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Nutjob anti-vaxxer arrested.

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The percentage of people testing positively for Covid requiring hospitalisation or dying has dropped massively since the vaccination programme kicked in, the evidence is stark. Travelling Tabby has a vivid graph showing the correlation.




Edited by welshbairn
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17 minutes ago, AlbionSaint said:

The vaccines may have saved the lives of some of the elderly, but I think the pre-vaccine Covid epidemic will have already killed many of the most vulnerable people. I don't believe the vast majority need to be vaccinated against a virus that ordinarily kills fewer than 1% of the population.



I'm certainly not denying that Covid exists, which is surely what you mean by 'denialism', however I do believe the threat it poses to the public has been exaggerated. I believe attributing deaths to Covid merely because the deceased tested positive within the previous 28 days will have inflated the figures, and is disingenuous. How would you explain the Japanese figures?

I believe that many western governments are corrupt, or are keen to implement lockdowns to further the environmental agenda and the transition to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which otherwise will have been quite difficult. People and businesses are now getting used to working from home, for example.


"Never let a good crisis go to waste" - Churchill.

Good point, well made. 


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1 hour ago, Satoshi said:


This is one of the few areas where the moral highground is quite obvious, it really is black and white. By refusing a vaccine you are increasing the risk of harm to yourself and uncessearily putting others at risk. You are increasing the chances of your hospitalisation (and that of others) which will further consume scarce resources. These are both facts, whether it sounds fake or not to you is irrelevant.


Very well put, though I don’t think the ‘moral high ground’ should come into the argument.

If everyone who could have been vaccinated had been, including the current booster, then there would be far less need for restrictions, far less hospitalisations, far less deaths and far less impact on the economy.


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2 minutes ago, AlbionSaint said:

The whole debate comes down to:

1) Whether one believes what they're told by officials.

There are those who think this whole thing is a 'plandemic' and has been invented or exaggerated for one of the following motives:

(i) to bring about economic change, possibly for environmental reasons, as an economic reset or to help the transition brought about by the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

(ii) to introduce an Orwellian internal passport scheme.

(iii) to depopulate the planet.


2) Whether one accepts that dissenting voices should be allowed, even if you personally don't subscribe to (1), above.


Authoritarian regimes usually do things stealthily or by deception. Interestingly, I understand uptake in the vaccines are lower in ethnic minority communities. Perhaps that's because they tend to have less trust in government. 



To answer your point 1 - of course I believe in officials. I struggle to see how anyone who exists in the modern world can do so without believing in officials.

What food do you eat? Are you independently auditing factories and abattoirs? What water do you drink? Surely not from the tap, but how do you trust the officials in the bottled water company? And that's before we get into using cars or public transport (or how/if you use the money supply)....

Humanity is all about trusting others, without that we would be slow and unimpressive lion prey on the savannah. 

And as for two, of course dissenting voices should be allowed. Your position is that world governments, scientists and doctors are conspiring against the rest of humanity. It's mental of course, but part of you already knows that. Anti vaxxers have been around since vaccines, and the evidence suggests they are getting weaker and less numerous over time.

There will always be a hardcore minority who believe this nonsense and/or the moon landing was fake, the Royal Family are lizards. Unlike most other nonsense conspiracy theroies, anti vaxxers come with real world harm hence why they deserve to be criticised, ridiculed and ultimately ostrachised.

It won't change their mind, or your mind. Nothing will. It's not even worth trying.

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52 minutes ago, AlbionSaint said:

"I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky." - Bill Clinton

Boris Johnson's been caught telling a whopper. Those are just wee, relatively insignificant lies, of course. I'm sure Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, Mao, etc, have told a few ones. 

You're correct, though. You and I will never agree on this subject. I believe one should be extremely cynical and vigilant when it comes to what we're told by politicians and officials. I'm not claiming there is a depopulation agenda, but I am very suspicious of the response to this pandemic and believe there is an ulterior motive behind it.

I suppose there's not much more I can add to this thread. I don't (generally) believe in violence and I'm opposed to political violence of any form, and therefore was disappointed to read that Piers Corbyn said what is being alleged.

That's kinda the point, world leaders couldn't even hide a BJ or a Christmas party. Nixon couldn't even delete incriminating tape cassettes. Boris can't even hide who redocrated his flat.

The idea that they are running some mass, worldwide conspiracy involving 100s of thousands of conspirators is laughable.

They're often inept and corrupt, there's no doubt about that. Maniacal geniuses? Not for me. Voodoo Histories is a good book on the history of conspiracy theories if you're interested.

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9 minutes ago, AlbionSaint said:

Well, I hope you're right. 

I'm utterly convinced 9/11 was an inside job, and if you ever properly investigated and looked at the evidence 'in the round', it's difficult to conclude otherwise. But again, I'm sure we'll have to agree to disagree about that, too. :)


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6 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

I'll add one thing.

As much as I disagree with anti-vaxxers (and I very strongly do), I would rather live amongst them than live amongst moral high grounders.

The reason for that is quite simple. The former want to leave me the f**k alone and ask that I do otherwise. I respect that in a human. The latter can't stop their impulsive need to stick their noses into everyone else's business and control others. They are obsessed with the idea that only they know what's best for everyone and instantly judge others by the standards they've taken it upon themselves to write "for our benefit". They hide their control freakery behind the cliche - "the greater good". It's snivelling, sneaky, cowardly behaviour and those who engage in it are OFTW.

These control freaks are just absolutely insufferable to live and work alongside. I can't imagine they're much fun to drink with either TBH.

Rather odd stand to take. Do you support drink driving? Public defecation?

I have very little interest in my own business never mind anyone elses. I would prefer if people take vaccines but it certainly doesn't keep me up at night and I spent none of my time doing anything about it.

Society has also had these people and always will. I would consider saying nothing to be a more cowardly act than saying 'don't shit in the street' or 'take a vaccine to protect you and others'.

But fine, you don't like people commenting on the lives of others (except for when you're doing it I guess).

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Well, I hope you're right. 
I'm utterly convinced 9/11 was an inside job, and if you ever properly investigated and looked at the evidence 'in the round', it's difficult to conclude otherwise. But again, I'm sure we'll have to agree to disagree about that, too. [emoji4]
No you aren't [emoji23]

This is simply Detournement-lite attention seeking drivel
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1 hour ago, oaksoft said:

I'll add one thing.

As much as I disagree with anti-vaxxers (and I very strongly do), I would rather live amongst them than live amongst moral high grounders.

Personally I'd rather give a wide berth to anti-vax conspiracy cretins on the grounds that I think they're selfish c***s who are trying to make it all about them but each to their own. 

It's their choice whether to get vaccinated or not but it's equally my choice to have nothing to do with them. If that makes me a "moral high grounder" then I can live with that.

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