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Clyde v Peterheed

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7 hours ago, Scarves said:

Many have said DL /AM should go now.  And replace them with whom exactly?



This is genuinely such a ridiculous sentiment, and one peddled out by people that can’t defend a manager other than “ I just like them”. Same garbage all the Celtic Da’s were spouting when Neil Lennon was in charge. if you would rather stick it out with Lennon and Moore that’s fine and their is maybe an arguement for that but don’t imply others are wrong for wanting change. Danny has done a good job getting us to where we are but quite simply his time here is up and we need a fresh pair of eyes in. Not to dissimilar to EF and Darren Young. 

In terms of who to bring in, well quite frankly we won’t know until we advertise it will we? I’m sure no one thought Lennon and Moore would come in when we in the state we were in then. Off the top of my head some names that are available that might apply could be ( and I’m not endorsing them just pointing out they are available): Stuart Kettlewell, Brian Rice, Gus Macpherson, Darren Young, Peter Grant, David Hopkin, Jim Weir, Gary Bollan. A mixed bag, if we had moved earlier you could also have thrown Stevie Crawford and John Rankin in there. Not to mention the aforementioned unexpected appointment we could get a La Fort William employing one of Roberto Martinez’s Belgiums backroom team Shadab Iftikhar, maybe someone younger looking to kick on their career from the lowland/ WOSL league Gordon Moffat at Clydebank to look back even one week, maybe someone from a backroom team elsewhere wanting to go out on their own. 

There are a lot of possibilities out there and to not gamble on them when you are in our situation is bananas. A manager coming in could get a window and a chance to turn this season and squad around and if we end up going down it was a free hit for them. They then would get a fresh slate next season after 6 months of being around the club and knowing what’s required. 

Edited by Ocelot1877
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Let's take the positives from this.  Rescuing a draw from 0-2 down feels far better than squandering a 2-0 lead.  We maintained the gap over East Fife and closed up on Dumbarton by a point.  We play a team with a naive manager who we have already beaten in 2021 next so the possibility of getting out of the play off position next Saturday is there.
While I agree that Lennon's recruitment and tactics have been questionable this season haranguing him during the game won't achieve anything.  Get off his case.
Many have said DL /AM should go now.  And replace them with whom exactly?
Why was the scorer of Peterhead's first goal (name escapes me) not booked for a confrontational celebration in front of the Clyde fans?
Here's hoping Ross Cunningham is okay.  He looked to be in serious pain when being put on the stretcher. 

This is comical, Danny Lennon has had the easiest ride ever as a Clyde manager because he got us promoted and comes across as a nice guy. If he is getting pelters on a match day it is LONG overdue based on performances for the last year or two. I’m sure it’s still mild compared to what some other recent managers have received.

Those who are still bothering to turn up (and fair play to them) deserve to make their feelings known. So you stick to happy clapping and let’s others do as they wish…
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Deveney and Livingstone should start every week with one on his weaker side. There's barely any risk in it compared with all the other switchabouts we've tried down the years. Livingstone done well on his weaker side yesterday. Danny recognised that in his post-match interview. It may even be that having one of those two come inside gives a new dimension to our attacks or helps our possession in the long run. It would also mean we could have Cuddihy in midfield. He is our best centre midfielder and we're desperately weak in there.

It's been glaring for a while that the answer to our full-back/wing-back misery is to get the most athletic options the park for those positions despite their inexperience (Livingstone, Deveney). Having Munro, Docherty or Rumsby filling the gaps is an insult to their ability.

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16 minutes ago, Clydeside said:


It's been glaring for a while that the answer to our full-back/wing-back misery is to get the most athletic options the park for those positions despite their inexperience (Livingstone, Deveney). Having Munro, Docherty or Rumsby filling the gaps is an insult to their ability.

Danny has a real strange thing with the left and right full back positions. He’s tried played Lang, Cuddihy and Ross Lyons out right and Love, Rankin, McNiff and Grant out left. Including my personal favourite bizzare tactics in a must win game v Dumbarton last season after O’too had been incredible for us at LB Danny moved him to Left Midfield and played Love at LB.   He has a real adversity to just signing and playing full backs in their natural postions. 

