 

As for worst goalkeepers, Ryan Scully and Lee Robinson were utterly dreadful for us at this level. Nicolas Caraux was dung other than at Celtic Park when he was transformed into Lev Yashin for the night. The worst of the lot is Stefan Gonet, whose stunning contributions included being nudged into his own net while holding the ball at Somerset Park. A short period in goal which wasn't short enough. 

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The Best, Cammy Duncan, Ludo Roy, Kevin Cuthbert, Kristjan Finnbogason. Doohan as a loan

Worst, Hillcoat, Ally Brown, David Purdie. All goalkeepers that were second choice but for one reason or another, ended up playing almost a full season. 

Guys like Peter Cherry, Jack Ruddy, Jens Martin Knudsen, Tomas Gill and BJ Corr were spectacularly worse than some of the above but only played for a handful of games, the rest played substantial parts of the season. 

The two we have just now are capable but not spectacular. 

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2 hours ago, Slipmat said:

If we're talking goalies I actually saw in the flesh the best were probably Jamie MacDonald, Zander Clark, David Mathieson and Alan Davidson.  Lee Robinson was good in spells and a great penalty stopper but his final spell will be remembered mostly for his clownish antics.

Allan Ball was in the twilight years of his career and plagued with injury when I started attending matches so although he is probably considered to be our best keeper it's difficult for me to comment on how good he was.

We have recruited a seemingly endless list of diddies over the years, the worst I've seen being the permanently raging walking temper tantrum that was  Derek Hoy, closely followed by BJ Corr.  Dishonourable mentions go to Jim Butter, Alan Martin, Rikki Ferguson, Alex Williams, Willie Cunningham and John Hillcoat all of whom were capable of busting the dial on the howler-o-meter.

I never had the, ahem, pleasure, of seeing Calum Antell, John Burridge or Kris Robertson "play" for us but it those that did tend to be found rocking in the corner of a padded cell shortly after hearing their names mentioned in a QOS capacity...

I was just going to mention Derrick Hoy as the worst I've had the misfortune of watching, but you beat me to it!  A routine cross would somehow end up as an own goal of farcical proportions, and a nothing shot would invariably be followed by the striker turning away in embarrassed celebration.  Would certainly agree with the others you have mentioned in this category but would also add Stephen Grindley to this.

As much as we have signed some diddies, we have also had some pretty decent keepers down the years.  Alan Davidson, Colin Scott and Lee Robinson being some of the better ones.  Jamie McDonald and Zander Clark deserve honourable mentions.  David Hutton was decent for us although he will always be remembered for a howler in a cup final where we simply didn't turn up.

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1 hour ago, diegomarahenry said:

The Best, Cammy Duncan, Ludo Roy, Kevin Cuthbert, Kristjan Finnbogason. Doohan as a loan

Worst, Hillcoat, Ally Brown, David Purdie. All goalkeepers that were second choice but for one reason or another, ended up playing almost a full season. 

Guys like Peter Cherry, Jack Ruddy, Jens Martin Knudsen, Tomas Gill and BJ Corr were spectacularly worse than some of the above but only played for a handful of games, the rest played substantial parts of the season. 

The two we have just now are capable but not spectacular. 

didn't Thomas Gill play for Norway?

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3 hours ago, virginton said:

Gaston was a great servant to the club (we certainly wouldn't have got out of the seaside leagues in 2015 without his help) but in terms of overall ability he wouldn't get near the top of the list. 

To the surprise of just about everybody, Jack Hamilton has been excellent so far this season for us. Which could be famous last words of course, but even the odd mistake or two between now and May shouldn't detract from the quality of his performances overall. Andy McNeil was similarly not bad playing for us despite boasting a CV littered with clangers. Kevin Cuthbert was generally quite good from memory, as opposed to Colin Stewart who went from the sublime to the ridiculous on a minute by minute basis. 

As for worst goalkeepers, Ryan Scully and Lee Robinson were utterly dreadful for us at this level. Nicolas Caraux was dung other than at Celtic Park when he was transformed into Lev Yashin for the night. The worst of the lot is Stefan Gonet, whose stunning contributions included being nudged into his own net while holding the ball at Somerset Park. A short period in goal which wasn't short enough. 

Or even second-by-second, as demonstrated in that infamous final minute against Ross County where he pulled off a fantastic world-class point-blank save, then fumbled the ball under his armpit into the net after colliding with the post. I'd forgotten about Cuthbert - he was indeed a decent enough keeper.

Gaston was included due to the ridiculous quality of the saves he made (QoS at Palmerston and Ayr at home spring to mind) but he did seem to be easily beaten from long range.

Can't recall much about the rest (which says a lot for them). Others we've had include David McGurn, Matt Boswell, Grant Adam, Paul Mathers, Andy Carlin and Stuart Webster.

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Am I right in thinking that Scully won player of the year for you guys a couple of times when he was on loan from us?
Admittedly, I think this was while you were busy finishing seventh in League One, so that’s possibly a factor. 

He was great season 2013-14. Would rather just forget the following season, although he was our POTY that season too. I thought he’d go on and take that form in to the Premiership as he looked too good for League 1 at that time, but obviously he couldn’t cut it and regressed. He came to us for a second time, and he was genuinely fucking shit. Mistakes every single game. Would fumble easy crosses constantly. Utter fucking shite. We haven’t had a decent enough keeper in fucking donkeys. Murdoch was probably the last one. Since then we have had the worst, or one of the worst, keepers in the league.
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Westwater, Ruitenbeek, Stillie, McGregor, De Vries and Murdoch were all decent. I’d probably go with Paul Gallacher as the best though, given how good he was when he was at his best for us. 2011-12, we’d have had a chance at survival if he hadn’t got injured. Wouldn’t really disagree with anyone naming any of the keepers mentioned though, certainly good arguments for each of them.

Agree with the majority of hall of shame nominations from other Pars fans. David Hutton hasn’t had enough Pars mentions, but Michal Hrivnak is by far the worst keeper I’ve ever seen at the club. He was honestly an embarrassment of a goalkeeper.

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