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Just now, Ocelot1877 said:

Danny has a real strange thing with the left and right full back positions. He’s tried played Lang, Cuddihy and Ross Lyons out right and Love, Rankin, McNiff and Grant out left. Including my personal favourite bizzare tactics in a must win game v Dumbarton last season after O’too had been incredible for us at LB Danny moved him to Left Midfield and played Love at LB.   He has a real adversity to just signing and playing full backs in their natural postions. 

Couldn't agree more. Lang and Cogill were used as full-backs too. The former for quite a while. And they were the best two centre backs we've had in ability terms under Lennon in my opinion. They'd breeze this league if we still had them.

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8 hours ago, Scarves said:

Let's take the positives from this.  Rescuing a draw from 0-2 down feels far better than squandering a 2-0 lead.  We maintained the gap over East Fife and closed up on Dumbarton by a point.  We play a team with a naive manager who we have already beaten in 2021 next so the possibility of getting out of the play off position next Saturday is there.


While I agree that Lennon's recruitment and tactics have been questionable this season haranguing him during the game won't achieve anything.  Get off his case.


Many have said DL /AM should go now.  And replace them with whom exactly?


Why was the scorer of Peterhead's first goal (name escapes me) not booked for a confrontational celebration in front of the Clyde fans?


Here's hoping Ross Cunningham is okay.  He looked to be in serious pain when being put on the stretcher. 

This post must surely be a joke or maybe even DL or AM posting in disguise or maybe someone who last attended a game in the promotion winning season

Yeah suppose was a positive result yesterday but again we were absolutely hopeless for 44 minutes and lucky not to be 3 or 4 down at the time.  How many times has that happened this season.  Would probably say every game as we haven’t been good for 90 minutes in any game IMO. 

DL signings and tactics haven’t been questionable they have been shocking.    We have squad of 24 which is ridiculous and 5 of them out on loan.  We have players in the squad who should be no where near it and will never be players IMO. In fact his signings since he joined have been hopeless with one or two exceptions.

Football is all about progressing (however small) on what you have done before but it is clear to see that the team since promotion has got worse season on season with this year there being a big drop off. DGW is having an unbelievable season (top goal scorer in Scotland) and we are 2nd bottom of L1.  Think where we would be if we just had a bang average L1 forward.  Urghh….shudders to think about

I don’t think the question is who should replace DL/AM is the one (as there will always be plenty of candidates) just that i think that DL/AM have reached there natural end and the squad needs someone new/needs to hear a new voice  with some fresh ideas to see if we can save the season.

Regarding players giving it back to opposition fans I am all for it given the stick they have to take and it all part of the fun of the game.  If a player goes over the mark then that is what the referee is there for. 



Edited by Bullyweeno1
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Know i will get stick for it but after watching Goodwillies goals i must say i thought at the time say the penalty was dubious, dont blame him for taking it he is very good at it Long said there was no contact and our manager was told the ref thought of giving the goal kick but somehow changed his mind. Brett Long has been great for us this season but did not need to come out to challenge Goodwillie his second goal looked very good from where we were seated but looking at not sure if Brett was unsighted as it was hardly in the bottom corner. The penalty changed the game as until then we were wondering how many we would win by. 

Edited by peternapper
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Know i will get stick for it but after watching Goodwillies goals i must as i thought at the time say the penalty was dubious, dont blame him for taking it he is very good at it Long said there was no contact and our manager was told the ref thought of giving the goal kick but somehow changed his mind. Brett Long has been great for us this season but did not need to come out to challenge Goodwillie his second goal looked very good from where we were seated but looking at not sure if Brett was unsighted as it was hardly in the bottom corner. The penalty changed the game as until then we were wondering how many we would win by. 

Well the penalty decision certainly made up for the blatantly obvious first one, jones got booked for diving when there was clear contact [emoji23]
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13 minutes ago, Jack Phillips said:

Well the penalty decision certainly made up for the blatantly obvious first one, jones got booked for diving when there was clear contact emoji23.png

We had a great view of the Jones incident it was like Bambi on Ice and he was quite rightly booked. Another typical day from the officials with both sets of supporters thinking they were rubbish 😗

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Know i will get stick for it but after watching Goodwillies goals i must as i thought at the time say the penalty was dubious, dont blame him for taking it he is very good at it Long said there was no contact and our manager was told the ref thought of giving the goal kick but somehow changed his mind. Brett Long has been great for us this season but did not need to come out to challenge Goodwillie his second goal looked very good from where we were seated but looking at not sure if Brett was unsighted as it was hardly in the bottom corner. The penalty changed the game as until then we were wondering how many we would win by. 

I was inline with Goodwillie for the second goal. No way was Brett Long unsighted. However, Goodwillie put tremendous curve on the shot.
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3 minutes ago, haufdaft said:



I was inline with Goodwillie for the second goal. No way was Brett Long unsighted. However, Goodwillie put tremendous curve on the shot.


Would not deny he got lots of bend on the shot our expectations on Long are maybe too high it was not a rocket or in the bottom corner. It is probably still worth teams man marking Goodwillie as he is still very dangerous if he gets to run at you. What age is he now certainly has paid the price for the baggage that goes with him should have been at a higher level.


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52 minutes ago, peternapper said:

Know i will get stick for it but after watching Goodwillies goals i must as i thought at the time say the penalty was dubious, dont blame him for taking it he is very good at it Long said there was no contact and our manager was told the ref thought of giving the goal kick but somehow changed his mind. Brett Long has been great for us this season but did not need to come out to challenge Goodwillie his second goal looked very good from where we were seated but looking at not sure if Brett was unsighted as it was hardly in the bottom corner. The penalty changed the game as until then we were wondering how many we would win by. 

I think your players were also thinking they were going on to score more goals and was maybe your downfall trying to be more flashy than you needed to be. Your players thought the game was over at 2-0 and paid the price for complacency. I never saw the penalty incident so can’t comment although the highlights of the goals show it was probably the correct decision although I will save judgement until I see it from the other side.

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21 minutes ago, Pride Of The Clyde said:

I think your players were also thinking they were going on to score more goals and was maybe your downfall trying to be more flashy than you needed to be. Your players thought the game was over at 2-0 and paid the price for complacency. I never saw the penalty incident so can’t comment although the highlights of the goals show it was probably the correct decision although I will save judgement until I see it from the other side.

Poor refereeing as is too common.  Couldn't  comment on the Jones one but ref might have given Goodie's as a reaction and he then spent the rest of the game trying to atone for it. Booking Clyde player for handball, denying a 2nd penalty on DGW but curiously not giving P/head a stick on for a 2 handed shove late in 2nd half.

Thought P/head had enough chances to win after our equaliser. We could have nicked it had Love & Tadie not been so leaden footed. 

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2 hours ago, peternapper said:

Know i will get stick for it but after watching Goodwillies goals i must as i thought at the time say the penalty was dubious, dont blame him for taking it he is very good at it Long said there was no contact and our manager was told the ref thought of giving the goal kick but somehow changed his mind. Brett Long has been great for us this season but did not need to come out to challenge Goodwillie his second goal looked very good from where we were seated but looking at not sure if Brett was unsighted as it was hardly in the bottom corner. The penalty changed the game as until then we were wondering how many we would win by. 

I thought the exact same when I watched the highlights earlier. Very soft but you take it when it goes for you!

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First time I've attended a game in a long time and was blown away by the difference in the two teams in the first half.

Clyde defence couldn't cope with the pace of Peterhead and the visitors should have been out of sight at half-time. 

Think I was also well placed to see the major talking points.

First penalty incident the referee was spot on, Clyde forward was going down before making any contact.

Second penalty... you could have driven a bus between the two players... zero contact made. Never a good thing when a referee blows his whistle and both sets of players demand to know "what was that for?"

Peterhead players didn't react badly as they seemed to think it was a goal kick, Clyde players body language indicated that they thought the same and they were walking back upfield assuming goal kick too. They only appeal I heard was from the Clyde player saying he didn't mean to go down!! (Advantage of sparse crowd noise).

Goodwillie's goal at the other end was class and was reminisce of Zico (only fans of a certain age will know what I mean).

I think a draw was very fair!

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7 hours ago, BullyWeeStonehouse said:

I thought the exact same when I watched the highlights earlier. Very soft but you take it when it goes for you!

Which would appear to the last two games between the sides where Goodwillie has been the beneficiary of penalty decisions that were at best soft (the one at Balmoor was 100% a dive).

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